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A quick and dirty cli time-tracker
import { ensureFile, readJson, writeJson,} from "";
import { dim, bold, strikethrough, underline,} from "";
import { Select, Input } from "";
const home = Deno.env.get("HOME");/** * The Path to the stored sentinel data */export const SENTINEL_PATH = home + "/.sentinel";export const SESSIONS_PATH = SENTINEL_PATH + "/sessions";export const TASKS_PATH = SENTINEL_PATH + "/tasks";const CONFIG_PATH = SENTINEL_PATH + "/config.json";
// Helperstype Config = {};const INITIAL_CONFIG: Config = {};
/** * Helper function to load storage files that may or may not exist * * As an example [@link loadConfig] is implemented as: * * ```typescript * const loadConfig = async (): Promise<Config> => { * return loadWithDefault(CONFIG_PATH, INITIAL_CONFIG) * }; * ``` * * @param path The Path where the file lives (or will live) * @param defaultValue The initial value the file shoult take if it doesn't exist * @returns {Promise<T>} A promise that will resolve to the currently stored, or the default value if it didn't exist */export const loadWithDefault = async <T>( path: string, defaultValue: T): Promise<T> => { await ensureFile(path); try { const value = (await readJson(path)) as T; return value; } catch (e) { if (e.message.endsWith("Unexpected end of JSON input")) { await writeJson(path, defaultValue, { spaces: 2 }); return defaultValue; } throw e; }};
/** * Loads the stored sentinel config data, or creates it if one doesn't exist * * @returns {Config} The stored config data */export const loadConfig = async (): Promise<Config> => { return loadWithDefault(CONFIG_PATH, INITIAL_CONFIG);};
export type Project = { name: string; workingDir: string; tasks: string[];
onStart?: string; github?: string;};
type Store = { projects: { [name: string]: Project }; ongoingSession?: string;};const INITIAL_STORE: Store = { projects: {}, ongoingSession: undefined,};
const STORE_PATH = SENTINEL_PATH + "/store.json";
const addProject = async (name: string, project: Project): Promise<void> => { const store = await loadStore(); store.projects[name] = project;
await writeJson(STORE_PATH, store, { spaces: 2 });};
/** * Loads the stored sentinel main store data, or creates it if one doesn't exist * * @returns {Promis<Config>} A promise that will resolve to the main store data */export const loadStore = async (): Promise<Store> => { return loadWithDefault(STORE_PATH, INITIAL_STORE);};
const saveStore = async (store: Store): Promise<void> => { return await writeJson(STORE_PATH, store, { spaces: 2 });};
/** * Apply changes to the current main store data, and saves it back to storage. * If the changes depend on the current store state, use [@link updateStore] instead * * Example: * * ```typescript * await setStore({ ongoingSession: undefined }) * ``` * * @param modification A partial store object of fields to change. Other fields will remain unaffected * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that will resolve once the data has been saved */export const setStore = async (modification: Partial<Store>): Promise<void> => { const store = await loadStore();
Object.assign(store, modification);
await saveStore(store);};
/** * Apply changes to the current main store data, and saves it back to storage. * If the changes don't depend on the current store state, use [@link setStore] instead * * Example: * ```typescript * await updateStore((store) => { * if (store.ongoingSession != null) { * return { ongoingSession: undefined }; * } * * return null; * }) * ``` * * @param modification A function that takes the current store state and returns * a partial store object that will be used to update the store, * or null if no update is to be performed * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that will resolve once the data has been saved */export const updateStore = async ( modifier: (store: Store) => Partial<Store> | null): Promise<void> => { const store = await loadStore();
const modification = modifier(store); if (modification == null) { return; }
Object.assign(store, modification);
await saveStore(store);};
const createProject = async (projectName?: string): Promise<Project> => { if (projectName == null) { projectName = await Input.prompt("Project name: "); } const currentDir = Deno.cwd(); let workingDir: string = await Input.prompt( `Project working dir (empty for ${currentDir}): ` ); if (workingDir.length == 0) { workingDir = currentDir; } const github: string = await Input.prompt("Github repo: ");
// TODO: Save project const project = { name: projectName, workingDir, github, tasks: [], }; addProject(projectName!, project);
return project;};
const selectProject = async (): Promise<Project> => { let store = await loadStore(); const project: string = await Select.prompt({ message: "Select a project", options: [...Object.keys(store.projects), "Create a new project"], });
if (project !== "Create a new project") { return store.projects[project]; }
return createProject();};
/** * Gets the project data referring to the name `projectName`. * If no name is passed in, or the project doesn't exist, * walks the use through the process of selecting or creating a new project * and returns the selected/created project instead * * @param projectName An optional project name that will be used to fetch the project data * @returns {Promise<Project>} A promise that will resolve once a project with `projectName` has been found, * a project has been selected, or the user has created a new project */export const getProject = async (projectName?: string): Promise<Project> => { const store = await loadStore();
