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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcaseimport { StringIndexed } from "../helpers.ts"import { AckFn, RespondArguments, RespondFn, SayFn } from "../utilities.ts"
/** * Arguments which listeners and middleware receive to process a slash command from Slack. */export interface SlackCommandMiddlewareArgs { payload: SlashCommand command: SlashCommand body: SlashCommand say: SayFn respond: RespondFn ack: AckFn<string | RespondArguments>}
/** * A Slack slash command * * This describes the entire URL-encoded body of a request from Slack's slash commands. */export interface SlashCommand extends StringIndexed { token: string command: string text: string response_url: string trigger_id: string user_id: string user_name: string team_id: string team_domain: string channel_id: string channel_name: string api_app_id: string enterprise_id?: string enterprise_name?: string // exists for enterprise installs is_enterprise_install?: string // This should be a boolean, but payload for commands gives string 'true'}