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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
import { ActionConstraints, ShortcutConstraints, ViewConstraints } from "../App.ts"import { ContextMissingPropertyError } from "../errors.ts"import { AnyMiddlewareArgs, BlockElementAction, DialogSubmitAction, EventTypePattern, GlobalShortcut, InteractiveMessage, MessageShortcut, Middleware, OptionsRequest, SlackAction, SlackActionMiddlewareArgs, SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs, SlackEvent, SlackEventMiddlewareArgs, SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs, SlackShortcut, SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs, SlackViewAction, SlackViewMiddlewareArgs, SlashCommand, ViewClosedAction, ViewSubmitAction,} from "../types/index.ts"
/** * Middleware that filters out any event that isn't an action */export const onlyActions: Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs & { action?: SlackAction }> = async ({ action, next }) => { // Filter out any non-actions if (action === undefined) { return }
// It matches so we should continue down this middleware listener chain // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!()}
/** * Middleware that filters out any event that isn't a shortcut */// tslint:disable-next-line: max-line-lengthexport const onlyShortcuts: Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs & { shortcut?: SlackShortcut }> = async ({ shortcut, next,}) => { // Filter out any non-shortcuts if (shortcut === undefined) { return }
// It matches so we should continue down this middleware listener chain // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!()}
/** * Middleware that filters out any event that isn't a command */export const onlyCommands: Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs & { command?: SlashCommand }> = async ({ command, next }) => { // Filter out any non-commands if (command === undefined) { return }
// It matches so we should continue down this middleware listener chain // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!()}
/** * Middleware that filters out any event that isn't an options */export const onlyOptions: Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs & { options?: OptionsRequest }> = async ({ options, next }) => { // Filter out any non-options requests if (options === undefined) { return }
// It matches so we should continue down this middleware listener chain // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!()}
/** * Middleware that filters out any event that isn't an event */export const onlyEvents: Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs & { event?: SlackEvent }> = async ({ event, next }) => { // Filter out any non-events if (event === undefined) { return }
// It matches so we should continue down this middleware listener chain // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!()}
/** * Middleware that filters out any event that isn't a view_submission or view_closed event */export const onlyViewActions: Middleware< AnyMiddlewareArgs & { view?: ViewSubmitAction | ViewClosedAction }> = async ({ view, next,}) => { // Filter out anything that doesn't have a view if (view === undefined) { return }
// It matches so we should continue down this middleware listener chain // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!()}
/** * Middleware that checks for matches given constraints */export function matchConstraints( constraints: ActionConstraints | ViewConstraints | ShortcutConstraints,): Middleware< | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs | SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs | SlackViewMiddlewareArgs> { return async ({ payload, body, next, context }) => { // TODO: is putting matches in an array actually helpful? there's no way to know which of the regexps contributed // which matches (and in which order) let tempMatches: RegExpMatchArray | null
// Narrow type for ActionConstraints if ("block_id" in constraints || "action_id" in constraints) { if (!isBlockPayload(payload)) { return }
// Check block_id if (constraints.block_id !== undefined) { if (typeof constraints.block_id === "string") { if (payload.block_id !== constraints.block_id) { return } } else { tempMatches = payload.block_id.match(constraints.block_id)
if (tempMatches !== null) { context["blockIdMatches"] = tempMatches } else { return } } }
// Check action_id if (constraints.action_id !== undefined) { if (typeof constraints.action_id === "string") { if (payload.action_id !== constraints.action_id) { return } } else { tempMatches = payload.action_id.match(constraints.action_id)
if (tempMatches !== null) { context["actionIdMatches"] = tempMatches } else { return } } } }
// Check callback_id if ("callback_id" in constraints && constraints.callback_id !== undefined) { let callbackId = ""
if (isViewBody(body)) { callbackId = body["view"]["callback_id"] } else if (isCallbackIdentifiedBody(body)) { callbackId = body["callback_id"] } else { return }
if (typeof constraints.callback_id === "string") { if (callbackId !== constraints.callback_id) { return } } else { tempMatches = callbackId.match(constraints.callback_id)
if (tempMatches !== null) { context["callbackIdMatches"] = tempMatches } else { return } } }
// Check type if ("type" in constraints) { if (body.type !== constraints.type) return }
// TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!() }}
