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import shuffleInPlace from "./shuffle_in_place.js";
/** * A [Fisher-Yates shuffle]( * is a fast way to create a random permutation of a finite set. This is * a function around `shuffle_in_place` that adds the guarantee that * it will not modify its input. * * @param {Array} x sample of 0 or more numbers * @param {Function} [randomSource=Math.random] an optional entropy source that * returns numbers between 0 inclusive and 1 exclusive: the range [0, 1) * @return {Array} shuffled version of input * @example * var shuffled = shuffle([1, 2, 3, 4]); * shuffled; // = [2, 3, 1, 4] or any other random permutation */function shuffle(x, randomSource) { // slice the original array so that it is not modified const sample = x.slice();
// and then shuffle that shallow-copied array, in place return shuffleInPlace(sample, randomSource);}
export default shuffle;