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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcase no-explicit-anyimport { name, version } from "../config.ts"import { addAppMetadata, ChatPostMessageArguments, ConsoleLogger, Logger, LogLevel, OpineRequest, OpineResponse, ParamsDictionary, ServerRequest, WebClient, WebClientOptions,} from "../deps.ts"import { conversationContext, ConversationStore, MemoryStore } from "./conversation-store.ts"import { AppInitializationError, asCodedError, CodedError, MultipleListenerError } from "./errors.ts"import { assertNever, getTypeAndConversation, IncomingEventType } from "./helpers.ts"import { ignoreSelf as ignoreSelfMiddleware, matchCommandName, matchConstraints, matchEventType, matchMessage, onlyActions, onlyCommands, onlyEvents, onlyOptions, onlyShortcuts, onlyViewActions,} from "./middleware/builtin.ts"import { processMiddleware } from "./middleware/process.ts"import HTTPReceiver, { HTTPReceiverOptions } from "./receivers/HTTPReceiver.ts"import { OpineReceiverOptions } from "./receivers/OpineReceiver.ts"import SocketModeReceiver from "./receivers/SocketModeReceiver.ts"import { AckFn, AnyMiddlewareArgs, BlockAction, EventTypePattern, InteractiveMessage, Middleware, OptionsSource, Receiver, ReceiverEvent, RespondArguments, RespondFn, SayFn, SlackAction, SlackActionMiddlewareArgs, SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs, SlackEventMiddlewareArgs, SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs, SlackShortcut, SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs, SlackViewAction, SlackViewMiddlewareArgs, StringIndexed,} from "./types/index.ts"import { WorkflowStep } from "./WorkflowStep.ts"
/** App initialization options */export interface AppOptions { signingSecret?: HTTPReceiverOptions["signingSecret"] endpoints?: HTTPReceiverOptions["endpoints"] processBeforeResponse?: HTTPReceiverOptions["processBeforeResponse"] clientId?: HTTPReceiverOptions["clientId"] clientSecret?: HTTPReceiverOptions["clientSecret"] stateSecret?: HTTPReceiverOptions["stateSecret"] // required when using default stateStore installationStore?: HTTPReceiverOptions["installationStore"] // default MemoryInstallationStore scopes?: HTTPReceiverOptions["scopes"] installerOptions?: HTTPReceiverOptions["installerOptions"] convoStore?: ConversationStore | false token?: AuthorizeResult["botToken"] // either token or authorize appToken?: string // TODO should this be included in AuthorizeResult botId?: AuthorizeResult["botId"] // only used when authorize is not defined, shortcut for fetching botUserId?: AuthorizeResult["botUserId"] // only used when authorize is not defined, shortcut for fetching authorize?: Authorize<boolean> // either token or authorize receiver?: Receiver logger?: Logger logLevel?: LogLevel ignoreSelf?: boolean clientOptions?: Pick<WebClientOptions, "slackApiUrl"> socketMode?: boolean developerMode?: boolean}
export { LogLevel } from "../deps.ts"export type { Logger } from "../deps.ts"
/** Authorization function - seeds the middleware processing and listeners with an authorization context */export interface Authorize<IsEnterpriseInstall extends boolean = false> { ( source: AuthorizeSourceData<IsEnterpriseInstall>, body?: AnyMiddlewareArgs["body"], ): Promise<AuthorizeResult>}
/** Authorization function inputs - authenticated data about an event for the authorization function */export interface AuthorizeSourceData< IsEnterpriseInstall extends boolean = false,> { teamId: IsEnterpriseInstall extends true ? string | undefined : string enterpriseId: IsEnterpriseInstall extends true ? string : string | undefined userId?: string conversationId?: string isEnterpriseInstall: IsEnterpriseInstall}
/** Authorization function outputs - data that will be available as part of event processing */export interface AuthorizeResult { // one of either botToken or userToken are required botToken?: string // used by `say` (preferred over userToken) userToken?: string // used by `say` (overridden by botToken) botId?: string // required for `ignoreSelf` global middleware botUserId?: string // optional but allows `ignoreSelf` global middleware be more filter more than just message events teamId?: string enterpriseId?: string [key: string]: any}
export interface ActionConstraints<A extends SlackAction = SlackAction> { type?: A["type"] block_id?: A extends BlockAction ? string | RegExp : never action_id?: A extends BlockAction ? string | RegExp : never callback_id?: Extract<A, { callback_id?: string }> extends any ? string | RegExp : never}
