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SDL2 module for Deno
import { cstring, i32, SizedFFIType, Struct, u16, u32, u64, u8,} from "";
let DENO_SDL2_PATH: string | undefined;try { DENO_SDL2_PATH = Deno.env.get("DENO_SDL2_PATH");} catch (_) { // ignore, this can only fail if permission is not given}
function isMacos() { return === "darwin";}
function isLinux() { return === "linux";}
function isWindows() { return === "windows";}
const OS_PREFIX = === "windows" ? "" : "lib";const OS_SUFFIX = === "windows" ? ".dll" : === "darwin" ? ".dylib" : ".so";
function getLibraryPath(lib: string): string { lib = `${OS_PREFIX}${lib}${OS_SUFFIX}`; if (DENO_SDL2_PATH) { return `${DENO_SDL2_PATH}/${lib}`; } else { return lib; }}
const sdl2 = Deno.dlopen(getLibraryPath("SDL2"), { "SDL_Init": { "parameters": ["u32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_InitSubSystem": { "parameters": ["u32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_QuitSubSystem": { "parameters": ["u32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_GetPlatform": { "parameters": [], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_GetError": { "parameters": [], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_PollEvent": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_WaitEvent": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver": { "parameters": [], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_CreateWindow": { "parameters": [ "buffer", "i32", "i32", "i32", "i32", "u32", ], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_DestroyWindow": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_GetWindowSize": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_GetWindowPosition": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_GetWindowFlags": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "u32", }, "SDL_SetWindowTitle": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowIcon": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowPosition": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowSize": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowFullscreen": { "parameters": ["pointer", "u32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowBordered": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowResizable": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowInputFocus": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetWindowGrab": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_CreateRenderer": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32", "u32"], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_SetRenderDrawColor": { "parameters": ["pointer", "u8", "u8", "u8", "u8"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderClear": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode": { "parameters": ["pointer", "u32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderPresent": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderDrawPoint": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderDrawPoints": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderDrawLine": { "parameters": ["pointer", "i32", "i32", "i32", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderDrawLines": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderDrawRect": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderDrawRects": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderFillRect": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderFillRects": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderCopy": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderCopyEx": { "parameters": [ "pointer", "pointer", "pointer", "pointer", "f32", "pointer", "u32", ], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_RenderReadPixels": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "u32", "pointer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_CreateTexture": { "parameters": ["pointer", "u32", "i32", "i32", "i32"], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_DestroyTexture": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_QueryTexture": { "parameters": [ "pointer", "buffer", "buffer", "buffer", "buffer", ], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetTextureColorMod": { "parameters": ["pointer", "u8", "u8", "u8"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod": { "parameters": ["pointer", "u8"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_UpdateTexture": { "parameters": ["pointer", "buffer", "buffer", "i32"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_LoadBMP_RW": { "parameters": ["buffer"], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer"], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_GetWindowWMInfo": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_GetVersion": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_Metal_CreateView": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_RaiseWindow": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_GetKeyName": { "parameters": ["i32"], "result": "pointer", }, "SDL_StartTextInput": { "parameters": [], "result": "i32", }, "SDL_StopTextInput": { "parameters": [], "result": "i32", },});
const SDL2_Image_symbols = { "IMG_Init": { "parameters": ["u32"], "result": "u32", }, "IMG_Load": { "parameters": ["buffer"], "result": "pointer", },} as const;
const SDL2_TTF_symbols = { "TTF_Init": { "parameters": [], "result": "u32", }, "TTF_OpenFont": { "parameters": ["buffer", "i32"], "result": "pointer", }, "TTF_RenderText_Solid": { "parameters": ["pointer", "buffer", "pointer"], "result": "pointer", }, "TTF_RenderText_Shaded": { "parameters": ["pointer", "pointer", "pointer", "pointer"], "result": "pointer", }, "TTF_RenderText_Blended": { "parameters": ["pointer", "buffer", "pointer"], "result": "pointer", }, "TTF_CloseFont": { "parameters": ["pointer"], "result": "i32", }, "TTF_Quit": { "parameters": [], "result": "i32", },} as const;
let sdl2Image: Deno.DynamicLibrary<typeof SDL2_Image_symbols>, sdl2Font: Deno.DynamicLibrary<typeof SDL2_TTF_symbols>;
try { sdl2Image = Deno.dlopen(getLibraryPath("SDL2_image"), SDL2_Image_symbols);} catch (_e) { console.log("SDL2_image not loaded. Some features will not be available.");}
try { sdl2Font = Deno.dlopen(getLibraryPath("SDL2_ttf"), SDL2_TTF_symbols);} catch (_e) { console.log("SDL2_ttf not loaded. Some features will not be available.");}
let context_alive = false;function init() { if (context_alive) { return; } context_alive = true; const result = sdl2.symbols.SDL_Init(0); if (result != 0) { const errPtr = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetError(); const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(errPtr!); throw new Error(`SDL_Init failed: ${view.getCString()}`); }
const platform = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetPlatform(); const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(platform!); console.log(`SDL2 initialized on ${view.getCString()}`); // Initialize subsystems // SDL_INIT_EVENTS { const result = sdl2.symbols.SDL_InitSubSystem(0x00000001); if (result != 0) { const errPtr = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetError(); const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(errPtr!); throw new Error(`SDL_InitSubSystem failed: ${view.getCString()}`); } } // SDL_INIT_VIDEO { const result = sdl2.symbols.SDL_InitSubSystem(0x00000010); if (result != 0) { const errPtr = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetError(); const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(errPtr!); throw new Error(`SDL_InitSubSystem failed: ${view.getCString()}`); } } // SDL_INIT_IMAGE { const result = sdl2.symbols.SDL_InitSubSystem(0x00000004); if (result != 0) { const errPtr = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetError(); const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(errPtr!); throw new Error(`SDL_InitSubSystem failed: ${view.getCString()}`); } } // IMG_Init { // TIF = 4, WEBP = 8 sdl2Image?.symbols.IMG_Init(1 | 2); // png and jpg } // SDL_INIT_TTF { const result = sdl2.symbols.SDL_InitSubSystem(0x00000100); if (result != 0) { const errPtr = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetError(); const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(errPtr!); throw new Error(`SDL_InitSubSystem failed: ${view.getCString()}`); } } // TTF_Init { sdl2Font?.symbols.TTF_Init(); }}
