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A quick and dirty cli time-tracker
import { dim, bold, underline,} from "";
import { Command } from "";import { Select } from "";
import startOfWeek from "";import endOfWeek from "";import startOfMonth from "";import endOfMonth from "";import eachDayOfInterval from "";import format from "";
import { getOngoingSession, hydrateTasks, loadTaskIndex, loadSessionIndex, SessionIndex, TaskIndex, groupTasks, groupSessions, printSessionGroup, printTaskGroups, printTask, printSession, hydrateSessions, flattenTasks, flattenSessions, formatDuration, sumDuration, SessionGroup, TaskGroup,} from "./utils.ts";
const selectDay = async ( sessionIndex: SessionIndex, taskIndex: TaskIndex): Promise<string> => { const days = [ Set([ ...Object.keys(sessionIndex.byDate), ...Object.keys(taskIndex.byCreationDate), ...Object.keys(taskIndex.byCompletionDate), ]), ].map((date) => +new Date(date)); days.sort(); let dayStrings = => new Date(date).toDateString()).reverse();
return Select.prompt({ message: "Select the day", options: dayStrings, });};
const selectWeek = async ( sessionIndex: SessionIndex, taskIndex: TaskIndex): Promise<string> => { const days = [ Set( [ ...Object.keys(sessionIndex.byDate), ...Object.keys(taskIndex.byCreationDate), ...Object.keys(taskIndex.byCompletionDate), ].map((day) => startOfWeek(new Date(day), {}).getTime()) ), ]; days.sort(); let dayStrings = days .map((day) => { const date = new Date(day);
return { name: `Week from ${date.toDateString()} to ${endOfWeek( date, {} ).toDateString()} `, value: date.toDateString(), }; }) .reverse();
return Select.prompt({ message: "Select the week", options: dayStrings, });};
const selectMonth = async ( sessionIndex: SessionIndex, taskIndex: TaskIndex): Promise<string> => { const days = [ Set( [ ...Object.keys(sessionIndex.byDate), ...Object.keys(taskIndex.byCreationDate), ...Object.keys(taskIndex.byCompletionDate), ].map((day) => startOfMonth(new Date(day)).getTime()) ), ]; days.sort(); let dayStrings = days .map((day) => { const date = new Date(day);
return { name: `${format(date, "MMMM y", {})}`, value: date.toDateString(), }; }) .reverse();
return Select.prompt({ message: "Select the month", options: dayStrings, });};
type ReviewData = { sessions: SessionGroup; createdTasks: TaskGroup; completedTasks: TaskGroup;};
type ReviewInterval = { start: Date; end: Date;};
const reviewDataBetween = async ( interval: ReviewInterval, sessionIndex: SessionIndex, taskIndex: TaskIndex): Promise<ReviewData> => { const days: string[] = eachDayOfInterval(interval, {}).map((date: Date) => date.toDateString() );
const sessions = groupSessions( await hydrateSessions(days.flatMap((day) => sessionIndex.byDate[day] ?? [])) ); const createdTasks = groupTasks( await hydrateTasks( days.flatMap((day) => taskIndex.byCreationDate[day] ?? []) ) ); const completedTasks = groupTasks( await hydrateTasks( days.flatMap((day) => taskIndex.byCompletionDate[day] ?? []) ) );
return { sessions, createdTasks, completedTasks };};
const printReview = ( { sessions, createdTasks, completedTasks }: ReviewData, projectName?: string) => { const flatSessions = projectName ? sessions[projectName] ?? [] : flattenSessions(sessions); console.log(underline(bold(`\n${flatSessions.length} Sessions:`)));
if (projectName != null) { flatSessions.forEach((session) => printSession(session, "\t")); } else { printSessionGroup(sessions, "\t"); }
console.log( `\n\t${dim("Total duration:")} ${bold( formatDuration(sumDuration(flatSessions)) )}` );
console.log( underline( bold( `\n${ (projectName ? createdTasks[projectName] ?? [] : flattenTasks(createdTasks) ).length } Created Tasks:` ) ) );
if (projectName != null) { (createdTasks[projectName] ?? []).forEach((task) => printTask(task, "\t")); } else { printTaskGroups(createdTasks, "\t"); }
console.log( underline( bold( `\n${ (projectName ? completedTasks[projectName] ?? [] : flattenTasks(completedTasks) ).length } Completed Tasks:` ) ) ); if (projectName != null) { (completedTasks[projectName] ?? []).forEach((task) => printTask(task, "\t") ); } else { printTaskGroups(completedTasks, "\t"); }};
const showDailyReview = async ( shouldBeInteractive: boolean, projectName?: string) => { const sessionIndex = await loadSessionIndex(); const taskIndex = await loadTaskIndex();
const day = shouldBeInteractive ? await selectDay(sessionIndex, taskIndex) : new Date().toDateString();
const sessions = groupSessions( await hydrateSessions(sessionIndex.byDate[day] ?? []) ); const createdTasks = groupTasks( await hydrateTasks(taskIndex.byCreationDate[day] ?? []) ); const completedTasks = groupTasks( await hydrateTasks(taskIndex.byCompletionDate[day] ?? []) );
console.log(underline(bold(`${day}`))); printReview({ sessions, createdTasks, completedTasks }, projectName);};
const weekInterval = (dateString: string): ReviewInterval => { const weekStart = new Date(dateString);
return { start: weekStart, end: endOfWeek(weekStart, {}), };};
const showWeeklyReview = async ( shouldBeInteractive: boolean, projectName?: string) => { const sessionIndex = await loadSessionIndex(); const taskIndex = await loadTaskIndex();
const day = shouldBeInteractive ? await selectWeek(sessionIndex, taskIndex) : startOfWeek(new Date(), {}).toDateString();
const review = await reviewDataBetween( weekInterval(day), sessionIndex, taskIndex );
printReview(review, projectName);};
const monthInterval = (dateString: string): ReviewInterval => { const monthStart = new Date(dateString);
return { start: monthStart, end: endOfMonth(monthStart), };};
const showMonthlyReview = async ( shouldBeInteractive: boolean, projectName?: string) => { const sessionIndex = await loadSessionIndex(); const taskIndex = await loadTaskIndex();
const day = shouldBeInteractive ? await selectMonth(sessionIndex, taskIndex) : startOfMonth(new Date()).toDateString();
const review = await reviewDataBetween( monthInterval(day), sessionIndex, taskIndex );
printReview(review, projectName);};
type ReviewOptions = { interactive: boolean; week: boolean; month: boolean; current: boolean; project?: string;};export const review = new Command() .version("0.0.1") .description("Review what you've done") .option( "-i, --interactive [interactive:boolean]", "Select the specific date to review" ) .option("-w, --week [week:boolean]", "Review your week so far", { conflicts: ["month"], }) .option("-m, --month [month:boolean]", "Review your month so far") .option( "-c, --current [current:boolean]", "Keep the review contained to the project of the current session", { conflicts: ["project"] } ) .option( "-p, --project [project:string]", "Keep the review contained to a specific project" ) .action( async ({ interactive: shouldBeInteractive, week: shouldShowWeek, month: shouldShowMonth, current: shouldShowCurrent, project: projectName, }: ReviewOptions) => { if (shouldShowCurrent) { projectName = (await getOngoingSession())?.projectName; }
if (shouldShowMonth) { return showMonthlyReview(shouldBeInteractive, projectName); } else if (shouldShowWeek) { return showWeeklyReview(shouldBeInteractive, projectName); } else { return showDailyReview(shouldBeInteractive, projectName); } } );