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🕵️ Limit the amount of times that setInterval will fire
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any
/** * Limit the amount of times that setInterval will fire. * * @example * ```javascript * import { setIntervalX } from ""; * import { randomNumber } from ""; * * const API_URL = ""; * * async function checkAPIStatus() { * const randomYear = randomNumber({ min: 2000, max: 10_000}); * * const response = await fetch(`${API_URL}/${randomYear}`); * const data = await response.json(); * * console.log(`Is ${randomYear} a leap year? ${data.leapYear}.`); * } * * setIntervalX(checkAPIStatus, 2000, 15); * ``` */export function setIntervalX( handler: (...args: any[]) => any, timeout: number, repetitions: number, ...args: any[]) { let x = 0;
const interval = setInterval(() => { handler(...args);
if (++x === repetitions) { clearInterval(interval); } }, timeout);
return interval;}