init();/** * An enum that contains structures for the different event types. */export enum EventType { First = 0, Quit = 0x100, AppTerminating = 0x101, AppLowMemory = 0x102, AppWillEnterBackground = 0x103, AppDidEnterBackground = 0x104, AppWillEnterForeground = 0x105, AppDidEnterForeground = 0x106, WindowEvent = 0x200, KeyDown = 0x300, KeyUp = 0x301, TextEditing = 0x302, TextInput = 0x303, MouseMotion = 0x400, MouseButtonDown = 0x401, MouseButtonUp = 0x402, MouseWheel = 0x403, // JoyAxisMotion = 0x600, // JoyBallMotion = 0x601, // JoyHatMotion = 0x602, // JoyButtonDown = 0x603, // JoyButtonUp = 0x604, // JoyDeviceAdded = 0x605, // JoyDeviceRemoved = 0x606, // ControllerAxisMotion = 0x650, // ControllerButtonDown = 0x651, // ControllerButtonUp = 0x652, // ControllerDeviceAdded = 0x653, // ControllerDeviceRemoved = 0x654, // ControllerDeviceRemapped = 0x655, // FingerDown = 0x700, // FingerUp = 0x701, // FingerMotion = 0x702, // DollarGesture = 0x800, // DollarRecord = 0x801, // MultiGesture = 0x802, // ClipboardUpdate = 0x900, // DropFile = 0x1000, // DropText = 0x1001, // DropBegin = 0x1002, // DropComplete = 0x1003, AudioDeviceAdded = 0x1100, AudioDeviceRemoved = 0x1101, // RenderTargetsReset = 0x2000, // RenderDeviceReset = 0x2001, User = 0x8000, Last = 0xFFFF, Draw,}
const _raw = Symbol("raw");const enc = new TextEncoder();
function asCString(str: string): Uint8Array { return enc.encode(`${str}\0`);}
function throwSDLError(): never { const error = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetError(); const view = Deno.UnsafePointerView.getCString(error!); throw new Error(`SDL Error: ${view}`);}
/** * SDL2 canvas. */export class Canvas { constructor( private window: Deno.PointerValue, private target: Deno.PointerValue, ) {}
/** * Set the color used for drawing operations (Rect, Line and Clear). * @param r the red value used to draw on the rendering target * @param g the green value used to draw on the rendering target * @param b the blue value used to draw on the rendering target * @param a the alpha value used to draw on the rendering target; usually SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE (255). */ setDrawColor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number) { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(, r, g, b, a); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Clear the current rendering target with the drawing color. */ clear() { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderClear(; if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } } /** * Update the screen with any rendering performed since the previous call. */ present() { sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderPresent(; }
/** * Draw a point on the current rendering target. * @param x the x coordinate of the point * @param y the y coordinate of the point */ drawPoint(x: number, y: number) { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderDrawPoint(, x, y); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Draw multiple points on the current rendering target. * @param points an array of Points (x, y) structures that represent the points to draw */ drawPoints(points: [number, number][]) { const intArray = new Int32Array(points.flat()); const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderDrawPoints(, Deno.UnsafePointer.of(intArray), intArray.length, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Draw a line on the current rendering target. * @param x1 the x coordinate of the start point * @param y1 the y coordinate of the start point * @param x2 the x coordinate of the end point * @param y2 the y coordinate of the end point */ drawLine(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderDrawLine(, x1, y1, x2, y2); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Draw a series of connected lines on the current rendering target. * @param points an array of Points (x, y) structures representing points along the lines */ drawLines(points: [number, number][]) { const intArray = new Int32Array(points.flat()); const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderDrawLines(, Deno.UnsafePointer.of(intArray), intArray.length, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Draw a rectangle on the current rendering target. * @param x the x coordinate of the rectangle * @param y the y coordinate of the rectangle * @param w the width of the rectangle * @param h the height of the rectangle */
drawRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) { const intArray = new Int32Array([x, y, w, h]); const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderDrawRect(, Deno.UnsafePointer.of(intArray), ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Draw some number of rectangles on the current rendering target. * @param rects an array of Rect (x, y, w, h) structures representing the rectangles to draw */ drawRects(rects: [number, number, number, number][]) { const intArray = new Int32Array(rects.flat()); const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderDrawRects(, Deno.UnsafePointer.of(intArray), intArray.length, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Fill a rectangle on the current rendering target with the drawing color. * @param x the x coordinate of the rectangle * @param y the y coordinate of the rectangle * @param w the width of the rectangle * @param h the height of the rectangle */ fillRect(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) { const intArray = new Int32Array([x, y, w, h]); const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderFillRect(, Deno.UnsafePointer.of(intArray), ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Fill some number of rectangles on the current rendering target with the drawing color. * @param rects an array of Rect (x, y, w, h) structures representing the rectangles to fill */ fillRects(rects: [number, number, number, number][]) { const intArray = new Int32Array(rects.flat()); const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderFillRects(, Deno.UnsafePointer.of(intArray), intArray.length, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Copy a portion of the texture to the current rendering target. * @param texture the source texture * @param source the source rectangle, or null to copy the entire texture * @param dest the destination rectangle, or null for the entire rendering target; the texture will be stretched to fill the given rectangle */ copy(texture: Texture, source?: Rect, dest?: Rect) { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_RenderCopy(, texture[_raw], source ? Deno.UnsafePointer.of(source[_raw]) : null, dest ? Deno.UnsafePointer.of(dest[_raw]) : null, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * TextureCreator is a helper class for creating textures. * @returns a TextureCreator object for use with creating textures */ textureCreator() { return new TextureCreator(; }
/** * Create a font from a file, using a specified point size. * @param path the path to the font file * @param size point size to use for the newly-opened font * @returns a Font object for use with rendering text */ loadFont(path: string, size: number) { const raw = sdl2Font.symbols.TTF_OpenFont(asCString(path), size); return new Font(raw); }}
/** * Font is a helper class for rendering text. */export class Font { [_raw]: Deno.PointerValue; constructor(raw: Deno.PointerValue) { this[_raw] = raw; } /** * Render a solid color version of the text. * @param text text to render, in Latin1 encoding. * @param color the foreground color of the text * @returns a Texture object */ renderSolid(text: string, color: Color) { const raw = sdl2Font.symbols.TTF_RenderText_Solid( this[_raw], asCString(text), color[_raw], ); return new Texture(raw); }
/** * Render text at high quality to a new ARGB surface. * @param text text to render, in Latin1 encoding. * @param color the foreground color of the text * @returns a Texture object */ renderBlended(text: string, color: Color) { const raw = sdl2Font.symbols.TTF_RenderText_Blended( this[_raw], asCString(text), color[_raw], ); return new Texture(raw); }}
/** * Color is a helper class for representing colors. */export class Color { [_raw]: Deno.PointerValue; constructor(r: number, g: number, b: number, a: number = 0xff) { const raw = new Uint8Array([r, g, b, a]); this[_raw] = Deno.UnsafePointer.of(raw); }}/** * A structure that contains pixel format information. * @see */export enum PixelFormat { Unknown = 0, Index1LSB = 286261504, Index1MSB = 287310080, Index4LSB = 303039488, Index4MSB = 304088064, Index8 = 318769153, RGB332 = 336660481, XRGB4444 = 353504258, XBGR4444 = 357698562, XRGB1555 = 353570562, XBGR1555 = 357764866, ARGB4444 = 355602434, RGBA4444 = 356651010, ABGR4444 = 359796738, BGRA4444 = 360845314, ARGB1555 = 355667970, RGBA5551 = 356782082, ABGR1555 = 359862274, BGRA5551 = 360976386, RGB565 = 353701890, BGR565 = 357896194, RGB24 = 386930691, BGR24 = 390076419, XRGB8888 = 370546692, RGBX8888 = 371595268, XBGR8888 = 374740996, BGRX8888 = 375789572, ARGB8888 = 372645892, RGBA8888 = 373694468, ABGR8888 = 376840196, BGRA8888 = 377888772, ARGB2101010 = 372711428, YV12 = 842094169, IYUV = 1448433993, YUY2 = 844715353, UYVY = 1498831189, YVYU = 1431918169,}
/** * An enumeration of texture access patterns. * @see */export enum TextureAccess { Static = 0, Streaming = 1, Target = 2,}
