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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcase no-explicit-anyimport { Block, KnownBlock, WebAPICallResult } from "../deps.ts"import { WorkflowStepInitializationError } from "./errors.ts"import { processMiddleware } from "./middleware/process.ts"import { AllMiddlewareArgs, AnyMiddlewareArgs, Middleware, SlackActionMiddlewareArgs, SlackEventMiddlewareArgs, SlackViewMiddlewareArgs, StringIndexed, ViewWorkflowStepSubmitAction, WorkflowStepEdit, WorkflowStepExecuteEvent,} from "./types/index.ts"
/** Interfaces */
export interface StepConfigureArguments { blocks: (KnownBlock | Block)[] private_metadata?: string submit_disabled?: boolean external_id?: string}
export interface StepUpdateArguments { inputs?: { [key: string]: { value: any skip_variable_replacement?: boolean variables?: { [key: string]: any } } } outputs?: [ { name: string type: string label: string }, ] step_name?: string step_image_url?: string}
export interface StepCompleteArguments { outputs?: { [key: string]: any }}
export interface StepFailArguments { error: { message: string }}
export interface StepConfigureFn { (params: StepConfigureArguments): Promise<WebAPICallResult>}
export interface StepUpdateFn { (params?: StepUpdateArguments): Promise<WebAPICallResult>}
export interface StepCompleteFn { (params?: StepCompleteArguments): Promise<WebAPICallResult>}
export interface StepFailFn { (params: StepFailArguments): Promise<WebAPICallResult>}
export interface WorkflowStepConfig { edit: WorkflowStepEditMiddleware | WorkflowStepEditMiddleware[] save: WorkflowStepSaveMiddleware | WorkflowStepSaveMiddleware[] execute: WorkflowStepExecuteMiddleware | WorkflowStepExecuteMiddleware[]}
export interface WorkflowStepEditMiddlewareArgs extends SlackActionMiddlewareArgs<WorkflowStepEdit> { step: WorkflowStepEdit["workflow_step"] configure: StepConfigureFn}
export interface WorkflowStepSaveMiddlewareArgs extends SlackViewMiddlewareArgs<ViewWorkflowStepSubmitAction> { step: ViewWorkflowStepSubmitAction["workflow_step"] update: StepUpdateFn}
export interface WorkflowStepExecuteMiddlewareArgs extends SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"workflow_step_execute"> { step: WorkflowStepExecuteEvent["workflow_step"] complete: StepCompleteFn fail: StepFailFn}
/** Types */
export type SlackWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs = | WorkflowStepEditMiddlewareArgs | WorkflowStepSaveMiddlewareArgs | WorkflowStepExecuteMiddlewareArgs
export type WorkflowStepEditMiddleware = Middleware< WorkflowStepEditMiddlewareArgs>export type WorkflowStepSaveMiddleware = Middleware< WorkflowStepSaveMiddlewareArgs>export type WorkflowStepExecuteMiddleware = Middleware< WorkflowStepExecuteMiddlewareArgs>
export type WorkflowStepMiddleware = | WorkflowStepEditMiddleware[] | WorkflowStepSaveMiddleware[] | WorkflowStepExecuteMiddleware[]
export type AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs< T extends SlackWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs = SlackWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs,> = T & AllMiddlewareArgs
/** Constants */
const VALID_PAYLOAD_TYPES = new Set([ "workflow_step_edit", "workflow_step", "workflow_step_execute",])
/** Class */
export class WorkflowStep { /** Step callback_id */ private callbackId: string
/** Step Add/Edit :: 'workflow_step_edit' action */ private edit: WorkflowStepEditMiddleware[]
/** Step Config Save :: 'view_submission' */ private save: WorkflowStepSaveMiddleware[]
/** Step Executed/Run :: 'workflow_step_execute' event */ private execute: WorkflowStepExecuteMiddleware[]
constructor(callbackId: string, config: WorkflowStepConfig) { validate(callbackId, config)
const { save, edit, execute } = config
this.callbackId = callbackId = Array.isArray(save) ? save : [save] this.edit = Array.isArray(edit) ? edit : [edit] this.execute = Array.isArray(execute) ? execute : [execute] }
public getMiddleware(): Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs> { return (args): Promise<any> => { if (isStepEvent(args) && this.matchesConstraints(args)) { return this.processEvent(args) } return!() } }
private matchesConstraints(args: SlackWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs): boolean { return args.payload.callback_id === this.callbackId }
private processEvent( args: AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs, ): Promise<void> { const { payload } = args const stepArgs = prepareStepArgs(args) const stepMiddleware = this.getStepMiddleware(payload) return processStepMiddleware(stepArgs, stepMiddleware) }
private getStepMiddleware( payload: AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs["payload"], ): WorkflowStepMiddleware { switch (payload.type) { case "workflow_step_edit": return this.edit case "workflow_step": return case "workflow_step_execute": return this.execute default: return [] } }}
/** Helper Functions */
export function validate(callbackId: string, config: WorkflowStepConfig): void { // Ensure callbackId is valid if (typeof callbackId !== "string") { const errorMsg = "WorkflowStep expects a callback_id as the first argument" throw new WorkflowStepInitializationError(errorMsg) }
