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Sift is a routing and utility library for Deno Deploy.
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import { match, pathToRegexp,} from "";import { inMemoryCache } from "";import render from "";import { Status, STATUS_TEXT,} from "";
const cache = inMemoryCache(10);
export interface PathParams { [key: string]: string | string[];}
export type Handler = ( request: Request, params?: PathParams,) => Response | Promise<Response>;
export interface Routes { [path: string]: Handler;}
export function serve(routes: Routes): void { routes = { 404: defaultNotFoundPage, ...routes }; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any addEventListener("fetch", (event: any) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request, routes)); });}
async function handleRequest( request: Request, routes: Routes,): Promise<Response> { const { search, pathname } = new URL(request.url);
try { const startTime =; let response = await cache.match(request); if (response === undefined) { for (const route of Object.keys(routes)) { if (pathToRegexp(route).test(pathname)) { const getParams = match(route); const { params = {} } = getParams(pathname) as { params: { [key: string]: string }; }; try { response = await routes[route](request, params); } catch (error) { response = json({ error: error.message }, { status: 500 }); } if (!(response instanceof Response)) { response = jsx(response); } break; } } } else { response.headers.set("from-function-cache", "true"); }
// return not found page if no handler is found. if (response === undefined) { response = await routes["404"](request); }
// method path+params timeTaken status console.log( `${request.method} ${pathname + search} ${ response.headers.has("from-function-cache") ? String.fromCodePoint(0x26a1) : "" }${ - startTime}ms ${response.status}`, );
return response; } catch (error) { return json({ error: error.message }, { status: 500 }); }}
function defaultNotFoundPage() { return new Response("<h1 align=center>page not found</h1>", { status: 404, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8" }, });}
/** * This function serves a file or files inside a directory. * * All subsequent requests are served from in-memory cache. * * TODO(@satyarohith): add examples to show usage. */export function serveStatic( relativePath: string, config: { baseUrl: string; intervene?: (response: Response) => Promise<Response> | Response; },): Handler { return async (request: Request, params?: PathParams): Promise<Response> => { let filePath = relativePath; if (params && params.filename) { if (Array.isArray(params.filename)) { params.filename = params.filename.join("/"); } filePath = relativePath.endsWith("/") ? relativePath + params.filename : relativePath + "/" + params.filename; }
const fileUrl = new URL(filePath, config.baseUrl).toString(); let response = await cache.match(request);
if (response === undefined) { response = await fetch(new Request(fileUrl, request)); if (typeof config.intervene === "function") { response = await config.intervene(response); }
if (response.status == 404) { return defaultNotFoundPage(); }
// TODO: fix below after updating httpcache. await cache.put(request, response.clone()); } else { response.headers.set("from-function-cache", "true"); }
return response; };}
export function json( jsobj: { [key: string]: unknown }, init?: ResponseInit,): Response { return new Response(JSON.stringify(jsobj) + "\n", { statusText: init?.statusText ?? STATUS_TEXT.get(init?.status ?? Status.OK), status: init?.status ?? Status.OK, headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", ...init?.headers, }, });}
export function jsx(jsx: unknown, init?: ResponseInit): Response { return new Response(render(jsx), { statusText: init?.statusText ?? STATUS_TEXT.get(init?.status ?? Status.OK), status: init?.status ?? Status.OK, headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", ...init?.headers, }, });}
// This is very naive and accepts only the field names to validate if// the specified field exists at the specified place.// FIXME(@satyarohith): do better.export interface RequestTerms { [key: string]: { headers?: string[]; body?: string[]; params?: string[]; };}
/** * Validate whether the incoming request meets the provided terms. */export async function validateRequest( request: Request, terms: RequestTerms,): Promise<{ error?: { message: string; status: number }; body?: { [key: string]: unknown };}> { let body = {};
// Validate the method. if (!terms[request.method]) { return { error: { message: `method ${request.method} is not allowed for the URL`, status: Status.MethodNotAllowed, }, }; }
// Validate the params if defined in the terms. if ( terms[request.method]?.params && terms[request.method].params!.length > 0 ) { const { searchParams } = new URL(request.url); const requestParams = []; for (const param of searchParams.keys()) { requestParams.push(param); }
for (const param of terms[request.method].params!) { if (!requestParams.includes(param)) { return { error: { message: `param '${param}' is required to process the request`, status: Status.BadRequest, }, }; } } }
// Validate the headers if defined in the terms. if ( terms[request.method].headers && terms[request.method].headers!.length > 0 ) { // Collect the headers into an array. const requestHeaderKeys = []; for (const header of request.headers.keys()) { requestHeaderKeys.push(header); }
// Loop through the headers defined in the terms and check if they // are present in the request. for (const header of terms[request.method].headers!) { if (!requestHeaderKeys.includes(header.toLowerCase())) { return { error: { message: `header '${header}' not available`, status: Status.BadRequest, }, }; } } }
// Validate the body of the request if defined in the terms. if (terms[request.method].body && terms[request.method].body!.length > 0) { const requestBody = await request.json(); const bodyKeys = Object.keys(requestBody); for (const key of terms[request.method].body!) { if (!bodyKeys.includes(key)) { return { error: { message: `field '${key}' is not available in the body`, status: Status.BadRequest, }, }; } }
// We store and return the body as once the request.json() is called // the user cannot call request.json() again. body = requestBody; }
return { body };}
export * from "";