/** * A class used to create textures. */export class TextureCreator { constructor(private raw: Deno.PointerValue) {}
/** * Create a texture for a rendering context. * @param format the format of the texture * @param access one of the enumerated values in TextureAccess or a number * @param w the width of the texture in pixels * @param h the height of the texture in pixels * @returns a Texture object * * @example * ```ts * const creator = canvas.textureCreator(); * const texture = creator.createTexture( * PixelFormat.RGBA8888, * TextureAccess.Static, * 640, * 480, * ); * ``` */ createTexture( format: number, access: number, w: number, h: number, ): Texture { const raw = sdl2.symbols.SDL_CreateTexture( this.raw, format, access, w, h, ); if (raw === null) { throwSDLError(); } return new Texture(raw); }
/** * Create a texture from a surface. * @param surface the surface used to create the texture * @returns a Texture object */
createTextureFromSurface(surface: Surface): Texture { const raw = sdl2.symbols.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface( this.raw, surface[_raw], ); if (raw === null) { throwSDLError(); } return new Texture(raw); }}
/** * An interface that contains information about a texture. */export interface TextureQuery { format: number; access: TextureAccess; w: number; h: number;}
/** * A structure that contains an efficient, driver-specific representation of pixel data. * @see */export class Texture { [_raw]: Deno.PointerValue;
constructor(private raw: Deno.PointerValue) { this[_raw] = raw; }
/** * Query the attributes of a texture. * @returns a TextureQuery */ query(): TextureQuery { const format = new Uint32Array(1); const access = new Uint32Array(1); const w = new Uint32Array(1); const h = new Uint32Array(1);
const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_QueryTexture( this.raw, format, access, w, h, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } return { format: format[0], access: access[0], w: w[0], h: h[0], }; } /** * Set an additional color value multiplied into render copy operations. * @param r the red color value * @param g the green color value * @param b the blue color value */ setColorMod(r: number, g: number, b: number) { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_SetTextureColorMod( this.raw, r, g, b, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } } /** * Set an additional alpha value multiplied into render copy operations. * @param a the source alpha value multiplied into copy operations */ setAlphaMod(a: number) { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_SetTextureAlphaMod(this.raw, a); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }
/** * Update the given texture rectangle with new pixel data. * @param pixels the raw pixel data in the format of the texture * @param pitch the number of bytes in a row of pixel data, including padding between lines * @param rect an Rect representing the area to update, or null to update the entire texture */ update(pixels: Uint8Array, pitch: number, rect?: Rect) { const ret = sdl2.symbols.SDL_UpdateTexture( this.raw, rect ? rect[_raw] : null, pixels, pitch, ); if (ret < 0) { throwSDLError(); } }}
/** * A structure that contains the definition of a rectangle, with the origin at the upper left. * @see */export class Rect { [_raw]: Uint32Array; constructor(x: number, y: number, w: number, h: number) { this[_raw] = new Uint32Array([x, y, w, h]); } /** * The x coordinate of the rectangle. */ get x() { return this[_raw][0]; } /** * The y coordinate of the rectangle. */ get y() { return this[_raw][1]; } /** * The width of the rectangle. */ get width() { return this[_raw][2]; } /** * The height of the rectangle. */ get height() { return this[_raw][3]; }}/** * A structure that contains a collection of pixels used in software blitting. */export class Surface { [_raw]: Deno.PointerValue; constructor(raw: Deno.PointerValue) { this[_raw] = raw; }
/** * Create a surface from a file. * @param path the path to the image file * @returns a Surface */ static fromFile(path: string): Surface { if (!sdl2Image) { throw new Error("SDL2_image was not loaded"); }
const raw = sdl2Image.symbols.IMG_Load(asCString(path)); if (raw === null) { throwSDLError(); } return new Surface(raw); } /** * @param path the path to the bmp (bitmap) file * @returns a Surface */ static loadBmp(path: string): Surface { if (!sdl2Image) { throw new Error("SDL2_image was not loaded"); }
