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Simplify processing for Deno.
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import {type RawWorkBook, type RawWorkSheet, type RawWorkCell, xlsxcp, set_cptable, xlsxRead, xlsxWrite, xlsxUtil} from "../../deps.pure_ext.ts";import {timeFormatSerialize} from "../pure/time.ts";
export type {RawWorkBook, RawWorkSheet, RawWorkCell};
/*** Convert from sheetjs raw workbook object to EXCEL workbook.* @see* @example* ```ts* const bin = await Deno.readFile("./book.xlsx");* const book = excelDecodeRaw(bin);* const enc = excelEncodeRaw(book);* ```*/export function excelEncodeRaw(book:RawWorkBook, cp?:number, pw?:string):Uint8Array{ const buf = <ArrayBuffer>xlsxWrite(book, { type: "array", compression: true, cellStyles: true, cellDates: true, codepage: cp, password: pw });
return new Uint8Array(buf);}
/*** Convert from workbook object to EXCEL workbook.* @example* ```ts* const bin = await Deno.readFile("./book.xlsx");* const book = excelDecode(bin);* const enc = excelEncode(book);* ```*/export function excelEncode(sheets:Record<string, string[][]>, cp?:number, pw?:string):Uint8Array{ const book:Record<string, RawWorkSheet> = {};
for(const [name, sheet] of Object.entries(sheets)){ const rows:RawWorkCell[][] = [];
for(const row of sheet){ const columns:RawWorkCell[] = [];
for(const column of row){ columns.push({ t: "s", v: column }); }
rows.push(columns); }
book[name] = { "!data": rows, "!ref": `A1:${xlsxUtil.encode_col(rows.reduce((v, {length}) => Math.max(v, length), -Infinity))}${rows.length}` }; }
return excelEncodeRaw({ SheetNames: Object.keys(sheets), Sheets: book }, cp, pw);}
/*** Convert from EXCEL workbook to sheetjs raw workbook object.* @see* @example* ```ts* const bin = await Deno.readFile("./book.xlsx");* const book = excelDecodeRaw(bin);* const enc = excelEncodeRaw(book);* ```*/export function excelDecodeRaw(data:Uint8Array, cp?:number, pw?:string):RawWorkBook{ return xlsxRead(data, { type: "array", dense: true, raw: true, cellStyles: true, cellDates: true, codepage: cp, password: pw });}
/*** Convert from EXCEL workbook to workbook object.* @example* ```ts* const bin = await Deno.readFile("./book.xlsx");* const book = excelDecode(bin);* const enc = excelEncode(book);* ```*/export function excelDecode(data:Uint8Array, cp?:number, pw?:string):Record<string, string[][]>{ const {Sheets} = excelDecodeRaw(data, cp, pw);
const book:Record<string, string[][]> = {};
for(const [name, sheet] of Object.entries(Sheets)){ const rows:string[][] = [];
for(const row of <(RawWorkCell[] | undefined)[]>sheet["!data"] ?? []){ const columns:string[] = [];
for(const column of <(RawWorkCell | undefined)[]>row ?? []){ if(!column || column.t === "e" || column.v === undefined){ columns.push(""); } else if(column.v instanceof Date){ column.v.setMinutes(new Date().getTimezoneOffset()); columns.push(timeFormatSerialize(column.v, true)); } else{ columns.push(`${column.v}`); } }
rows.push(columns); }
book[name] = rows; }
return structuredClone(book);}