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Simplify processing for Deno.
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import {parse, stringify} from "../../deps.pure_ext.ts";import {primitiveParseX} from "../pure/primitive.ts";
/*** Convert from object array to CSV string.* @see* @example* ```ts* const csv = csvEncode([{* aaa: 123,* bbb: true* }]);* ```*/export function csvEncode<T extends Record<keyof T, string | number | boolean>>(data:T[], bom?:boolean):string{ return stringify(data, { bom: bom, columns: Object.keys(data[0]) }).replace(/\r/g, "").trim();}
/*** Convert from CSV string to object array.* If parsing failed of cell value use default (`def`) value.* Convert to same type as default value.* @see* @example* ```ts* const list = csvDecode("aaa,bbb\n123,true", {* aaa: 0,* bbb: false* });* ```*/export function csvDecode<T extends Record<keyof T, string | number | boolean>>(data:string, def:T):T[]{ const csv = parse(data, { skipFirstRow: true, trimLeadingSpace: true });
const records:T[] = [];
for(const element of csv){ const props:Partial<T> = {}; type K = keyof T;
for(const [k, v] of Object.entries(element)){ props[<K>k] = <T[K]>primitiveParseX(v, def[<K>k]); }
records.push(structuredClone(<T>props)); }
return records;}