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scaffold your next project with style and πŸ’—
import { copy, readerFromIterable } from "../src/deps/std.ts";import { glob, GlobProps } from "../src/glob.ts";import { stringToUint8Array, uint8ArrayToString } from "../src/utils.ts";import { assertSnapshot } from "./deps.ts";
export const cwd = new URL("..", import.meta.url).pathname;
export function run( args: string[], options: Pick<Deno.RunOptions, "stderr" | "stdout" | "stdin"> = {},) { return{ cmd: [ "deno", "run", "--unstable", "--allow-env", "--allow-net", "--allow-read", "--allow-write", "--allow-run", "scaffold.ts", ...args, ], ...options, cwd, env: { NO_COLOR: "1" }, });}
export async function runWithStdin(args: string[], stdin: string[]) { const process ={ cmd: ["deno", "task", "run", ...args], stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", env: { NO_COLOR: "1" }, cwd, });
const reader = readerFromIterable( => stringToUint8Array(value)), );
const [output, error, bytesCopied, status] = await Promise.all([ process.output(), process.stderrOutput(), copy(reader, process.stdin), process.status(), ]); process.stdin.close(); process.close();
return { output: uint8ArrayToString(output), error: uint8ArrayToString(error), bytesCopied, status, };}
export function snapshot<Content>(t: Deno.TestContext, content: Content) { return assertSnapshot(t, content, { dir: "./snapshots", serializer: (actual) => typeof actual === "string" ? actual : Deno.inspect(Array.isArray(actual) ? actual.sort() : actual, { colors: false, depth: 100, iterableLimit: Infinity, strAbbreviateSize: 100_000, trailingComma: true, sorted: true, }), });}
interface SnapshotFolderProps extends GlobProps { t: Deno.TestContext;}
export async function snapshotDirectory(props: SnapshotFolderProps) { const { t, } = props;
const iterator = glob(rest); const files: Record<string, string> = Object.create(null);
for await (const file of iterator) { if (file.isDirectory) continue; files[file.relative] = await Deno.readTextFile(file.absolute); }
await snapshot(t, files);}