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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { ConsoleLogger, createHmac, createOpine, createRouter, decoder, InstallProvider, InstallProviderOptions, InstallURLOptions, Logger, LogLevel, Opine, OpineRequest, OpineResponse, ParamsDictionary, RequestHandler,} from "../../deps.ts"
import type { HTTPOptions, HTTPSOptions, Server } from "../../deps.ts"
import App from "../App.ts"import { ReceiverAuthenticityError, ReceiverInconsistentStateError, ReceiverMultipleAckError } from "../errors.ts"import { AnyMiddlewareArgs, Receiver, ReceiverEvent } from "../types/index.ts"
// TODO: we throw away the key names for endpoints, so maybe we should use this interface. is it better for migrations?// if that's the reason, let's document that with a comment.export interface OpineReceiverOptions { signingSecret: string logger?: Logger logLevel?: LogLevel endpoints?: | string | { [endpointType: string]: string } processBeforeResponse?: boolean clientId?: string clientSecret?: string stateSecret?: InstallProviderOptions["stateSecret"] // required when using default stateStore installationStore?: InstallProviderOptions["installationStore"] // default MemoryInstallationStore scopes?: InstallURLOptions["scopes"] opineInstallerOptions?: OpineInstallerOptions}
// Additional Installer Optionsinterface OpineInstallerOptions { stateStore?: InstallProviderOptions["stateStore"] // default ClearStateStore authVersion?: InstallProviderOptions["authVersion"] // default 'v2' metadata?: InstallURLOptions["metadata"] installPath?: string redirectUriPath?: string userScopes?: InstallURLOptions["userScopes"] clientOptions?: InstallProviderOptions["clientOptions"] authorizationUrl?: InstallProviderOptions["authorizationUrl"] callbacks?: { failure?: (req: OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any>, res: OpineResponse<any>) => Promise<void> success?: (req: OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any>, res: OpineResponse<any>) => Promise<void> }}
/** * Receives HTTP requests with Events, Slash Commands, and Actions */export default class OpineReceiver implements Receiver { /* Opine app */ public app: Opine
private server?: Server
private bolt: App | undefined
private logger: Logger
private processBeforeResponse: boolean
public router
public installer: InstallProvider | undefined = undefined
private installerRedirectOptions?: { failure?: (req: OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any>, res: OpineResponse<any>) => Promise<void> success?: (req: OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any>, res: OpineResponse<any>) => Promise<void> }
constructor({ signingSecret = "", logger = undefined, logLevel = LogLevel.INFO, endpoints = { events: "/slack/events" }, processBeforeResponse = false, clientId = undefined, clientSecret = undefined, stateSecret = undefined, installationStore = undefined, scopes = undefined, opineInstallerOptions: opineInstallerOptions = {}, }: OpineReceiverOptions) { = createOpine()
if (typeof logger !== "undefined") { this.logger = logger } else { this.logger = new ConsoleLogger() this.logger.setLevel(logLevel) }
if (typeof logger !== "undefined") { this.logger = logger } else { this.logger = new ConsoleLogger() this.logger.setLevel(logLevel) }
const opineMiddleware: RequestHandler[] = [ verifySignatureAndParseRawBody(this.logger, signingSecret), respondToSslCheck, respondToUrlVerification, this.requestHandler.bind(this), ]
this.processBeforeResponse = processBeforeResponse
const endpointList = typeof endpoints === "string" ? [endpoints] : Object.values(endpoints) this.router = createRouter() endpointList.forEach((endpoint) => {, ...opineMiddleware) })
if ( clientId !== undefined && clientSecret !== undefined && (stateSecret !== undefined || opineInstallerOptions.stateStore !== undefined) ) { this.installer = new InstallProvider({ clientId, clientSecret, stateSecret, installationStore, logLevel, logger, // pass logger that was passed in constructor, not one created locally stateStore: opineInstallerOptions.stateStore, authVersion: opineInstallerOptions.authVersion!, clientOptions: opineInstallerOptions.clientOptions, authorizationUrl: opineInstallerOptions.authorizationUrl, })
this.installerRedirectOptions = opineInstallerOptions.callbacks }
// Add OAuth routes to receiver if (this.installer !== undefined) { const redirectUriPath = opineInstallerOptions.redirectUriPath === undefined ? "/slack/oauth_redirect" : opineInstallerOptions.redirectUriPath this.router.use(redirectUriPath, async (req, res) => { const reqURL = new URL(req.url)
try { const result = await this.installer!.handle( reqURL.searchParams.get("code")!, reqURL.searchParams.get("state")!, )
if (this.installerRedirectOptions && this.installerRedirectOptions.success) { await this.installerRedirectOptions.success(req, res) } else { res.setStatus(200).send(result) } } catch (e) { if (this.installerRedirectOptions && this.installerRedirectOptions.failure) { await this.installerRedirectOptions.failure(req, res) } else { res.setStatus(500).send(e.message) } } })
const installPath = opineInstallerOptions.installPath === undefined ? "/slack/install" : opineInstallerOptions.installPath this.router.get(installPath, async (_req, res, next) => { try { const url = await this.installer!.generateInstallUrl({ metadata: opineInstallerOptions.metadata, scopes: scopes!, userScopes: opineInstallerOptions.userScopes, }) res.send( `<a href=${url}><img alt=""Add to Slack"" height="40" width="139" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /></a>`, ) } catch (error) { next(error) } }) } }
