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const { args,} = Deno;
const sendgridUri = "";
export interface IOptions { apiKey: string;}
export interface IResult { success: boolean; errors?: string[];}
export interface IAddress { email: string; name?: string;}
export interface IContent { type: string; value: string;}
export interface IAttachment { content: string; filename: string; type?: string; disposition?: string; contentId?: string;}
export interface IPersonalization { to: IAddress[]; cc?: IAddress[]; bcc?: IAddress[]; subject: string; substitutions?: any; customArgs?: any; dynamicTemplateData?: any; headers?: any;}
export interface IRequestBody { personalizations: IPersonalization[]; from: IAddress; replyTo?: IAddress; content: IContent[]; attachments?: IAttachment[]; templateId?: string; headers?: any; sections?: any; categories?: string[]; customArgs?: any; sendAt?: number; batchId?: string; ipPoolName?: string; asm?: { groupId: number; groupsToDisplay: number[]; }; mailSettings?: { bcc?: { enable?: boolean; email?: string; }; bypassListManagement?: { enable?: boolean; }; footer?: { enable?: boolean; text?: string; html?: string; }; sandboxMode?: { enable?: boolean; }; spamCheck?: { enable?: boolean; threshold?: number; postToUrl?: string; }; }; //trackingSettings?}
export interface ISimpleRequestBody { to: IAddress[]; cc?: IAddress[]; bcc?: IAddress[]; subject: string; from: IAddress; replyTo?: IAddress; content: IContent[]; attachments?: IAttachment[]; templateId?: string; dynamicTemplateData?: any;}
//// Some keys shouldn't be snake cased. These are those.//function isImmune(key: string): boolean { switch (key) { case "dynamicTemplateData": case "customArgs": case "headers": case "sections": return true; default: return false; }}
function snakeCaseString(str: string): string { let result = str;
let matches = str.match( /[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z]+[0-9]*|\b)|[A-Z]?[a-z]+[0-9]*|[A-Z]|[0-9]+/g, ); if (matches && matches.length) { matches = string) => { return x.toLowerCase(); }); result = matches.join("_"); } return result;}
// function isAny(toBeDetermined: PersonOrAnimal): toBeDetermined is Animal {// if((toBeDetermined as Animal).type){// return true// }// return false// }// view raw
function snakeCaseObject(obj: any): any { if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return (val, key) { return (typeof val === "object") ? snakeCaseObject(val) : val; }); } else if (typeof obj === "object") { var res: any = {}; for (var key in obj) { var val = obj[key]; if (typeof val === "object") { res[snakeCaseString(key)] = isImmune(key) ? val : snakeCaseObject(val); } else { res[snakeCaseString(key)] = val; } } return res; } else { return obj; }}
export const sendSimpleMail = async ( requestBody: ISimpleRequestBody, options: IOptions,): Promise<IResult> => { let mail: IRequestBody = { personalizations: [{ to:, cc:, bcc: requestBody.bcc, subject: requestBody.subject, dynamicTemplateData: requestBody.dynamicTemplateData, }], from: requestBody.from, replyTo: requestBody.replyTo, content: requestBody.content, attachments: requestBody.attachments, templateId: requestBody.templateId, };
return sendMail(mail, options);};
export const sendMail = async ( requestBody: IRequestBody, options: IOptions,): Promise<IResult> => { let mail = snakeCaseObject(requestBody); let json = JSON.stringify(mail);
const response = await fetch(sendgridUri, { method: "POST", headers: { "authorization": `Bearer ${options.apiKey}`, "content-type": "application/json", }, body: json, });
let result: IResult = { success: true, };
// // This will cause an exception from SendGrid, because SendGrid returns an // empty JSON body. However, if you don't call it, you'll leak a resource // that doesn't appear to have a close(). // try { let responseBody = await response.json(); if (responseBody) { result.success = false; result.errors = responseBody.errors; } } catch (ex) {}
return result;};