export interface ShortcutConstraints<S extends SlackShortcut = SlackShortcut> { type?: S["type"] callback_id?: string | RegExp}
export interface ViewConstraints { callback_id?: string | RegExp type?: "view_closed" | "view_submission"}
export interface ErrorHandler { (error: CodedError): Promise<void>}
class WebClientPool { private pool: { [token: string]: WebClient } = {}
public getOrCreate( token: string, clientOptions: WebClientOptions, ): WebClient { const cachedClient = this.pool[token] if (typeof cachedClient !== "undefined") { return cachedClient } const client = new WebClient(token, clientOptions) this.pool[token] = client return client }}
/** * A Slack App */export default class App { /** Slack Web API client */ public client: WebClient
private clientOptions: WebClientOptions
// Some payloads don't have teamId anymore. So we use EnterpriseId in those scenarios private clients: { [teamOrEnterpriseId: string]: WebClientPool } = {}
/** Receiver - ingests events from the Slack platform */ private receiver: Receiver
/** Logger */ private logger: Logger
/** Log Level */ private logLevel: LogLevel
/** Authorize */ private authorize!: Authorize<boolean>
/** Global middleware chain */ private middleware: Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>[]
/** Listener middleware chains */ private listeners: Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>[][]
private errorHandler: ErrorHandler
private installerOptions: HTTPReceiverOptions["installerOptions"] | OpineReceiverOptions["opineInstallerOptions"]
private socketMode: boolean
private developerMode: boolean
constructor({ signingSecret = undefined, endpoints = undefined, receiver = undefined, convoStore = undefined, token = undefined, appToken = undefined, botId = undefined, botUserId = undefined, authorize = undefined, logger = undefined, logLevel = undefined, ignoreSelf = true, clientOptions = undefined, processBeforeResponse = false, clientId = undefined, clientSecret = undefined, stateSecret = undefined, installationStore = undefined, scopes = undefined, installerOptions = undefined, socketMode = undefined, developerMode = false, }: AppOptions = {}) { // this.logLevel = logLevel; this.developerMode = developerMode if (developerMode) { // Set logLevel to Debug in Developer Mode if one wasn't passed in this.logLevel = logLevel ?? LogLevel.DEBUG // Set SocketMode to true if one wasn't passed in this.socketMode = socketMode ?? true } else { // If devs aren't using Developer Mode or Socket Mode, set it to false this.socketMode = socketMode ?? false // Set logLevel to Info if one wasn't passed in this.logLevel = logLevel ?? LogLevel.INFO }
if (typeof logger === "undefined") { // Initialize with the default logger const consoleLogger = new ConsoleLogger() consoleLogger.setName("bolt-app") this.logger = consoleLogger } else { this.logger = logger } if ( typeof this.logLevel !== "undefined" && this.logger.getLevel() !== this.logLevel ) { this.logger.setLevel(this.logLevel) } this.errorHandler = defaultErrorHandler(this.logger) this.clientOptions = { // App propagates only the log level to WebClient as WebClient has its own logger logLevel: this.logger.getLevel(), slackApiUrl: clientOptions !== undefined ? clientOptions.slackApiUrl : undefined, } // the public WebClient instance (app.client) - this one doesn't have a token this.client = new WebClient(undefined, this.clientOptions)
this.middleware = [] this.listeners = []
// Add clientOptions to InstallerOptions to pass them to @slack/oauth this.installerOptions = { clientOptions: this.clientOptions, ...installerOptions, }
if ( this.developerMode && this.installerOptions && (typeof this.installerOptions.callbacks === "undefined" || (typeof this.installerOptions.callbacks !== "undefined" && typeof this.installerOptions.callbacks.failure === "undefined")) ) { // add a custom failure callback for Developer Mode in case they are using OAuth this.logger.debug("adding Developer Mode custom OAuth failure handler") this.installerOptions.callbacks = { failure: async ( req: ServerRequest | OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any>, res?: OpineResponse<any>, ) => { if (isOpineRequest(req)) { res?.setStatus(500).send( "<html><body><h1>OAuth failed!</h1><div>See stderr for errors.</div></body></html>", ) } else { await req.respond({ status: 500, headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "text/html", }), body: `<html><body><h1>OAuth failed!</h1><div>See stderr for errors.</div></body></html>`, }) }
