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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcase no-explicit-anyimport { Confirmation, Option, PlainTextElement } from "../../../deps.ts"import { StringIndexed } from "../helpers.ts"import { ViewOutput } from "../view/index.ts"
/** * All known actions from in Slack's interactive elements * * This is a discriminated union. The discriminant is the `type` property. */export type BlockElementAction = | ButtonAction | UsersSelectAction | MultiUsersSelectAction | StaticSelectAction | MultiStaticSelectAction | ConversationsSelectAction | MultiConversationsSelectAction | ChannelsSelectAction | MultiChannelsSelectAction | ExternalSelectAction | MultiExternalSelectAction | OverflowAction | DatepickerAction | RadioButtonsAction | CheckboxesAction
/** * Any action from Slack's interactive elements * * This type is used to represent actions that aren't known ahead of time. Each of the known element actions also * implement this interface. */export interface BasicElementAction<T extends string = string> { type: T block_id: string action_id: string action_ts: string}
/** * An action from a button element */export interface ButtonAction extends BasicElementAction<"button"> { value: string text: PlainTextElement url?: string confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a select menu with static options */export interface StaticSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"static_select"> { selected_option: { text: PlainTextElement value: string } initial_option?: Option placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a multi select menu with static options */export interface MultiStaticSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"multi_static_select"> { selected_options: [ { text: PlainTextElement value: string }, ] initial_options?: [Option] placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a select menu with user list */export interface UsersSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"users_select"> { selected_user: string initial_user?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a multi select menu with user list */export interface MultiUsersSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"multi_users_select"> { selected_users: [string] initial_users?: [string] placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a select menu with conversations list */export interface ConversationsSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"conversations_select"> { selected_conversation: string initial_conversation?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a multi select menu with conversations list */export interface MultiConversationsSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"multi_conversations_select"> { selected_conversations: [string] initial_conversations?: [string] placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a select menu with channels list */export interface ChannelsSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"channels_select"> { selected_channel: string initial_channel?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a multi select menu with channels list */export interface MultiChannelsSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"multi_channels_select"> { selected_channels: [string] initial_channels?: [string] placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a select menu with external data source */export interface ExternalSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"external_select"> { selected_option?: Option initial_option?: Option placeholder?: PlainTextElement min_query_length?: number confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a multi select menu with external data source */export interface MultiExternalSelectAction extends BasicElementAction<"multi_external_select"> { selected_options?: [Option] initial_options?: [Option] placeholder?: PlainTextElement min_query_length?: number confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from an overflow menu element */export interface OverflowAction extends BasicElementAction<"overflow"> { selected_option: { text: PlainTextElement value: string } confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a date picker element */export interface DatepickerAction extends BasicElementAction<"datepicker"> { selected_date: string | null initial_date?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a radio button element */export interface RadioButtonsAction extends BasicElementAction<"radio_buttons"> { selected_option: Option | null initial_option?: Option confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * An action from a checkboxes element */export interface CheckboxesAction extends BasicElementAction<"checkboxes"> { selected_options: Option[] initial_options?: Option[] confirm?: Confirmation}
/** * A Slack Block Kit element action wrapped in the standard metadata. * * This describes the entire JSON-encoded body of a request from Slack's Block Kit interactive components. */export interface BlockAction< ElementAction extends BasicElementAction = BlockElementAction,> { type: "block_actions" actions: [ElementAction] team: { id: string domain: string enterprise_id?: string // undocumented enterprise_name?: string // undocumented } | null user: { id: string name: string team_id?: string // undocumented } channel?: { id: string name: string } message?: { type: "message" user?: string // undocumented that this is optional, it won't be there for bot messages ts: string text?: string // undocumented that this is optional, but how could it exist on block kit based messages? [key: string]: any } view?: ViewOutput token: string response_url: string trigger_id: string api_app_id: string
// TODO: we'll need to fill this out a little more carefully in the future, possibly using a generic parameter container: StringIndexed
// this appears in the block_suggestions schema, but we're not sure when its present or what its type would be app_unfurl?: any
// exists for enterprise installs is_enterprise_install?: boolean enterprise?: { id: string name: string }}
/* * Aliases - these types help make common usages shorter and less intimidating. */export type BlockButtonAction = BlockAction<ButtonAction>export type BlockStaticSelectAction = BlockAction<StaticSelectAction>export type BlockUsersSelectAction = BlockAction<UsersSelectAction>export type BlockConversationsSelectAction = BlockAction< ConversationsSelectAction>export type BlockChannelsSelectAction = BlockAction<ChannelsSelectAction>export type BlockExternalSelectAction = BlockAction<ExternalSelectAction>export type BlockOverflowAction = BlockAction<OverflowAction>export type BlockDatepickerAction = BlockAction<DatepickerAction>export type BlockRadioButtonsAction = BlockAction<RadioButtonsAction>export type BlockCheckboxesAction = BlockAction<CheckboxesAction>