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A handy utility collection.
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import {type FileInit} from "./core.d.ts";import {cryptoHash} from "./crypto.ts";import {ucEncode, ucDecode, hexEncode} from "./text.ts";
const sizeHash = 32;const sizeName = 1;const sizeBody = 4;
/*** Encode data into a byte array in "minipack" format.* @param files array of pair of name and byte array.* @return byte array in "minipack" format.* @see*/export async function minipackEncode(files:FileInit[]){ const archive = new Uint8Array(files.reduce((a, [k, v]) => a + sizeHash + sizeName + sizeBody + ucEncode(k).byteLength + v.byteLength, 0));
let offset = 0;
for(const [k, v] of files){ const name = ucEncode(k); const body = v;
archive.set(await cryptoHash(false, body), offset); offset += sizeHash;
new DataView(archive.buffer, offset).setUint8(0, name.byteLength); offset += sizeName;
new DataView(archive.buffer, offset).setUint32(0, body.byteLength); offset += sizeBody;
archive.set(name, offset); offset += name.byteLength;
archive.set(body, offset); offset += body.byteLength; }
return archive;}
/*** Decode byte array in "minipack" format.* @param archive byte array in "minipack" format.* @return array of pair of name and byte array.* @see*/export async function minipackDecode(archive:Uint8Array){ const files:FileInit[] = [];
let offset = 0;
while(offset < archive.byteLength){ const hash = archive.subarray(offset, offset += sizeHash);
const ns = new DataView(archive.buffer, offset).getUint8(0); offset += sizeName;
const bs = new DataView(archive.buffer, offset).getUint32(0); offset += sizeBody;
const name = ucDecode(archive.subarray(offset, offset += ns));
const body = archive.subarray(offset, offset += bs);
if(hexEncode(hash) !== hexEncode(await cryptoHash(false, body))){ throw new Error(); }
files.push([name, body]); }
return files;}