function isOpineRequest( _req: ServerRequest | OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any>, res?: OpineResponse<any>, ): _req is OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any> { return !!res // If res exists, OpineReciever is being used since only 'req' exists for HTTPReciever and SocketModeReceiver } }, } }
// Check for required arguments of HTTPReceiver if (receiver !== undefined) { this.receiver = receiver } else if (this.socketMode) { if (appToken === undefined) { throw new AppInitializationError( "You must provide an appToken when using Socket Mode", ) } this.logger.debug("Initializing SocketModeReceiver") // Create default SocketModeReceiver this.receiver = new SocketModeReceiver({ appToken, clientId, clientSecret, stateSecret, installationStore, scopes, logger, logLevel: this.logLevel, installerOptions: this.installerOptions, }) } else if (signingSecret === undefined) { // No custom receiver throw new AppInitializationError( "Signing secret not found, so could not initialize the default receiver. Set a signing secret or use a " + "custom receiver.", ) } else { this.logger.debug("Initializing HTTPReceiver") // Create default HTTPReceiver this.receiver = new HTTPReceiver({ signingSecret, endpoints, processBeforeResponse, clientId, clientSecret, stateSecret, installationStore, scopes, logger, logLevel: this.logLevel, installerOptions: this.installerOptions, }) }
let usingOauth = false if ( (this.receiver as HTTPReceiver).installer !== undefined && (this.receiver as HTTPReceiver).installer!.authorize !== undefined ) { // This supports using the built in HTTPReceiver, declaring your own HTTPReceiver // and theoretically, doing a fully custom (non express) receiver that implements OAuth usingOauth = true }
if (token !== undefined) { if (authorize !== undefined || usingOauth) { throw new AppInitializationError( `token as well as authorize or oauth installer options were provided. ${tokenUsage}`, ) } this.authorize = singleAuthorization(this.client, { botId, botUserId, botToken: token, }) } else if (authorize === undefined && !usingOauth) { throw new AppInitializationError( `No token, no authorize, and no oauth installer options provided. ${tokenUsage}`, ) } else if (authorize !== undefined && usingOauth) { throw new AppInitializationError( `Both authorize options and oauth installer options provided. ${tokenUsage}`, ) } else if (authorize === undefined && usingOauth) { this.authorize = (this.receiver as HTTPReceiver).installer!.authorize } else if (authorize !== undefined && !usingOauth) { this.authorize = authorize } else { this.logger.error( "Never should have reached this point, please report to the team", ) assertNever() }
// Conditionally use a global middleware that ignores events (including messages) that are sent from this app if (ignoreSelf) { this.use(ignoreSelfMiddleware()) }
// Use conversation state global middleware if (convoStore !== false) { // Use the memory store by default, or another store if provided const store: ConversationStore = convoStore === undefined ? new MemoryStore() : convoStore this.use(conversationContext(store)) }
// Should be last to avoid exposing partially initialized app this.receiver.init(this) }
/** * Register a new middleware, processed in the order registered. * * @param m global middleware function */ public use(m: Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>): this { this.middleware.push(m) return this }
/** * Register WorkflowStep middleware * * @param workflowStep global workflow step middleware function */ public step(workflowStep: WorkflowStep): this { const m = workflowStep.getMiddleware() this.middleware.push(m) return this }
/** * Convenience method to call start on the receiver * * TODO: should replace HTTPReceiver in type definition with a generic that is constrained to Receiver * * @param args receiver-specific start arguments */ public start( ...args: Parameters<HTTPReceiver["start"]> ): ReturnType<HTTPReceiver["start"]> { return this.receiver.start(...args) as ReturnType<HTTPReceiver["start"]> }
public stop(...args: any[]): unknown { return this.receiver.stop(...args) }
public event<EventType extends string = string>( eventName: EventType, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<EventType>>[] ): void public event<EventType extends RegExp = RegExp>( eventName: EventType, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<string>>[] ): void public event<EventType extends EventTypePattern = EventTypePattern>( eventNameOrPattern: EventType, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<string>>[] ): void { this.listeners.push([ onlyEvents, matchEventType(eventNameOrPattern), ...listeners, ] as Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>[]) }