if (projectName == null) { return selectProject(); } else if (store.projects[projectName] == null) { return createProject(projectName); } else { return store.projects[projectName]; }};
export type Session = { id: string; projectName: string; focus: string; sessionStart: number; sessionEnd?: number;};
export const getOngoingSession = async (): Promise<Session | null> => { const sessionId = (await loadStore()).ongoingSession; if (sessionId == null) { return null; }
return (await readJson(getSessionPath(sessionId))) as Session;};
export const getSessionPath = (sessionId: string): string => { return `${SESSIONS_PATH}/${sessionId}.json`;};
export type Task = { id: string; description: string; isDone: boolean; created: number; projectName?: string; completed?: number;};export const getTask = async (taskId: string): Promise<Task> => { return (await readJson(getTasksPath(taskId))) as Task;};
export const getTasksPath = (taskId: string): string => { return `${TASKS_PATH}/${taskId}.json`;};
export type TaskIndex = { all: string[]; inbox: string[]; incomplete: string[]; byProject: { [projectName: string]: string[] }; byCreationDate: { [date: string]: string[] }; byCompletionDate: { [date: string]: string[] };};
const TASKS_INDEX_PATH = TASKS_PATH + "/index.json";const INITIAL_TASK_INDEX: TaskIndex = { all: [], inbox: [], incomplete: [], byProject: {}, byCreationDate: {}, byCompletionDate: {},};
export const loadTaskIndex = async (): Promise<TaskIndex> => { return loadWithDefault(TASKS_INDEX_PATH, INITIAL_TASK_INDEX);};
export const modifyTaskIndex = async ( modifier: (index: TaskIndex) => void): Promise<void> => { const index = await loadTaskIndex();
await writeJson(TASKS_INDEX_PATH, index, { spaces: 2 });};
export const getProjectTasks = async ( projectName: string, shouldIncludeDone: boolean = false): Promise<Task[]> => { const { byProject: { [projectName]: projectTasks = [] }, incomplete, } = await loadTaskIndex(); return await hydrateTasks( shouldIncludeDone ? projectTasks : projectTasks.filter((id) => incomplete.indexOf(id) != -1) );};
export const hydrateTasks = async (taskIds: string[]): Promise<Task[]> => { return Promise.all( => { return getTask(taskId); }) );};
export type TaskGroup = { [name: string]: Task[] };
export const groupTasks = (tasks: Task[]): TaskGroup => { return tasks.reduce((acc, task) => { const projectName = task.projectName ?? "inbox";
return { ...acc, [projectName]: [...(acc[projectName] ?? []), task], }; }, {} as TaskGroup);};
export const formatDateTime = (date: number): string => { const dateObject = new Date(date);
return `${dateObject.toDateString()} ${dateObject.toTimeString()}`;};
export const printTaskGroups = ( grouped: TaskGroup, prepend: string = ""): void => { for (let key in grouped) { console.log(`${prepend}${bold(key + ":")}`); grouped[key].forEach((task) => printTask(task, prepend + "\t")); }};
export const printTask = ( { isDone, description, created, completed }: Task, prepend: string = "") => { const style = isDone ? strikethrough : underline; const formattedCompleted = completed ? `\n${prepend}${dim(`Completed on: ${formatDateTime(completed)}`)}` : ""; console.log( `${prepend}${style(description)}\n${prepend}${dim( `Created on: ${formatDateTime(created)}` )}${formattedCompleted}` );};
export const flattenTasks = (tasks: TaskGroup | Task[]): Task[] => { if (tasks instanceof Array) { return tasks; }
let options: Task[] = []; for (let key in tasks) { options = [...options, ...tasks[key]]; } return options;};
export type SessionIndex = { byProject: { [name: string]: string[] }; byDate: { [date: string]: string[] }; ordered: string[];};
export const SESSION_INDEX_PATH = SESSIONS_PATH + "/index.json";const INITIAL_SESSION_INDEX: SessionIndex = { byProject: {}, byDate: {}, ordered: [],};
export const loadSessionIndex = async (): Promise<SessionIndex> => { return loadWithDefault(SESSION_INDEX_PATH, INITIAL_SESSION_INDEX);};
export const getSession = async (sessionId: string): Promise<Session> => { return (await readJson(getSessionPath(sessionId))) as Session;};
export const hydrateSessions = async ( sessionIds: string[]): Promise<Session[]> => { return Promise.all( => { return getSession(sessionId); }) );};
export const formatDuration = (duration: number): string => { return `${Math.floor(duration / HOUR_MULTIPLIER)}h ${Math.floor( (duration % HOUR_MULTIPLIER) / MINUTE_MULTIPLIER )}m ${Math.floor((duration % MINUTE_MULTIPLIER) / SECOND_MULTIPLIER)}s`;};
export const printSessionGroup = ( grouped: SessionGroup, prepend: string = ""): void => { for (let key in grouped) { console.log(`${prepend}${bold(key + ":")}`); grouped[key].forEach((session) => printSession(session, prepend + "\t")); }};
export const printSession = ( { focus, sessionStart, sessionEnd }: Session, prepend: string = "") => { console.log( `${prepend}${underline(focus)}\n${prepend}${dim( "Started on: " )}${formatDateTime(sessionStart)}\n${prepend}${dim( "Duration: " )}${formatDuration((sessionEnd ?? - sessionStart)}` );};
export type SessionGroup = { [name: string]: Session[] };
export const groupSessions = (sessions: Session[]): SessionGroup => { return sessions.reduce((acc, session) => { return { ...acc, [session.projectName]: [...(acc[session.projectName] ?? []), session], }; }, {} as SessionGroup);};
export const sumDuration = (sessions: Session[]): number => { return sessions.reduce( (acc, { sessionEnd, sessionStart }) => acc + (sessionEnd ?? - sessionStart, 0 );};
export const flattenSessions = ( sessions: SessionGroup | Session[]): Session[] => { if (sessions instanceof Array) { return sessions; }
let flat: Session[] = []; for (let key in sessions) { flat = [...flat, ...sessions[key]]; } return flat;};