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A TypeScript reference implementation of SCALE transcoding
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import { AssertState } from "./assert.ts"import { DecodeBuffer, EncodeBuffer } from "./buffer.ts"import { Metadata } from "./metadata.ts"import { ScaleAssertError, ScaleEncodeError } from "./util.ts"
export type Input<T extends AnyCodec> = T extends Codec<infer I, unknown> ? I : neverexport type Output<T extends AnyCodec> = T extends Codec<never, infer O> ? O : never
export function createCodec<I, O = I>( _codec: & ThisType<Codec<I, O>> & Pick<Codec<I, O>, "_encode" | "_decode" | "_assert" | "_staticSize" | "_metadata">,): Codec<I, O> { const { _staticSize, _encode, _assert, _decode, _metadata } = _codec const codec: Codec<I, O> = { // @ts-ignore __proto__: Codec.prototype, _staticSize, _encode, _decode, _assert, _metadata, } return codec}
type NoInfer<T> = T extends infer U ? U : neverexport function withMetadata<I, O>(metadata: Metadata<NoInfer<I>, NoInfer<O>>, codec: Codec<I, O>): Codec<I, O> { const result: Codec<I, O> = { // @ts-ignore __proto__: Codec.prototype, ...codec, _metadata: [...metadata as Metadata<I, O>, ...codec._metadata], } return result}
const codecInspectCtx = new Map<AnyCodec, number | null>()let codecInspectIdN = 0const nodeCustomInspect = Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")const denoCustomInspect = Symbol.for("Deno.customInspect")
abstract class _Codec { private [nodeCustomInspect](_0: unknown, _1: unknown, inspect: (value: unknown) => string) { return this._inspect(inspect) }
private [denoCustomInspect](inspect: (value: unknown, opts: unknown) => string, opts: unknown) { return this._inspect((x) => inspect(x, opts)) }
// Properly handles circular codecs in the case of $.deferred private _inspect(inspect: (value: unknown) => string): string private _inspect(this: AnyCodec, inspect: (value: unknown) => string): string { let id = codecInspectCtx.get(this) if (id !== undefined) { if (id === null) { codecInspectCtx.set(this, id = codecInspectIdN++) } return `$${id}` } try { codecInspectCtx.set(this, null) const metadata = this._metadata[0] const content = metadata ? metadata.type === "atomic" ? : `${}(${inspect(metadata.args).replace(/^\[(?: (.+) |(.+))\]$/s, "$1$2")})` : "?" id = codecInspectCtx.get(this) return id !== null ? `$${id} = ${content}` : content } finally { codecInspectCtx.delete(this) if (codecInspectCtx.size === 0) codecInspectIdN = 0 } }}
export type AnyCodec = Codec<never, unknown>export type Encodec<I> = Codec<I, unknown>export type Decodec<O> = Codec<never, O>
export abstract class Codec<in I, out O = I> extends _Codec implements AnyCodec { /** A static estimation of the size, which may be an under- or over-estimate */ abstract _staticSize: number /** Encodes the value into the supplied buffer, which should have at least `_staticSize` free byte. */ abstract _encode: (buffer: EncodeBuffer, value: I) => void /** Decodes the value from the supplied buffer */ abstract _decode: (buffer: DecodeBuffer) => O /** Asserts that the value is valid for this codec */ abstract _assert: (state: AssertState) => void /** An array with metadata representing the construction of this codec */ abstract _metadata: Metadata<I, O>
/** Encodes the value into a new Uint8Array (throws if async) */ encode(value: I) { const buf = new EncodeBuffer(this._staticSize) this._encode(buf, value) if (buf.asyncCount) throw new ScaleEncodeError(this, value, "Attempted to synchronously encode an async codec") return buf.finish() }
/** Asynchronously encodes the value into a new Uint8Array */ async encodeAsync(value: I) { const buf = new EncodeBuffer(this._staticSize) this._encode(buf, value) return buf.finishAsync() }
/** Decodes a value from the supplied Uint8Array */ decode(array: Uint8Array) { const buf = new DecodeBuffer(array) return this._decode(buf) }
/** Requires the codec to have an explicit type annotation; if it doesn't, use `$.assert` instead. */ assert(value: unknown): asserts value is I { assert(this, value) }}
/** Asserts that the value is valid for the specified codec */export function assert<I>(codec: Codec<I, unknown>, value: unknown): asserts value is I { codec._assert(new AssertState(value))}
export function is<T>(codec: Codec<T>, value: unknown): value is T { try { codec._assert(new AssertState(value)) return true } catch (e) { if (e instanceof ScaleAssertError) { return false } else { throw e } }}