// TODO: just make a type alias for Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<'message'>> // TODO: maybe remove the first two overloads public message( ...listeners: Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message">>[] ): void public message( pattern: string | RegExp, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message">>[] ): void public message( ...patternsOrMiddleware: (string | RegExp | Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message">>)[] ): void { const messageMiddleware = (patternOrMiddleware) => { if ( typeof patternOrMiddleware === "string" || patternOrMiddleware instanceof RegExp ) { return matchMessage(patternOrMiddleware) } return patternOrMiddleware }, )
this.listeners.push([ onlyEvents, matchEventType("message"), ...messageMiddleware, ] as Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>[]) }
public shortcut<Shortcut extends SlackShortcut = SlackShortcut>( callbackId: string | RegExp, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs<Shortcut>>[] ): void public shortcut< Shortcut extends SlackShortcut = SlackShortcut, Constraints extends ShortcutConstraints<Shortcut> = ShortcutConstraints< Shortcut >, >( constraints: Constraints, ...listeners: Middleware< SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs< Extract<Shortcut, { type: Constraints["type"] }> > >[] ): void public shortcut< Shortcut extends SlackShortcut = SlackShortcut, Constraints extends ShortcutConstraints<Shortcut> = ShortcutConstraints< Shortcut >, >( callbackIdOrConstraints: string | RegExp | Constraints, ...listeners: Middleware< SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs< Extract<Shortcut, { type: Constraints["type"] }> > >[] ): void { const constraints: ShortcutConstraints = typeof callbackIdOrConstraints === "string" || callbackIdOrConstraints instanceof RegExp ? { callback_id: callbackIdOrConstraints } : callbackIdOrConstraints
// Fail early if the constraints contain invalid keys const unknownConstraintKeys = Object.keys(constraints).filter((k) => k !== "callback_id" && k !== "type") if (unknownConstraintKeys.length > 0) { this.logger.error( `Slack listener cannot be attached using unknown constraint keys: ${unknownConstraintKeys.join(", ")}`, ) return }
this.listeners.push([ onlyShortcuts, matchConstraints(constraints), ...listeners, ] as Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>[]) }
// NOTE: this is what's called a convenience generic, so that types flow more easily without casting. // public action<Action extends SlackAction = SlackAction>( actionId: string | RegExp, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackActionMiddlewareArgs<Action>>[] ): void public action< Action extends SlackAction = SlackAction, Constraints extends ActionConstraints<Action> = ActionConstraints<Action>, >( constraints: Constraints, // NOTE: Extract<> is able to return the whole union when type: undefined. Why? ...listeners: Middleware< SlackActionMiddlewareArgs<Extract<Action, { type: Constraints["type"] }>> >[] ): void public action< Action extends SlackAction = SlackAction, Constraints extends ActionConstraints<Action> = ActionConstraints<Action>, >( actionIdOrConstraints: string | RegExp | Constraints, ...listeners: Middleware< SlackActionMiddlewareArgs<Extract<Action, { type: Constraints["type"] }>> >[] ): void { // Normalize Constraints const constraints: ActionConstraints = typeof actionIdOrConstraints === "string" || actionIdOrConstraints instanceof RegExp ? { action_id: actionIdOrConstraints } : actionIdOrConstraints
// Fail early if the constraints contain invalid keys const unknownConstraintKeys = Object.keys(constraints).filter( (k) => k !== "action_id" && k !== "block_id" && k !== "callback_id" && k !== "type", ) if (unknownConstraintKeys.length > 0) { this.logger.error( `Action listener cannot be attached using unknown constraint keys: ${unknownConstraintKeys.join(", ")}`, ) return }
this.listeners.push( [onlyActions, matchConstraints(constraints), ...listeners] as Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs >[], ) }
// TODO: should command names also be regex? public command( commandName: string, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs>[] ): void { this.listeners.push( [onlyCommands, matchCommandName(commandName), ...listeners] as Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs >[], ) }
