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A handy utility collection.
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/*** Convert from unicode string to UTF-8 byte array.* @param data unicode string.* @return byte array in UTF-8 format.*/export function utfEncode(data:string){ return new TextEncoder().encode(data);}
/*** Convert from UTF-8 byte array to unicode string.* @param data byte array in UTF-8 format.* @return unicode string.*/export function utfDecode(data:Uint8Array){ return new TextDecoder().decode(data);}
/*** Convert from byte array to HEX string.* @param data byte array.* @return HEX string.*/export function hexEncode(data:Uint8Array){ return [].map(n => n.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2, "0")).join("");}
/*** In addition to leading and trailing spaces, tabs, carriage returns, and two or more consecutive spaces are converted to a single space.* @param data messy string.* @return formatted string.*/export function trimExtend(data:string){ return data.trim().replace(/\r/g, "").replace(/\t/g, " ").replace(/ +/g, " ").replace(/ +$/mg, "");}