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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { ConsoleLogger, decoder, HTTPOptions, HTTPSOptions, InstallProvider, InstallProviderOptions, InstallURLOptions, Logger, LogLevel, serve, Server, ServerRequest, serveTLS,} from "../../deps.ts"
import App from "../App.ts"import { ErrorCode, HTTPReceiverDeferredRequestError, ReceiverInconsistentStateError, ReceiverMultipleAckError,} from "../errors.ts"import { Receiver, ReceiverEvent } from "../types/index.ts"import { verify as verifySlackAuthenticity } from "./verify-request.ts"
export interface HTTPReceiverOptions { signingSecret: string endpoints?: string | string[] logger?: Logger logLevel?: LogLevel processBeforeResponse?: boolean clientId?: string clientSecret?: string stateSecret?: InstallProviderOptions["stateSecret"] // required when using default stateStore installationStore?: InstallProviderOptions["installationStore"] // default MemoryInstallationStore scopes?: InstallURLOptions["scopes"] installerOptions?: HTTPReceiverInstallerOptions}
export interface HTTPReceiverInstallerOptions { installPath?: string redirectUriPath?: string stateStore?: InstallProviderOptions["stateStore"] // default ClearStateStore authVersion?: InstallProviderOptions["authVersion"] // default 'v2' clientOptions?: InstallProviderOptions["clientOptions"] authorizationUrl?: InstallProviderOptions["authorizationUrl"] metadata?: InstallURLOptions["metadata"] userScopes?: InstallURLOptions["userScopes"] callbacks?: { failure?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> success?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> }}
/** * Receives HTTP requests with Events, Slash Commands, and Actions */export default class HTTPReceiver implements Receiver { private endpoints: string[]
private signingSecret: string
private processBeforeResponse: boolean
private app?: App
public requestListener: (req: ServerRequest) => void | Promise<void>
private server?: Server
public installer?: InstallProvider
private installPath?: string // always defined when installer is defined
private installRedirectUriPath?: string // always defined when installer is defined
private installUrlOptions?: InstallURLOptions // always defined when installer is defined
private installerRedirectOptions?: { failure?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> success?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> }
private logger: Logger
constructor({ signingSecret = "", endpoints = ["/slack/events"], logger = undefined, logLevel = LogLevel.INFO, processBeforeResponse = false, clientId = undefined, clientSecret = undefined, stateSecret = undefined, installationStore = undefined, scopes = undefined, installerOptions = {}, }: HTTPReceiverOptions) { // Initialize instance variables, substituting defaults for each value this.signingSecret = signingSecret this.processBeforeResponse = processBeforeResponse this.logger = logger ?? (() => { const defaultLogger = new ConsoleLogger() defaultLogger.setLevel(logLevel) return defaultLogger })() this.endpoints = Array.isArray(endpoints) ? endpoints : [endpoints]
// Initialize InstallProvider when it's required options are provided if ( clientId !== undefined && clientSecret !== undefined && (stateSecret !== undefined || installerOptions.stateStore !== undefined) ) { this.installer = new InstallProvider({ clientId, clientSecret, stateSecret, installationStore, logger, logLevel, stateStore: installerOptions.stateStore, authVersion: installerOptions.authVersion, clientOptions: installerOptions.clientOptions, authorizationUrl: installerOptions.authorizationUrl, })
// Store the remaining instance variables that are related to using the InstallProvider this.installPath = installerOptions.installPath ?? "/slack/install" this.installRedirectUriPath = installerOptions.redirectUriPath ?? "/slack/oauth_redirect" this.installUrlOptions = { scopes: scopes ?? [], userScopes: installerOptions.userScopes, metadata: installerOptions.metadata, } this.installerRedirectOptions = installerOptions.callbacks }
// Assign the requestListener property by binding the unboundRequestListener to this instance this.requestListener = this.unboundRequestListener.bind(this) }
public init(app: App) { = app }
// This function is async to keep the server alive and prevent deno from exiting // deno-lint-ignore require-await public async start(options: HTTPOptions | HTTPSOptions): Promise<Server> { if (this.server !== undefined) { throw new ReceiverInconsistentStateError( "The receiver cannot be started because it was already started.", ) }
this.server = isHTTPSOptions(options) ? serveTLS(options) : serve(options) ;(async () => { for await (const req of this.server!) { try { this.requestListener(req) } catch (error) { if (error.code === ErrorCode.HTTPReceiverDeferredRequestError) {"An unhandled request was ignored") req.respond({ status: 404, body: "Not Found", }) } else { this.logger.error("An unexpected error was encountered") this.logger.debug(`Error details: ${error}`) req.respond({ status: 500, body: "Internal Server Error", }) } } } })()
return this.server }
public stop(): void { if (this.server === undefined) { throw new ReceiverInconsistentStateError( "The receiver cannot be stopped because it was not started.", ) }
this.server.close() this.server = undefined }
private unboundRequestListener(req: ServerRequest) { // Route the request // NOTE: the domain and scheme of the following URL object are not necessarily accurate. The URL object is only // meant to be used to parse the path and query const { pathname: path } = new URL( req.url, `http://${req.headers.get("host")}`, )
const method = req.method!.toUpperCase()
if (this.endpoints.includes(path) && method === "POST") { // Handle incoming ReceiverEvent return this.handleIncomingEvent(req) }
if (this.installer !== undefined && method === "GET") { // When installer is defined then installPath and installRedirectUriPath are always defined const [installPath, installRedirectUriPath] = [ this.installPath!, this.installRedirectUriPath!, ]
if (path === installPath) { // Render installation path (containing Add to Slack button) return this.handleInstallPathRequest(req) } if (path === installRedirectUriPath) { // Handle OAuth callback request (to exchange authorization grant for a new access token) return this.handleInstallRedirectRequest(req) } }