// Ensure step config object is passed in if (typeof config !== "object") { const errorMsg = "WorkflowStep expects a configuration object as the second argument" throw new WorkflowStepInitializationError(errorMsg) }
// Check for missing required keys const requiredKeys: (keyof WorkflowStepConfig)[] = ["save", "edit", "execute"] const missingKeys: (keyof WorkflowStepConfig)[] = [] requiredKeys.forEach((key) => { if (config[key] === undefined) { missingKeys.push(key) } })
if (missingKeys.length > 0) { const errorMsg = `WorkflowStep is missing required keys: ${missingKeys.join(", ")}` throw new WorkflowStepInitializationError(errorMsg) }
// Ensure a callback or an array of callbacks is present const requiredFns: (keyof WorkflowStepConfig)[] = ["save", "edit", "execute"] requiredFns.forEach((fn) => { if (typeof config[fn] !== "function" && !Array.isArray(config[fn])) { const errorMsg = `WorkflowStep ${fn} property must be a function or an array of functions` throw new WorkflowStepInitializationError(errorMsg) } })}
/** * `processStepMiddleware()` invokes each callback for lifecycle event * @param args workflow_step_edit action */export async function processStepMiddleware( args: AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs, middleware: WorkflowStepMiddleware,): Promise<void> { const { context, client, logger } = args // TODO :: revisit type used below (look into contravariance) const callbacks = [...middleware] as Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs>[] const lastCallback = callbacks.pop()
if (lastCallback !== undefined) { await processMiddleware( callbacks, args, context, client, logger, () => lastCallback({ ...args, context, client, logger }), ) }}
export function isStepEvent( args: AnyMiddlewareArgs,): args is AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs { return VALID_PAYLOAD_TYPES.has(args.payload.type)}
function selectToken(context: StringIndexed): string | undefined { return context.botToken !== undefined ? context.botToken : context.userToken}
/** * Factory for `configure()` utility * @param args workflow_step_edit action */function createStepConfigure( args: AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs<WorkflowStepEditMiddlewareArgs>,): StepConfigureFn { const { context, client, body: { callback_id, trigger_id }, } = args const token = selectToken(context)
return (params: Parameters<StepConfigureFn>[0]) => { return{ token, trigger_id, view: { callback_id, type: "workflow_step", ...params, }, }) }}
/** * Factory for `update()` utility * @param args view_submission event */function createStepUpdate( args: AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs<WorkflowStepSaveMiddlewareArgs>,): StepUpdateFn { const { context, client, body: { workflow_step: { workflow_step_edit_id }, }, } = args const token = selectToken(context)
return (params: Parameters<StepUpdateFn>[0] = {}) => { return client.workflows.updateStep({ token, workflow_step_edit_id, ...params, }) }}
/** * Factory for `complete()` utility * @param args workflow_step_execute event */function createStepComplete( args: AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs<WorkflowStepExecuteMiddlewareArgs>,): StepCompleteFn { const { context, client, payload: { workflow_step: { workflow_step_execute_id }, }, } = args const token = selectToken(context)
return (params: Parameters<StepCompleteFn>[0] = {}) => { return client.workflows.stepCompleted({ token, workflow_step_execute_id, ...params, }) }}
/** * Factory for `fail()` utility * @param args workflow_step_execute event */function createStepFail( args: AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs<WorkflowStepExecuteMiddlewareArgs>,): StepFailFn { const { context, client, payload: { workflow_step: { workflow_step_execute_id }, }, } = args const token = selectToken(context)
return (params: Parameters<StepFailFn>[0]) => { const { error } = params return client.workflows.stepFailed({ token, workflow_step_execute_id, error, }) }}
/** * `prepareStepArgs()` takes in a workflow step's args and: * 1. removes the next() passed in from App-level middleware processing * - events will *not* continue down global middleware chain to subsequent listeners * 2. augments args with step lifecycle-specific properties/utilities * */// TODO :: refactor to incorporate a generic parameterexport function prepareStepArgs(args: any): AllWorkflowStepMiddlewareArgs { const { next, ...stepArgs } = args const preparedArgs: any = { ...stepArgs }
switch (preparedArgs.payload.type) { case "workflow_step_edit": preparedArgs.step = preparedArgs.action.workflow_step preparedArgs.configure = createStepConfigure(preparedArgs) break case "workflow_step": preparedArgs.step = preparedArgs.body.workflow_step preparedArgs.update = createStepUpdate(preparedArgs) break case "workflow_step_execute": preparedArgs.step = preparedArgs.event.workflow_step preparedArgs.complete = createStepComplete(preparedArgs) = createStepFail(preparedArgs) break default: break }
return preparedArgs}