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A TypeScript reference implementation of SCALE transcoding
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import { Codec, createCodec, metadata } from "../common/mod.ts"import { compact } from "./compact.ts"import { u32 } from "./int.ts"
const compactU32 = compact(u32)
export class BitSequence { readonly data;
[index: number]: boolean
constructor(readonly length = 0, data?: Uint8Array) { const byteLength = Math.ceil(length / 8) data ??= new Uint8Array(byteLength) if (data.length !== byteLength) { throw new Error("Incorrectly sized Uint8Array passed to BitSequence constructor") } = data }
static from(array: (boolean | 0 | 1)[]) { const sequence = new BitSequence(array.length) for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { sequence._setBit(i, array[i]!) } return sequence }
get byteLength() { return }
_hasBit(index: number): boolean { return 0 <= index && index < this.length && index === Math.floor(index) }
_getBit(index: number): boolean | undefined { if (!this._hasBit(index)) return undefined const i = Math.floor(index / 8) const j = 7 - index % 8 return !!([i]! & (1 << j)) }
_setBit(index: number, bit: boolean | 0 | 1): boolean { if (!this._hasBit(index)) return false const i = Math.floor(index / 8) const j = 7 - index % 8[i] =[i]! & ~(1 << j) | (+!!bit << j) return true }}
Object.setPrototypeOf( BitSequence.prototype, new Proxy(Object.prototype, { get: (target, k, receiver) => { const i = typeof k === "string" ? +k : NaN if (isNaN(i)) return Reflect.get(target, k, receiver) return (receiver as BitSequence)._getBit(i) }, set: (target, k, v, receiver) => { const i = typeof k === "string" ? +k : NaN if (isNaN(i)) return Reflect.set(target, k, v, receiver) return (receiver as BitSequence)._setBit(i, v) }, }),)
export const bitSequence: Codec<BitSequence> = createCodec({ _metadata: metadata("$.bitSequence"), _staticSize: compactU32._staticSize, _encode(buffer, value) { compactU32._encode(buffer, value.length) buffer.insertArray( }, _decode(buffer) { const length = compactU32._decode(buffer) const byteLength = Math.ceil(length / 8) return new BitSequence(length, buffer.array.subarray(buffer.index, buffer.index += byteLength)) }, _assert(assert) { assert.instanceof(this, BitSequence) },})