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A TypeScript reference implementation of SCALE transcoding
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import { AssertState, Codec, createCodec, metadata, ScaleAssertError, ScaleDecodeError, ScaleEncodeError,} from "../common/mod.ts"import { compact } from "./compact.ts"import { u32 } from "./int.ts"
const compactU32 = compact(u32)
export function iterable<TI, I extends Iterable<TI>, TO = TI, O = I>( props: { $el: Codec<TI, TO> calcLength: (iterable: I) => number rehydrate: (iterable: Iterable<TO>) => O assert: (this: Codec<I, O>, assert: AssertState) => void },): Codec<I, O> { return createCodec({ _metadata: metadata("$.iterable", iterable, props), _staticSize: compactU32._staticSize, _encode(buffer, value) { const length = props.calcLength(value) compactU32._encode(buffer, length) buffer.pushAlloc(length * props.$el._staticSize) let i = 0 for (const el of value) { props.$el._encode(buffer, el) i++ } if (i !== length) throw new ScaleEncodeError(this, value, "Incorrect length returned by calcLength") buffer.popAlloc() }, _decode(buffer) { const length = compactU32._decode(buffer) let done = false const value = props.rehydrate(function*() { for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { yield props.$el._decode(buffer) } done = true }()) if (!done) throw new ScaleDecodeError(this, buffer, "Iterable passed to rehydrate must be immediately exhausted") return value }, _assert(assert) {, assert) const length = props.calcLength(assert.value as I) let i = 0 for (const el of assert.value as I) { props.$el._assert(new AssertState(el, `#iterator[${i}]`)) i++ } if (i !== length) { throw new ScaleAssertError(this, assert.value, `${assert.path}: Incorrect length returned by calcLength`) } }, })}