public options<Source extends OptionsSource = OptionsSource>( actionId: string | RegExp, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs<Source>>[] ): void public options<Source extends OptionsSource = OptionsSource>( constraints: ActionConstraints, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs<Source>>[] ): void public options<Source extends OptionsSource = OptionsSource>( actionIdOrConstraints: string | RegExp | ActionConstraints, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs<Source>>[] ): void { const constraints: ActionConstraints = typeof actionIdOrConstraints === "string" || actionIdOrConstraints instanceof RegExp ? { action_id: actionIdOrConstraints } : actionIdOrConstraints
this.listeners.push( [onlyOptions, matchConstraints(constraints), ...listeners] as Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs >[], ) }
public view<ViewActionType extends SlackViewAction = SlackViewAction>( callbackId: string | RegExp, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackViewMiddlewareArgs<ViewActionType>>[] ): void public view<ViewActionType extends SlackViewAction = SlackViewAction>( constraints: ViewConstraints, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackViewMiddlewareArgs<ViewActionType>>[] ): void public view<ViewActionType extends SlackViewAction = SlackViewAction>( callbackIdOrConstraints: string | RegExp | ViewConstraints, ...listeners: Middleware<SlackViewMiddlewareArgs<ViewActionType>>[] ): void { const constraints: ViewConstraints = typeof callbackIdOrConstraints === "string" || callbackIdOrConstraints instanceof RegExp ? { callback_id: callbackIdOrConstraints, type: "view_submission" } : callbackIdOrConstraints // Fail early if the constraints contain invalid keys const unknownConstraintKeys = Object.keys(constraints).filter((k) => k !== "callback_id" && k !== "type") if (unknownConstraintKeys.length > 0) { this.logger.error( `View listener cannot be attached using unknown constraint keys: ${unknownConstraintKeys.join(", ")}`, ) return }
if ( constraints.type !== undefined && !validViewTypes.includes(constraints.type) ) { this.logger.error( `View listener cannot be attached using unknown view event type: ${constraints.type}`, ) return }
this.listeners.push([ onlyViewActions, matchConstraints(constraints), ...listeners, ] as Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>[]) }
public error(errorHandler: ErrorHandler): void { this.errorHandler = errorHandler }
/** * Handles events from the receiver */ public async processEvent(event: ReceiverEvent): Promise<void> { const { body, ack } = event
if (this.developerMode) { // log the body of the event // this may contain sensitive info like tokens this.logger.debug(JSON.stringify(body)) }
// TODO: when generating errors (such as in the say utility) it may become useful to capture the current context, // or even all of the args, as properties of the error. This would give error handling code some ability to deal // with "finally" type error situations. // Introspect the body to determine what type of incoming event is being handled, and any channel context const { type, conversationId } = getTypeAndConversation(body) // If the type could not be determined, warn and exit if (type === undefined) { this.logger.warn( "Could not determine the type of an incoming event. No listeners will be called.", ) return }
// From this point on, we assume that body is not just a key-value map, but one of the types of bodies we expect const bodyArg = body as AnyMiddlewareArgs["body"]
// Check if type event with the authorizations object or if it has a top level is_enterprise_install property const isEnterpriseInstall = isBodyWithTypeEnterpriseInstall(bodyArg, type) const source = buildSource( type, conversationId, bodyArg, isEnterpriseInstall, )
let authorizeResult: AuthorizeResult try { if (source.isEnterpriseInstall) { authorizeResult = await this.authorize( source as AuthorizeSourceData<true>, bodyArg, ) } else { authorizeResult = await this.authorize( source as AuthorizeSourceData<false>, bodyArg, ) } } catch (error) { this.logger.warn( "Authorization of incoming event did not succeed. No listeners will be called.", ) error.code = "slack_bolt_authorization_error" return this.handleError(error) }
// Try to set teamId from AuthorizeResult before using one from source if (authorizeResult.teamId === undefined && source.teamId !== undefined) { authorizeResult.teamId = source.teamId }
// Try to set enterpriseId from AuthorizeResult before using one from source if ( authorizeResult.enterpriseId === undefined && source.enterpriseId !== undefined ) { authorizeResult.enterpriseId = source.enterpriseId }
