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Scrape and parse search engine results using SerpApi.
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import type { BaseParameters } from "../types.d.ts";
export type YahooImagesParameters = BaseParameters & { /** * Search Query * Parameter defines the search query. You can use anything that you would use in a * regular Yahoo! Images search. */ p: string;
/** * Domain * Parameter defines the Yahoo! domain to use. It defaults to ``. * If specified domain is allowed, it will be prepended to the domain (e.g., * ``). You can check [a full list of supported Yahoo! * domains]( */ yahoo_domain?: string;
/** * Size * Parameter is used for filtering images by size. It can be set to: * `small` - Small * `medium` - Medium * `large` - Large * `wallpaper` - Extra Large */ imgsz?: string;
/** * Color * Parameter is used for filtering images by color. It can be set to: * `color` - Color Only * `bw` - Black & white * `red` - Red color * `orange` - Orange color * `yellow` - Yellow color * `green` - Green color * `teal` - Teal color * `blue` - Blue color * `purple` - Purple color * `pink` - Pink color * `brown` - Brown color * `black` - Black color * `gray` - Gray color * `white` - White color */ imgc?: string;
/** * Type * Parameter is used for filtering images by image type. It can be set to: * `photo` - Photo * `clipart` - Clipart * `linedrawing` - Line Drawing * `gif` - Animated GIF * `transparent` - Transparent */ imgty?: string;
/** * Layout * Parameter is used for filtering images by layout. It can be set to: * `square` - Square * `wide` - Wide * `tall` - Tall */ imga?: string;
/** * People * Parameter is used for filtering images by people. It can be set to: * `face` - Faces Only * `portrait` - Head & Shoulders * `nonportrait` - No People */ imgf?: string;
/** * Time * Parameter is used for filtering images by time. It can be set to: * `day` - Past 24 hours * `week` - Past week * `month` - Past month * `year` - Past year */ imgt?: string;
/** * Usage Rights * Parameter is used for filtering images by usage rights. It can be set to: * `cc` - All Creative Commons * `pd` - Public Domain * `fsu` - Free to share and use * `fsuc` - Free to share and use commercially * `fmsu` - Free to modify, share and use * `fmsuc` - Free to modify, share, and use commercially */ imgl?: string;
/** * Result Offset * Parameter defines the result offset. It skips the given number of results. It's * used for pagination. (e.g., `1` (default) starts from the first result, `61` * starts from the 61st result, `121` starts from the 121st result, etc.). */ b?: string;};