private async requestHandler( req: OpineRequest<ParamsDictionary, any, any>, res: OpineResponse<any>, ): Promise<void> { let isAcknowledged = false setTimeout(() => { if (!isAcknowledged) { this.logger.error( "An incoming event was not acknowledged within 3 seconds. Ensure that the ack() argument is called in a listener.", ) } }, 3001)
let storedResponse const event: ReceiverEvent = { body: JSON.parse(decoder.decode(await Deno.readAll(req.raw))), ack: (response): Promise<void> => { this.logger.debug("ack() begin") if (isAcknowledged) { throw new ReceiverMultipleAckError() } isAcknowledged = true if (this.processBeforeResponse) { if (!response) { storedResponse = "" } else { storedResponse = response } this.logger.debug("ack() response stored") } else { if (!response) { res.send("") } else if (typeof response === "string") { res.send(response) } else { res.json(response) } this.logger.debug("ack() response sent") }
return Promise.resolve() }, }
try { await this.bolt?.processEvent(event) if (storedResponse !== undefined) { if (typeof storedResponse === "string") { res.send(storedResponse) } else { res.json(storedResponse) } this.logger.debug("stored response sent") } } catch (err) { res.sendStatus(500) throw err } }
public init(bolt: App): void { this.bolt = bolt }
public start(portOrOptions: HTTPOptions | HTTPSOptions): Server { if (this.server !== undefined) { throw new ReceiverInconsistentStateError( "The receiver cannot be started because it was already started.", ) }
this.server = as unknown as Server return this.server }
public stop(): void { if (this.server === undefined) { throw new ReceiverInconsistentStateError( "The receiver cannot be stopped because it was not started.", ) }
this.server.close() this.server = undefined }}
export const respondToSslCheck: RequestHandler = (req, res, next) => { if (req.body && req.body.ssl_check) { res.send() return } next()}
export const respondToUrlVerification: RequestHandler = (req, res, next) => { if (req.body && req.body.type && req.body.type === "url_verification") { res.json({ challenge: req.body.challenge }) return } next()}
/** * This request handler has two responsibilities: * - Verify the request signature * - Parse request.body and assign the successfully parsed object to it. */export function verifySignatureAndParseRawBody( logger: Logger, signingSecret: string,): RequestHandler { return (req, res, next) => { // TODO (?) // On some environments like GCP (Google Cloud Platform), // req.body can be pre-parsed and be passed as req.rawBody here
// *** Parsing body *** // As the verification passed, parse the body as an object and assign it to req.body // Following middlewares can expect `req.body` is already a parsed one.
try { // This handler parses `req.body` or `req.rawBody`(on Google Could Platform) // and overwrites `req.body` with the parsed JS object. req.body = verifySignatureAndParseBody( signingSecret, req.raw, req.headers, ) } catch (error) { if (error) { if (error instanceof ReceiverAuthenticityError) { logError(logger, "Request verification failed", error) return res.sendStatus(401) }
logError(logger, "Parsing request body failed", error) return res.sendStatus(400) } }
return next() }}
function logError(logger: Logger, message: string, error: any): void { const logMessage = "code" in error ? `${message} (code: ${error.code}, message: ${error.message})` : `${message} (error: ${error})` logger.warn(logMessage)}
function verifyRequestSignature( signingSecret: string, body: Deno.Reader, signature: string | undefined, requestTimestamp: string | undefined,): void { if (signature === undefined || requestTimestamp === undefined) { throw new ReceiverAuthenticityError( "Slack request signing verification failed. Some headers are missing.", ) }
const ts = Number(requestTimestamp) if (isNaN(ts)) { throw new ReceiverAuthenticityError( "Slack request signing verification failed. Timestamp is invalid.", ) }
// Divide current date to match Slack ts format // Subtract 5 minutes from current time const fiveMinutesAgo = Math.floor( / 1000) - 60 * 5
if (ts < fiveMinutesAgo) { throw new ReceiverAuthenticityError( "Slack request signing verification failed. Timestamp is too old.", ) }
const [version, hash] = signature.split("=") const hmac = createHmac("sha256", signingSecret, `${version}:${ts}:${body}`)
// TODO Time safe compare (?) if (hash === hmac.hex()) { throw new ReceiverAuthenticityError( "Slack request signing verification failed. Signature mismatch.", ) }}
/** * This request handler has two responsibilities: * - Verify the request signature * - Parse request.body and assign the successfully parsed object to it. */async function verifySignatureAndParseBody( signingSecret: string, body: Deno.Reader, headers: Record<string, any>,): Promise<AnyMiddlewareArgs["body"]> { // *** Request verification *** const { "x-slack-signature": signature, "x-slack-request-timestamp": requestTimestamp, "content-type": contentType, } = headers
verifyRequestSignature(signingSecret, body, signature, requestTimestamp) return parseRequestBody(decoder.decode(await Deno.readAll(body)), contentType)}
function parseRequestBody( stringBody: string, contentType: string | undefined,): AnyMiddlewareArgs["body"] { if (contentType === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { const parsedBody = new URLSearchParams(stringBody)
const payload = parsedBody.get("payload") if (typeof payload === "string") { return JSON.parse(payload) }
const result: any = {}
for (const [key, value] of parsedBody.entries()) { result[key] = value }
return result }
return JSON.parse(stringBody)}