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A quick and dirty cli time-tracker
import { v4 } from "";import { ensureFile, writeJson } from "";import { exec, OutputMode } from "";
import { Input, Select } from "";
import { Command } from "";
import { loadSessionIndex, SESSION_INDEX_PATH, getProject, setStore, getOngoingSession, getSessionPath, Session, formatDuration, getProjectTasks,} from "./utils.ts";
const setOngoingSession = async (session: Session): Promise<void> => { return setStore({ ongoingSession:, });};
const clearOngoingSession = async (): Promise<void> => { return setStore({ ongoingSession: undefined, });};
const addToIndex = async (session: Session): Promise<void> => { const index = await loadSessionIndex();
index.byProject[session.projectName] = [ ...(index.byProject[session.projectName] ?? []),, ];
let formattedStartDate = new Date(session.sessionStart).toDateString(); index.byDate[formattedStartDate] = [ ...(index.byDate[formattedStartDate] ?? []),, ];
index.ordered = [...index.ordered,];
await writeJson(SESSION_INDEX_PATH, index, { spaces: 2 });};
const saveSession = async (session: Session): Promise<void> => { await addToIndex(session);
const sessionPath = getSessionPath(;
await ensureFile(sessionPath); await writeJson(sessionPath, session, { spaces: 2 }); await setOngoingSession(session);};
const endSession = async (session: Session): Promise<Session> => { session.sessionEnd =;
await writeJson(getSessionPath(, session, { spaces: 2, }); await clearOngoingSession();
return session;};
const createSession = async ( runHook: boolean, projectName?: string): Promise<Session> => { const project = await getProject(projectName); const tasks = await getProjectTasks(; let focus = await Select.prompt({ message: "Select a task to focus on", options: [{ description }) => description), "Create a new task", ], });
if (focus === "Create a new task") focus = await Input.prompt("What will be the focus of this session?");
const session = { id: v4.generate(), projectName:, focus, sessionStart:, };
await saveSession(session);
if (project.onStart && runHook) { await exec(project.onStart, { output: OutputMode.None }); }
return session;};
// Sub-Commandsconst sessionStart = new Command() .version("0.0.1") .description("Start a working session") .option( "-l, --hookless [hookless:boolean]", "Start a session without running the project `onStart` hook" ) .option( "-p, --project [project:string]", "The name of the project to work on" ) .action( async ({ project: projectName, hookless, }: { project?: string; hookless: boolean; }) => { const session = await getOngoingSession(); if (session != null) { console.log("There is an ongoing session. Did you forget to end it?"); return; }
await createSession(!hookless, projectName); console.log("Session Started! Get to work!"); } );
const sessionEnd = new Command() .version("0.0.1") .description("End a working session") .action(async () => { let session = await getOngoingSession(); if (session == null) { console.log("There is no ongoing session. Did you forget to start it?"); return; }
session = await endSession(session); console.log( `Good job! Your session has been logged.\nFocus: ${ session.focus }\nDuration: ${formatDuration( (session.sessionEnd ?? - session.sessionStart )}` ); });
const sessionRecap = new Command() .version("0.0.1") .description("Shows stats for current working session") .action(async () => { const session = await getOngoingSession(); if (session == null) { console.log("There is no ongoing session. Did you forget to start it?"); return; }
console.log( `Current Session\nFocus: ${session.focus}\nDuration: ${formatDuration( (session.sessionEnd ?? - session.sessionStart )}` ); });
// Main Commandexport const session = new Command() .version("0.0.1") .description("Sentinel Session Management") .command("start", sessionStart) .command("end", sessionEnd) .command("recap", sessionRecap);