// If the request did not match the previous conditions, an error is thrown. The error can be caught by the // the caller in order to defer to other routing logic (similar to calling `next()` in connect middleware). throw new HTTPReceiverDeferredRequestError( "Unhandled HTTP request", req, ) }
private handleIncomingEvent(req: ServerRequest) { // Wrapped in an async closure for ease of using await // deno-lint-ignore no-extra-semi ;(async () => { let body: Record<string, any> let bufferedReq: Uint8Array
// Verify authenticity try { bufferedReq = await verifySlackAuthenticity({ signingSecret: this.signingSecret }, req) } catch (err) { this.logger.warn(`Request verification failed: ${err.message}`) return await req.respond({ status: 401, body: "Unauthorized", }) }
// Parse request body // The object containing the parsed body is not exposed to the caller. It is preferred to reduce mutations to the // req object, so that its as reusable as possible. Later, we should consider adding an option for assigning the // parsed body to `req.body`, as this convention has been established by the popular `body-parser` package. try { body = await parseBody(req, bufferedReq) } catch (err) { this.logger.warn(`Malformed request body: ${err.message}`) return await req.respond({ status: 400, body: "Bad Request", }) }
// Handle SSL checks if (body.ssl_check) { return await req.respond({ status: 200, body: "OK", }) }
// Handle URL verification if (body.type === "url_verification") { return await req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "application/json", }), body: JSON.stringify({ challenge: body.challenge }), }) }
// Setup ack timeout warning let isAcknowledged = false setTimeout(() => { if (!isAcknowledged) { this.logger.error( "An incoming event was not acknowledged within 3 seconds. " + "Ensure that the ack() argument is called in a listener.", ) } }, 3001)
// Structure the ReceiverEvent let storedResponse const event: ReceiverEvent = { body, ack: async (response) => { this.logger.debug("ack() begin") if (isAcknowledged) { throw new ReceiverMultipleAckError() } isAcknowledged = true if (this.processBeforeResponse) { if (!response) { storedResponse = "" } else { storedResponse = response } this.logger.debug("ack() response stored") } else { if (!response) { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: "OK", }) } else if (typeof response === "string") { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: response, }) } else { await req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "application/json", }), body: JSON.stringify(response), }) } this.logger.debug("ack() response sent") } }, }
// Send the event to the app for processing try { await if (storedResponse !== undefined) { if (typeof storedResponse === "string") { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: storedResponse, }) } else { await req.respond({ status: 200, headers: new Headers({ "content-type": "application/json", }), body: JSON.stringify(storedResponse), }) } this.logger.debug("stored response sent") } } catch (err) { this.logger.error( "An unhandled error occurred while Bolt processed an event", ) this.logger.debug( `Error details: ${err}, storedResponse: ${storedResponse}`, ) await req.respond({ status: 500, body: "Internal Server Error", }) } })() }
private handleInstallPathRequest(req: ServerRequest) { // Wrapped in an async closure for ease of using await // deno-lint-ignore no-extra-semi ;(async () => { // NOTE: Skipping some ceremony such as content negotiation, setting informative headers, etc. These may be nice // to have for completeness, but there's no clear benefit to adding them, so just keeping things simple. If a // user desires a more custom page, they can always call `App.installer.generateInstallUrl()` and render their // own page instead of using this one. try { // This function is only called from within unboundRequestListener after checking that installer is defined, and // when installer is defined then installUrlOptions is always defined too. const [installer, installUrlOptions] = [ this.installer!, this.installUrlOptions!, ]
// Generate the URL for the "Add to Slack" button. const url = await installer.generateInstallUrl(installUrlOptions)
// Generate HTML response body const body = htmlForInstallPath(url)
// Serve a basic HTML page including the "Add to Slack" button. // Regarding headers: // - Content-Type is usually automatically detected by browsers // - Content-Length is not used because Transfer-Encoding='chunked' is automatically used. req.respond({ status: 200, body, }) } catch (err) { this.logger.error( "An unhandled error occurred while Bolt processed a request to the installation path", ) this.logger.debug(`Error details: ${err}`) } })() }
private async handleInstallRedirectRequest(req: ServerRequest) { // This function is only called from within unboundRequestListener after checking that installer is defined, and // when installer is defined then installCallbackOptions is always defined too. const reqURL = new URL(req.url)
try { const result = await this.installer!.handle( reqURL.searchParams.get("body")!, reqURL.searchParams.get("state")!, )
if (this.installerRedirectOptions && this.installerRedirectOptions.success) { await this.installerRedirectOptions.success(req) } else { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: result, }) } } catch (e) { if (this.installerRedirectOptions && this.installerRedirectOptions.failure) { await this.installerRedirectOptions.failure(req) } else { await req.respond({ status: 500, body: e.message, }) } } }}
// Helpers4
function isHTTPSOptions(options: HTTPSOptions | HTTPOptions): options is HTTPSOptions { return "keyFile" in options || "certFile" in options}
function parseBody(req: ServerRequest, bufferedReq: Uint8Array): Promise<Record<string, any>> { const bodyAsString = decoder.decode(bufferedReq) const contentType = req.headers.get("content-type") if (contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { const parsedQs = new URLSearchParams(bodyAsString) const payload = parsedQs.get("payload") if (typeof payload === "string") { return JSON.parse(payload) }
const result: Record<string, any> = {}
for (const [key, value] of parsedQs.entries()) { result[key] = value }
return Promise.resolve(result) } return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(bodyAsString))}
function htmlForInstallPath(addToSlackUrl: string) { return `<html> <body> <a href=${addToSlackUrl}> <img alt="Add to Slack" height="40" width="139" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> </a> </body> </html>`}