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/** * Generate a Shop * Scaffolds a project with the basic pages & templates to run their online store. * --- * After running this script, your directory structure should be: * /pages * - * - * /templates * /product * - archive.liquid * - single.liquid * - detail.liquid * /cart * - cart.liquid * - cart-mini.liquid * - header.liquid * - footer.liquid * shop.ts */import { resolve } from "";import { copy } from "";
async function init(directory: string) { directory = resolve(directory); console.log(`Setting up your shop in ${directory}...`);
// TODO: Warnings about non-empty directories?
// copy /base directory contents. await copy("./base", directory);
// TODO: Add run instructions `deno task start` console.log("Shop created!");}
// If import.meta.main is true, this module is being run directly on the CLI. if (import.meta.main) { // Accept a destination directory argument const directory = Deno.args[0]; if (!directory) { // TODO: display help text. throw new Error('You must specify a destination directory to create your shop.'); } await init(directory);} else { throw new Error("Please use the CLI to setup your shop.");}