const context: StringIndexed = { ...authorizeResult }
// Factory for say() utility const createSay = (channelId: string): SayFn => { const token = selectToken(context) return (message: Parameters<SayFn>[0]) => { const postMessageArguments: ChatPostMessageArguments = typeof message === "string" ? { token, text: message, channel: channelId } : { ...message, token, channel: channelId }
return } }
// Set body and payload (this value will eventually conform to AnyMiddlewareArgs) // NOTE: the following doesn't work because... distributive? // const listenerArgs: Partial<AnyMiddlewareArgs> = { const listenerArgs: Pick<AnyMiddlewareArgs, "body" | "payload"> & { /** Say function might be set below */ say?: SayFn /** Respond function might be set below */ respond?: RespondFn /** Ack function might be set below */ ack?: AckFn<any> } = { body: bodyArg, payload: type === IncomingEventType.Event ? (bodyArg as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs["body"]).event : type === IncomingEventType.ViewAction ? (bodyArg as SlackViewMiddlewareArgs["body"]).view : type === IncomingEventType.Shortcut ? (bodyArg as SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs["body"]) : type === IncomingEventType.Action && isBlockActionOrInteractiveMessageBody( bodyArg as SlackActionMiddlewareArgs["body"], ) ? (bodyArg as SlackActionMiddlewareArgs< BlockAction | InteractiveMessage >["body"]).actions[0] : (bodyArg as ( | Exclude< AnyMiddlewareArgs, | SlackEventMiddlewareArgs | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs | SlackViewMiddlewareArgs > | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs< Exclude<SlackAction, BlockAction | InteractiveMessage> > )["body"]), }
// Set aliases if (type === IncomingEventType.Event) { const eventListenerArgs = listenerArgs as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs eventListenerArgs.event = eventListenerArgs.payload if (eventListenerArgs.event.type === "message") { const messageEventListenerArgs = eventListenerArgs as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message"> messageEventListenerArgs.message = messageEventListenerArgs.payload } } else if (type === IncomingEventType.Action) { const actionListenerArgs = listenerArgs as SlackActionMiddlewareArgs actionListenerArgs.action = actionListenerArgs.payload } else if (type === IncomingEventType.Command) { const commandListenerArgs = listenerArgs as SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs commandListenerArgs.command = commandListenerArgs.payload } else if (type === IncomingEventType.Options) { const optionListenerArgs = listenerArgs as SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs< OptionsSource > optionListenerArgs.options = optionListenerArgs.payload } else if (type === IncomingEventType.ViewAction) { const viewListenerArgs = listenerArgs as SlackViewMiddlewareArgs viewListenerArgs.view = viewListenerArgs.payload } else if (type === IncomingEventType.Shortcut) { const shortcutListenerArgs = listenerArgs as SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs shortcutListenerArgs.shortcut = shortcutListenerArgs.payload }
// Set say() utility if (conversationId !== undefined && type !== IncomingEventType.Options) { listenerArgs.say = createSay(conversationId) }
// Set respond() utility if (body.response_url) { listenerArgs.respond = ( response: string | RespondArguments, ): Promise<Response> => { const validResponse: RespondArguments = typeof response === "string" ? { text: response } : response
return fetch(body.response_url, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(validResponse), }) } }
// Set ack() utility if (type !== IncomingEventType.Event) { listenerArgs.ack = ack } else { // Events API requests are acknowledged right away, since there's no data expected await ack() }
// Get the client arg let { client } = this const token = selectToken(context)
if (token !== undefined) { let pool const clientOptionsCopy = { ...this.clientOptions } if (authorizeResult.teamId !== undefined) { pool = this.clients[authorizeResult.teamId] if (pool === undefined) { pool = this.clients[authorizeResult.teamId] = new WebClientPool() } // Add teamId to clientOptions so it can be automatically added to web-api calls clientOptionsCopy.teamId = authorizeResult.teamId } else if (authorizeResult.enterpriseId !== undefined) { pool = this.clients[authorizeResult.enterpriseId] if (pool === undefined) { pool = this.clients[authorizeResult.enterpriseId] = new WebClientPool() } } if (pool !== undefined) { client = pool.getOrCreate(token, clientOptionsCopy) } }
