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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
import { ConsoleLogger, InstallProvider, InstallProviderOptions, InstallURLOptions, Logger, LogLevel, serve, ServerRequest, SocketModeClient, WebAPICallResult,} from "../../deps.ts"import App from "../App.ts"import { Receiver, ReceiverEvent } from "../types/index.ts"
// TODO: we throw away the key names for endpoints, so maybe we should use this interface. is it better for migrations?// if that's the reason, let's document that with a comment.export interface SocketModeReceiverOptions { logger?: Logger logLevel?: LogLevel clientId?: string clientSecret?: string stateSecret?: InstallProviderOptions["stateSecret"] // required when using default stateStore installationStore?: InstallProviderOptions["installationStore"] // default MemoryInstallationStore scopes?: InstallURLOptions["scopes"] installerOptions?: InstallerOptions appToken: string // App Level Token}
// Additional Installer Optionsinterface InstallerOptions { stateStore?: InstallProviderOptions["stateStore"] // default ClearStateStore authVersion?: InstallProviderOptions["authVersion"] // default 'v2' metadata?: InstallURLOptions["metadata"] installPath?: string redirectUriPath?: string userScopes?: InstallURLOptions["userScopes"] clientOptions?: InstallProviderOptions["clientOptions"] authorizationUrl?: InstallProviderOptions["authorizationUrl"] port?: number // used to create a server when doing OAuth, callbacks?: { failure?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> success?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> }}
/** * Receives Events, Slash Commands, and Actions of a web socket connection */export default class SocketModeReceiver implements Receiver { /* Express app */ public client: SocketModeClient
private app: App | undefined
private logger: Logger
public installer: InstallProvider | undefined = undefined
private installerRedirectOptions?: { failure?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> success?: (req: ServerRequest) => Promise<void> }
constructor({ appToken, logger = undefined, logLevel = LogLevel.INFO, clientId = undefined, clientSecret = undefined, stateSecret = undefined, installationStore = undefined, scopes = undefined, installerOptions = {}, }: SocketModeReceiverOptions) { this.client = new SocketModeClient({ appToken, logLevel, logger, clientOptions: installerOptions.clientOptions, })
if (typeof logger !== "undefined") { this.logger = logger } else { this.logger = new ConsoleLogger() this.logger.setLevel(logLevel) }
if ( clientId !== undefined && clientSecret !== undefined && (stateSecret !== undefined || installerOptions.stateStore !== undefined) ) { this.installer = new InstallProvider({ clientId, clientSecret, stateSecret, installationStore, logLevel, logger, // pass logger that was passed in constructor, not one created locally stateStore: installerOptions.stateStore, authVersion: installerOptions.authVersion!, clientOptions: installerOptions.clientOptions, authorizationUrl: installerOptions.authorizationUrl, })
this.installerRedirectOptions = installerOptions.callbacks }
// Add OAuth routes to receiver if (this.installer !== undefined) { // use default or passed in redirect path const redirectUriPath = installerOptions.redirectUriPath === undefined ? "/slack/oauth_redirect" : installerOptions.redirectUriPath
// use default or passed in installPath const installPath = installerOptions.installPath === undefined ? "/slack/install" : installerOptions.installPath
const port = installerOptions.port === undefined ? 3000 : installerOptions.port this.logger.debug(`listening on port ${port} for OAuth`) this.logger.debug( `Go to http://localhost:${port}${installPath} to initiate OAuth flow`, ) ;(async () => { const server = serve({ port: 8080 })
for await (const req of server) { if (req.url !== undefined && req.url.startsWith(redirectUriPath)) { const reqURL = new URL(req.url) try { const result = await this.installer!.handle( reqURL.searchParams.get("code")!, reqURL.searchParams.get("state")!, )
if ( this.installerRedirectOptions && this.installerRedirectOptions.success ) { await this.installerRedirectOptions.success(req) } else { await req.respond({ status: 200, body: result, }) } } catch (e) { if ( this.installerRedirectOptions && this.installerRedirectOptions.failure ) { await this.installerRedirectOptions.failure(req) } else { await req.respond({ status: 500, body: e.message, }) } } } else if (req.url !== undefined && req.url.startsWith(installPath)) { try { const url = await this.installer!.generateInstallUrl({ metadata: installerOptions.metadata, scopes: scopes!, userScopes: installerOptions.userScopes, })
await req.respond({ status: 200, body: `<html><body><a href=${url}><img alt=""Add to Slack"" height="40" width="139" src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /></a></body></html>`, }) } catch (err) { throw new Error(err) } } else { // @ts-ignore Accessed from inside of IIFE, TS limitation this.logger.error(`Tried to reach ${req.url} which isn't a`) // Return 404 because we don't support route await req.respond({ status: 404, body: `route ${req.url} doesn't exist!`, }) } } })() }
this.client.addEventListener("slack_event", async ({ detail: { ack, body } }) => { const event: ReceiverEvent = { body, ack, } await }) }
public init(app: App): void { = app }
public async start(): Promise<WebAPICallResult> { // start socket mode client return await this.client.start() }
public async stop(): Promise<void> { await this.client.disconnect() }}