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Simplify processing for Deno.
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import {type Element, DOMParser} from "../../deps.deno_ext.ts";
function selectedElement(elements:Element[], attribute:"checked" | "selected"){ return elements.find(v => typeof v.getAttribute(attribute) === "string");}
function getValue(element?:Element){ return element?.getAttribute("value") ?? "";}
function getContent({textContent}:Element){ return textContent;}
function extractValue(element?:Element){ switch(element?.tagName){ case "SELECT": return getValue(selectedElement(element.getElementsByTagName("option"), "selected")); case "DATALIST": return getValue(selectedElement(element.getElementsByTagName("option"), "selected")); case "OPTION": return getValue(element); case "INPUT": return getValue(element); case "TEXTAREA": return getContent(element); default: return ""; }}
/*** Convert from HTML to DOM.* @see* @example* ```ts* const dom = parseDOM("<div>foo</div>");* ```*/export function parseDOM(html:string):Element{ const element = new DOMParser().parseFromString(html, "text/html")?.documentElement;
if(!element){ throw new Error(); }
return element;}
/*** Find all `input` `textarea` elements with `id` attribute and convert them to key-value record.* @example* ```ts* const dom = parseDOM("<input id='foo'><textarea id='bar'></textarea>");* const result = collectInputById(dom);* ```*/export function collectInputById(element:Element):Record<string, string>{ const records:Record<string, string> = {};
for(const input of element.getElementsByTagName("INPUT")){ if(!{ continue; }
records[] = getValue(input); }
for(const textarea of element.getElementsByTagName("TEXTAREA")){ if(!{ continue; }
records[] = getContent(textarea); }
return structuredClone(records);}
/*** Find all elements with `name` attribute.* @example* ```ts* const dom = parseDOM("<input name='foo'>");* const result = getElementsByName(dom, "foo");* ```*/export function getElementsByName(element:Element, name:string):Element[]{ return element.getElementsByTagName("*").filter(v => v.getAttribute("name") === name);}
/*** Get value by `id` search.* `.value` for `<input>`, `.textContent` for `<textarea>` and `.value` of `.selected` for `<select>` `<dataset>`.* @example* ```ts\* const dom = parseDOM("<input id='foo'>");* const result = getValueById(dom, "foo");* ```*/export function getValueById(element:Element, id:string):string{ return extractValue(element.getElementById(id) ?? undefined);}
/*** Get value by `name` search.* `.value` for `<input>`, `.textContent` for `<textarea>` and `.value` of `.selected` for `<select>` `<dataset>`.* @example* ```ts* const dom = parseDOM("<input name='foo'>");* const result = getValuesByName(dom, "foo");* ```*/export function getValuesByName(element:Element, name:string):string[]{ return getElementsByName(element, name).map(v => extractValue(v));}
/*** Gets value of `.checked` in group of radio buttons.* @example* ```ts* const dom = parseDOM("<input type='radio' name='foo' value='1' checked><input type='radio' name='foo' value='2'>");* const result = getValueByRadioActive(dom, "foo");* ```*/export function getValueByRadioActive(element:Element, name:string):string{ const elements = getElementsByName(element, name);
if(elements.some(v => v.tagName !== "INPUT" || v.getAttribute("type") !== "radio")){ return ""; }
return extractValue(selectedElement(elements, "checked"));}