const raw = sdl2.symbols.SDL_LoadBMP_RW(asCString(path)); if (raw === null) { throwSDLError(); } return new Surface(raw); }}
const sizeOfEvent = 56; // type (u32) + eventconst eventBuf = new Uint8Array(sizeOfEvent);function makeReader<T extends Record<string, SizedFFIType<unknown>>>( eventType: Struct<T>,) { return (reader: Deno.UnsafePointerView) => { return; };}
const SDL_QuitEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32,});
const SDL_CommonEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32,});
const SDL_WindowEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, windowID: u32, event: u8, padding1: u8, padding2: u8, padding3: u8, data1: i32, data2: i32,});
// deno-lint-ignore no-unused-varsconst SDL_DisplayEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, display: u32, event: u8, padding1: u8, padding2: u8, padding3: u8, data1: i32, data2: i32,});
const SDL_KeySym = new Struct({ scancode: u32, sym: u32, mod: u16, unicode: u32,});
const SDL_KeyboardEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, windowID: u32, state: u8, repeat: u8, padding2: u8, padding3: u8, keysym: SDL_KeySym,});
const SDL_MouseMotionEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, windowID: u32, which: u32, state: u32, x: i32, y: i32, xrel: i32, yrel: i32,});
const SDL_MouseButtonEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, windowID: u32, which: u32, button: u8, state: u8, padding1: u8, padding2: u8, x: i32, y: i32,});
const SDL_MouseWheelEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, windowID: u32, which: u32, x: i32, y: i32,});
const SDL_AudioDeviceEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, which: u32, event: u8, padding1: u8, padding2: u8, padding3: u8, data1: i32, data2: i32,});
const SDL_FirstEvent = new Struct({ type: u32,});
const SDL_LastEvent = new Struct({ type: u32,});
const SDL_Version = new Struct({ major: u8, minor: u8, patch: u8,});
const SDL_SysWMInfo = new Struct({ version: SDL_Version, subsystem: u32, window: u64,});
const SDL_TextEditingEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, windowID: u32, // @ts-ignore text: cstring, start: i32, length: i32,});
const SDL_TextInputEvent = new Struct({ type: u32, timestamp: u32, windowID: u32, // @ts-ignore text: cstring,});
/* bug in byte_type@0.1.7 where SDL_SysWMInfo.size is NaN */const sizeOfSDL_SysWMInfo = 3 + 4 + 8 * 64;const wmInfoBuf = new Uint8Array(sizeOfSDL_SysWMInfo);
type Reader<T> = (reader: Deno.UnsafePointerView) => T;
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyconst eventReader: Record<EventType, Reader<any>> = { [EventType.First]: makeReader(SDL_FirstEvent), [EventType.Quit]: makeReader(SDL_QuitEvent), [EventType.WindowEvent]: makeReader(SDL_WindowEvent), [EventType.AppTerminating]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent), [EventType.AppLowMemory]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent), [EventType.AppWillEnterBackground]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent), [EventType.AppDidEnterBackground]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent), [EventType.AppWillEnterForeground]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent), [EventType.AppDidEnterForeground]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent), // [EventType.Display]: makeReader(SDL_DisplayEvent), [EventType.KeyDown]: makeReader(SDL_KeyboardEvent), [EventType.KeyUp]: makeReader(SDL_KeyboardEvent), [EventType.TextEditing]: makeReader(SDL_TextEditingEvent), [EventType.TextInput]: makeReader(SDL_TextInputEvent), [EventType.MouseMotion]: makeReader(SDL_MouseMotionEvent), [EventType.MouseButtonDown]: makeReader(SDL_MouseButtonEvent), [EventType.MouseButtonUp]: makeReader(SDL_MouseButtonEvent), [EventType.MouseWheel]: makeReader(SDL_MouseWheelEvent), [EventType.AudioDeviceAdded]: makeReader(SDL_AudioDeviceEvent), [EventType.AudioDeviceRemoved]: makeReader(SDL_AudioDeviceEvent), [EventType.User]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent), [EventType.Last]: makeReader(SDL_LastEvent), // TODO: Unrechable code [EventType.Draw]: makeReader(SDL_CommonEvent),};
export function getKeyName(key: number) { const name = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetKeyName(key); const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(name!); return view.getCString();}
export function startTextInput() { sdl2.symbols.SDL_StartTextInput();}