/* * Middleware that filters out messages that don't match pattern */export function matchMessage( pattern: string | RegExp,): Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message" | "app_mention">> { return async ({ event, context, next }) => { let tempMatches: RegExpMatchArray | null
if (!("text" in event) || event.text === undefined) { return }
// Filter out messages or app mentions that don't contain the pattern if (typeof pattern === "string") { if (!event.text.includes(pattern)) { return } } else { tempMatches = event.text.match(pattern)
if (tempMatches !== null) { context["matches"] = tempMatches } else { return } }
// TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!() }}
/** * Middleware that filters out any command that doesn't match name */export function matchCommandName( name: string,): Middleware<SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs> { return async ({ command, next }) => { // Filter out any commands that are not the correct command name if (name !== command.command) { return }
// TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!() }}
/* * Middleware that filters out events that don't match pattern */export function matchEventType(pattern: EventTypePattern): Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs> { return async ({ event, context, next }) => { let tempMatches: RegExpMatchArray | null if (!("type" in event) || event.type === undefined) { return }
// Filter out events that don't contain the pattern if (typeof pattern === "string") { if (event.type !== pattern) { return } } else { tempMatches = event.type.match(pattern)
if (tempMatches !== null) { context["matches"] = tempMatches } else { return } }
// TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!() }}
export function ignoreSelf(): Middleware<AnyMiddlewareArgs> { return async (args) => { // When context does not have a botId in it, then this middleware cannot perform its job. Bail immediately. if (args.context.botId === undefined) { throw new ContextMissingPropertyError( "botId", "Cannot ignore events from the app without a bot ID. Ensure authorize callback returns a botId.", ) }
const botId = args.context.botId as string const botUserId = args.context.botUserId !== undefined ? (args.context.botUserId as string) : undefined
if (isEventArgs(args)) { // Once we've narrowed the type down to SlackEventMiddlewareArgs, there's no way to further narrow it down to // SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<'message'> without a cast, so the following couple lines do that. if (args.message !== undefined) { const message = args.message as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message">["message"] // TODO: revisit this once we have all the message subtypes defined to see if we can do this better with // type narrowing // Look for an event that is identified as a bot message from the same bot ID as this app, and return to skip if ("bot_id" in message && message.bot_id === botId) { return }
// If all the previous checks didn't skip this message, then its okay to resume to next // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await!() } } }}
export function subtype( subtype1: string,): Middleware<SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message">> { return async ({ message, next }) => { if (message.subtype === subtype1) { // TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!() } }}
const slackLink = /<(?<type>[@#!])?(?<link>[^>|]+)(?:\|(?<label>[^>]+))?>/
export function directMention(): Middleware< SlackEventMiddlewareArgs<"message">> { return async ({ message, context, next }) => { // When context does not have a botUserId in it, then this middleware cannot perform its job. Bail immediately. if (context.botUserId === undefined) { throw new ContextMissingPropertyError( "botUserId", "Cannot match direct mentions of the app without a bot user ID. Ensure authorize callback returns a botUserId.", ) }
if (!("text" in message) || message.text === undefined) { return }
// Match the message text with a user mention format const text = message.text.trim()
const matches = slackLink.exec(text) if ( matches === null // stop when no matches are found || matches.index !== 0 // stop if match isn't at the beginning // stop if match isn't a user mention with the right user ID || matches.groups === undefined || matches.groups.type !== "@" || !== context.botUserId ) { return }
// TODO: remove the non-null assertion operator await next!() }}
function isBlockPayload( payload: | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs["payload"] | SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs["payload"] | SlackViewMiddlewareArgs["payload"],): payload is BlockElementAction | OptionsRequest<"block_suggestion"> { return (payload as BlockElementAction | OptionsRequest<"block_suggestion">) .action_id !== undefined}
type CallbackIdentifiedBody = | InteractiveMessage | DialogSubmitAction | MessageShortcut | GlobalShortcut | OptionsRequest<"interactive_message" | "dialog_suggestion">
function isCallbackIdentifiedBody( body: | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs["body"] | SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs["body"] | SlackShortcutMiddlewareArgs["body"],): body is CallbackIdentifiedBody { return (body as CallbackIdentifiedBody).callback_id !== undefined}
function isViewBody( body: | SlackActionMiddlewareArgs["body"] | SlackOptionsMiddlewareArgs["body"] | SlackViewMiddlewareArgs["body"],): body is SlackViewAction { return (body as SlackViewAction).view !== undefined}
function isEventArgs( args: AnyMiddlewareArgs,): args is SlackEventMiddlewareArgs { return (args as SlackEventMiddlewareArgs).event !== undefined}