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interface MatchResult<Names extends string = string> { /** * The named specifiers within the captured match result. */ named: Record<Names, string | undefined>;
/** * The unnamed specifiers within the captured match result. The first unnamed * capture has an index of 0. */ unnamed: string[];
/** * The full match result. */ match: string;
/** * The starting index of the matching result. */ start: number;
/** * The ending index of the matching result. */ end: number;}
/** * Find every named capture group and unnamed capture group in the given string. * * @param content the content to search for matches. * @param regex the regex which determines the matches. It must include a global `g` flag. */export function* matchAll<Names extends string = string>( content: string, regex: RegExp,): Generator<MatchResult<Names>, void, unknown> { for (const contentMatch of content.matchAll(regex)) { yield getResult(contentMatch); }}
/** * Get the first match from the provided content. */export function matchOne<Names extends string = string>( content: string, regex: RegExp,): MatchResult<Names> | undefined { const contentMatch = content.match(regex);
if (!contentMatch) { return; }
return getResult(contentMatch);}
function getResult<Named extends string = string>( value: RegExpMatchArray,): MatchResult<Named> { const [match = "", ...unnamed] = value; const start = value.index ?? 0; const end = start + match.length; const named = value.groups ?? Object.create(null);
return { match, unnamed, start, end, named };}