export function stopTextInput() { sdl2.symbols.SDL_StopTextInput();}
/** * A window. */export class Window { constructor( private raw: Deno.PointerValue, private metalView: Deno.PointerValue | null, ) {}
/** * Create a 2D rendering context for a window. * @returns a valid rendering context (Canvas) */ canvas() { // Hardware accelerated canvas const raw = sdl2.symbols.SDL_CreateRenderer(this.raw, -1, 0); return new Canvas(this.raw, raw); }
raise() { sdl2.symbols.SDL_RaiseWindow(this.raw); }
/** * Return a Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface that can be used * with WebGPU. */ windowSurface(): Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface { const wm_info = Deno.UnsafePointer.of(wmInfoBuf);
// Initialize the version info. sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetVersion(wm_info);
const handle = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(this.raw, wm_info); if (handle == 0) { throwSDLError(); }
const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(wm_info!);
const subsystem = view.getUint32(4); // u32
if (isMacos()) { const SDL_SYSWM_COCOA = 4;
const window = view.getPointer(4 + 4)!; // usize if (subsystem != SDL_SYSWM_COCOA) { throw new Error("Expected SDL_SYSWM_COCOA on macOS"); } return new Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface("cocoa", window, this.metalView); }
if (isWindows()) { const SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS = 1; const SDL_SYSWM_WINRT = 8;
const window = view.getPointer(4 + 4)!; // usize if (subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS) { const hinstance = view.getPointer(4 + 4 + 8 + 8)!; // usize (gap of 8 bytes) return new Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface("win32", window, hinstance); } else if (subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_WINRT) { return new Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface("winrt", window, null); } throw new Error( "Expected SDL_SYSWM_WINRT or SDL_SYSWM_WINDOWS on Windows", ); }
if (isLinux()) { const SDL_SYSWM_X11 = 2; const SDL_SYSWM_WAYLAND = 6;
const display = view.getPointer(4 + 4)!; // usize if (subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_X11) { const window = view.getPointer(4 + 4 + 8)!; // usize return new Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface("x11", window, display); } else if (subsystem == SDL_SYSWM_WAYLAND) { const surface = view.getPointer(4 + 4 + 8)!; // usize return new Deno.UnsafeWindowSurface("wayland", surface, display); } throw new Error("Expected SDL_SYSWM_X11 or SDL_SYSWM_WAYLAND on Linux"); }
throw new Error("Unsupported platform"); }
/** * Events from the window. */ async *events(wait = false) { while (true) { const event = Deno.UnsafePointer.of(eventBuf);
const shouldWait = wait || sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetWindowFlags(this.raw) & (WINDOW_FLAGS.MINIMIZED | WINDOW_FLAGS.HIDDEN); const pending = (shouldWait ? sdl2.symbols.SDL_WaitEvent(event) : sdl2.symbols.SDL_PollEvent(event)) == 1; if (!pending) { yield { type: EventType.Draw }; } if (shouldWait) { // Run microtasks. await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0) ); } const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(event!); const type = view.getUint32(); const ev = eventReader[type as EventType]; if (!ev) { // throw new Error(`Unknown event type: ${type}`); continue; } yield { ...ev(view) }; } }
[Symbol.dispose]() { sdl2.symbols.SDL_DestroyWindow(this.raw); }}
// Copied from on 6/13/2023enum WINDOW_FLAGS { FULLSCREEN = 0x00000001, /**< window is in fullscreen mode */ OPENGL = 0x00000002, /**< window usable with OpenGL context */ HIDDEN = 0x00000008, /**< window is not visible */ BORDERLESS = 0x00000010, /**< no window decoration */ RESIZABLE = 0x00000020, /**< window can be resized */ MINIMIZED = 0x00000040, /**< window is minimized */ MAXIMIZED = 0x00000080, /**< window is maximized */ MOUSE_GRABBED = 0x00000100, /**< window has grabbed mouse input */ INPUT_FOCUS = 0x00000200, /**< window has input focus */ MOUSE_FOCUS = 0x00000400, /**< window has mouse focus */ FOREIGN = 0x00000800, /**< window not created by SDL */ HIGH_PIXEL_DENSITY = 0x00002000, /**< window uses high pixel density back buffer if possible */ MOUSE_CAPTURE = 0x00004000, /**< window has mouse captured (unrelated to MOUSE_GRABBED) */ ALWAYS_ON_TOP = 0x00008000, /**< window should always be above others */ SKIP_TASKBAR = 0x00010000, /**< window should not be added to the taskbar */ UTILITY = 0x00020000, /**< window should be treated as a utility window */ TOOLTIP = 0x00040000, /**< window should be treated as a tooltip */ POPUP_MENU = 0x00080000, /**< window should be treated as a popup menu */ KEYBOARD_GRABBED = 0x00100000, /**< window has grabbed keyboard input */ VULKAN = 0x10000000, /**< window usable for Vulkan surface */ METAL = 0x20000000, /**< window usable for Metal view */ TRANSPARENT = 0x40000000, /**< window with transparent buffer */}
