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async function streamConvert(data:Uint8Array, ts:TransformStream<Uint8Array, Uint8Array>){ return new Uint8Array(await new Response(new Blob([data]).stream().pipeThrough(ts)).arrayBuffer());}
/*** Compress binary in "deflate" format (RFC1951).* It does not include header information like "gzip" (RFC1952) or "zlib" (RFC1950) as it does purely "compression only".* @param data byte array.* @return "deflate" compressed byte array.*/export async function deflateEncode(data:Uint8Array){ return await streamConvert(data, new CompressionStream("deflate-raw"));}
/*** Decompress "deflate" format (RFC1951) binary.* Binaries containing header information like "gzip" (RFC1952) or "zlib" (RFC1950) cannot be decompressed.* @param data "deflate" compressed byte array.* @return decompressed byte array.*/export async function deflateDecode(data:Uint8Array){ return await streamConvert(data, new DecompressionStream("deflate-raw"));}