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Deno module to generate images from source code using Aloxaf/silicon.
import { font_list, generate as generate_, Options as Options_, theme_list,} from "./bindings/bindings.ts";import { base64, is } from "./deps.ts";
const isError = is.ObjectOf({ Error: is.ObjectOf({ error: is.String, }),});
const isFontList = is.ObjectOf({ FontList: is.ObjectOf({ data: is.ArrayOf(is.String), }),});
const isThemeList = is.ObjectOf({ ThemeList: is.ObjectOf({ data: is.ArrayOf(is.String), }),});
const isImage = is.ObjectOf({ Image: is.ObjectOf({ data: is.String, }),});
/** * Return available font list */export function fontList(): string[] { const result = font_list(); if (isError(result)) { throw new Error(`cannot get font list: ${result.Error.error}`); } if (isFontList(result)) { return; } throw new Error(`unexpected result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);}
/** * Return available theme list */export function themeList(): string[] { const result = theme_list(); if (isThemeList(result)) { return; } throw new Error(`unexpected result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);}
export type Options = Omit<Options_, "code" | "language">;
const defaultOptions: Options = { font: "", highlight_lines: "", no_line_number: false, no_round_corner: false, no_window_controls: false, background_color: "#aaaaff", line_offset: 1, line_pad: 2, pad_horiz: 80, pad_vert: 100, shadow_blur_radius: 0, shadow_color: "#555555", shadow_offset_x: 0, shadow_offset_y: 0, tab_width: 4, theme: "Solarized (dark)",};
/* * Generate an image from a code. */export function generate( code: string, language: string, opts: Partial<Options> = {},): Uint8Array { const result = generate_({ ...defaultOptions, ...opts, code: code, language: language, }); if (isError(result)) { throw new Error(`cannot generate image: ${result.Error.error}`); } if (isImage(result)) { return base64.decodeBase64(; } throw new Error(`unexpected result: ${JSON.stringify(result)}`);}