/** * A window builder to create a window. * @example * ```ts * const window = new WindowBuilder("Hello World", 800, 600); * ``` */export class WindowBuilder { private flags: number = 0; constructor( private title: string, private width: number, private height: number, ) {}
/** * Build a window. * @returns a window */ build() { const title = asCString(this.title); const window = sdl2.symbols.SDL_CreateWindow( title, 0x2FFF0000, 0x2FFF0000, this.width, this.height, this.flags, );
if (window === null) { throwSDLError(); }
const metal_view = isMacos() ? sdl2.symbols.SDL_Metal_CreateView(window) : null; return new Window(window, metal_view); }
/** * Set the window to be fullscreen. */ fullscreen() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.FULLSCREEN; return this; }
/** * Window usable with an OpenGL context */ opengl() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.OPENGL; return this; }
/** window is not visible */ hidden() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.HIDDEN; return this; }
/** * Set the window to be borderless. */ borderless() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.BORDERLESS; return this; }
/** * Set the window to be resizable. */ resizable() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.RESIZABLE; return this; }
/** window is minimized */ minimized() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.MINIMIZED; return this; }
/** window is maximized */ maximized() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.MAXIMIZED; return this; }
/** window has grabbed mouse input */ mouseGrabbed() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.MOUSE_GRABBED; return this; }
/** window has input focus */ inputFocus() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.INPUT_FOCUS; return this; }
/** window has mouse focus */ mouseFocus() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.MOUSE_FOCUS; return this; }
/** * Set the window to be a foreign window. */ foreign() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.FOREIGN; return this; }
/** * Window should be created in high-DPI mode. */ highPixelDensity() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.HIGH_PIXEL_DENSITY; return this; }
/** window has mouse captured (unrelated to MOUSE_GRABBED) */ mouseCapture() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.MOUSE_CAPTURE; return this; }
/** * Set the window to be always on top. */ alwaysOnTop() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.ALWAYS_ON_TOP; return this; }
/** window should not be added to the taskbar */ skipTaskbar() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.SKIP_TASKBAR; return this; }
/** window should be treated as a utility window */ utility() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.UTILITY; return this; }
/** window should be treated as a tooltip */ tooltip() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.TOOLTIP; return this; }
/** window should be treated as a popup menu */ popupMenu() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.POPUP_MENU; return this; }
/** window has grabbed keyboard input */ keyboardGrabbed() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.KEYBOARD_GRABBED; return this; }
/** window usable for Vulkan surface */ vulkan() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.VULKAN; return this; }
/** window usable for Metal view */ metal() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.METAL; return this; }
/** window with transparent buffer */ transparent() { this.flags |= WINDOW_FLAGS.TRANSPARENT; return this; }}/** * A video subsystem. */export class VideoSubsystem { /** * Get the name of the currently initialized video driver. */ currentVideoDriver(): string { const buf = sdl2.symbols.SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(); if (buf === null) { throwSDLError(); } const view = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(buf); return view.getCString(); }}