// Dispatch event through the global middleware chain try { await processMiddleware( this.middleware, listenerArgs as AnyMiddlewareArgs, context, client, this.logger, async () => { // Dispatch the event through the listener middleware chains and aggregate their results // TODO: change the name of this.middleware and this.listeners to help this make more sense const listenerResults = (origListenerMiddleware) => { // Copy the array so modifications don't affect the original const listenerMiddleware = [...origListenerMiddleware]
// Don't process the last item in the listenerMiddleware array - it shouldn't get a next fn const listener = listenerMiddleware.pop()
if (listener !== undefined) { return processMiddleware( listenerMiddleware, listenerArgs as AnyMiddlewareArgs, context, client, this.logger, () => // When the listener middleware chain is done processing, call the listener without a next fn Promise.resolve(listener({ ...(listenerArgs as AnyMiddlewareArgs), context, client, logger: this.logger, })), ) } }, )
const settledListenerResults = await Promise.allSettled(listenerResults) const rejectedListenerResults = settledListenerResults.filter( (lr) => lr.status === "rejected", ) as PromiseRejectedResult[] if (rejectedListenerResults.length === 1) { throw rejectedListenerResults[0].reason } else if (rejectedListenerResults.length > 1) { throw new MultipleListenerError( => rlr.reason), ) } }, ) } catch (error) { return this.handleError(error) } }
/** * Global error handler. The final destination for all errors (hopefully). */ private handleError(error: Error): Promise<void> { return this.errorHandler(asCodedError(error)) }}
const tokenUsage = "Apps used in one workspace should be initialized with a token. Apps used in many workspaces " + "should be initialized with oauth installer or authorize."
const validViewTypes = ["view_closed", "view_submission"]
/** * Helper which builds the data structure the authorize hook uses to provide tokens for the context. */function buildSource<IsEnterpriseInstall extends boolean>( type: IncomingEventType, channelId: string | undefined, body: AnyMiddlewareArgs["body"], isEnterpriseInstall: IsEnterpriseInstall,): AuthorizeSourceData<IsEnterpriseInstall> { // NOTE: potentially something that can be optimized, so that each of these conditions isn't evaluated more than once. // if this makes it prettier, great! but we should probably check perf before committing to any specific optimization.
const teamId: string | undefined = (() => { if (type === IncomingEventType.Event) { const bodyAsEvent = body as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs["body"] if ( Array.isArray(bodyAsEvent.authorizations) && bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0] !== undefined && bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0].team_id !== null ) { return bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0].team_id } return bodyAsEvent.team_id }
if (type === IncomingEventType.Command) { return (body as SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs["body"]).team_id }
if ( type === IncomingEventType.Action || type === IncomingEventType.Options || type === IncomingEventType.ViewAction || type === IncomingEventType.Shortcut ) { const bodyAsActionOrOptionsOrViewActionOrShortcut = body as ( | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs | SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs | SlackViewMiddlewareArgs | SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs )["body"]
// When the app is installed using org-wide deployment, team property will be null if ( typeof !== "undefined" && !== null ) { return }
// This is the only place where this function might return undefined return bodyAsActionOrOptionsOrViewActionOrShortcut.user.team_id }
return assertNever(type) })()
const enterpriseId: string | undefined = (() => { if (type === IncomingEventType.Event) { const bodyAsEvent = body as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs["body"] if ( Array.isArray(bodyAsEvent.authorizations) && bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0] !== undefined && bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0].enterprise_id !== null ) { return bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0].enterprise_id } return bodyAsEvent.enterprise_id }
if (type === IncomingEventType.Command) { return (body as SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs["body"]).enterprise_id }
if ( type === IncomingEventType.Action || type === IncomingEventType.Options || type === IncomingEventType.ViewAction || type === IncomingEventType.Shortcut ) { // NOTE: no type system backed exhaustiveness check within this group of incoming event types const bodyAsActionOrOptionsOrViewActionOrShortcut = body as ( | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs | SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs | SlackViewMiddlewareArgs | SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs )["body"]
if ( typeof bodyAsActionOrOptionsOrViewActionOrShortcut.enterprise !== "undefined" && bodyAsActionOrOptionsOrViewActionOrShortcut.enterprise !== null ) { return }
// When the app is installed using org-wide deployment, team property will be null if ( typeof !== "undefined" && !== null ) { return }
return undefined }
return assertNever(type) })()
const userId: string | undefined = (() => { if (type === IncomingEventType.Event) { // NOTE: no type system backed exhaustiveness check within this incoming event type const { event } = body as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs["body"] if ("user" in event) { if (typeof event.user === "string") { return event.user } if (typeof event.user === "object") { return } } if ( "channel" in event && typeof !== "string" && "creator" in ) { return } if ("subteam" in event && event.subteam.created_by !== undefined) { return event.subteam.created_by } return undefined }
if ( type === IncomingEventType.Action || type === IncomingEventType.Options || type === IncomingEventType.ViewAction || type === IncomingEventType.Shortcut ) { // NOTE: no type system backed exhaustiveness check within this incoming event type const bodyAsActionOrOptionsOrViewActionOrShortcut = body as ( | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs | SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs | SlackViewMiddlewareArgs | SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs )["body"] return }
if (type === IncomingEventType.Command) { return (body as SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs["body"]).user_id }
return assertNever(type) })()
return { userId, isEnterpriseInstall, teamId: teamId as IsEnterpriseInstall extends true ? string | undefined : string, enterpriseId: enterpriseId as IsEnterpriseInstall extends true ? string : string | undefined, conversationId: channelId, }}
function isBodyWithTypeEnterpriseInstall( body: AnyMiddlewareArgs["body"], type: IncomingEventType,): boolean { if (type === IncomingEventType.Event) { const bodyAsEvent = body as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs["body"] if ( Array.isArray(bodyAsEvent.authorizations) && bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0] !== undefined ) { return !!bodyAsEvent.authorizations[0].is_enterprise_install } } // command payloads have this property set as a string if (typeof body.is_enterprise_install === "string") { return body.is_enterprise_install === "true" } // all remaining types have a boolean property if (body.is_enterprise_install !== undefined) { return body.is_enterprise_install } // as a fallback we assume it's a single team installation (but this should never happen) return false}
function isBlockActionOrInteractiveMessageBody( body: SlackActionMiddlewareArgs["body"],): body is SlackActionMiddlewareArgs<BlockAction | InteractiveMessage>["body"] { return (body as SlackActionMiddlewareArgs< BlockAction | InteractiveMessage >["body"]).actions !== undefined}
function defaultErrorHandler(logger: Logger): ErrorHandler { return (error) => { logger.error(error)
return Promise.reject(error) }}
function singleAuthorization( client: WebClient, authorization: Partial<AuthorizeResult> & { botToken: Required<AuthorizeResult>["botToken"] },): Authorize<boolean> { // TODO: warn when something needed isn't found const identifiers: Promise<{ botUserId: string; botId: string }> = authorization.botUserId !== undefined && authorization.botId !== undefined ? Promise.resolve({ botUserId: authorization.botUserId, botId: authorization.botId, }) : client.auth.test({ token: authorization.botToken }).then((result) => { return { botUserId: result.user_id as string, botId: result.bot_id as string, } })
return async ({ isEnterpriseInstall }) => { return { isEnterpriseInstall, botToken: authorization.botToken, ...(await identifiers), } }}
function selectToken(context: StringIndexed): string | undefined { return context.botToken !== undefined ? context.botToken : context.userToken}
/* Instrumentation */addAppMetadata({ name: name, version: version })