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TypeScript framework to build Slack apps in a flash with the latest platform features. Deno port of @slack/bolt
// deno-lint-ignore-file camelcase no-explicit-anyimport { View } from "../../../deps.ts"import { MessageEvent as AllMessageEvents } from "./message-events.ts"
/** * All known event types in Slack's Events API * * This is a discriminated union. The discriminant is the `type` property. */export type SlackEvent = | AppRequestedEvent | AppHomeOpenedEvent | AppMentionEvent | AppUninstalledEvent | CallRejectedEvent | ChannelArchiveEvent | ChannelCreatedEvent | ChannelDeletedEvent | ChannelHistoryChangedEvent | ChannelLeftEvent | ChannelRenameEvent | ChannelSharedEvent | ChannelUnarchiveEvent | ChannelUnsharedEvent | DNDUpdatedEvent | DNDUpdatedUserEvent | EmailDomainChangedEvent | EmojiChangedEvent | FileChangeEvent | FileCommentDeletedEvent | FileCreatedEvent | FileDeletedEvent | FilePublicEvent | FileSharedEvent | FileUnsharedEvent | GridMigrationFinishedEvent | GridMigrationStartedEvent | GroupArchiveEvent | GroupCloseEvent | GroupDeletedEvent | GroupHistoryChangedEvent | GroupLeftEvent | GroupOpenEvent | GroupRenameEvent | GroupUnarchiveEvent | IMCloseEvent | IMCreatedEvent | IMHistoryChangedEvent | IMOpenEvent | InviteRequestedEvent | LinkSharedEvent | MemberJoinedChannelEvent | MemberLeftChannelEvent | MessageEvent | PinAddedEvent | PinRemovedEvent | ReactionAddedEvent | ReactionRemovedEvent | StarAddedEvent | StarRemovedEvent | SubteamCreated | SubteamMembersChanged | SubteamSelfAddedEvent | SubteamSelfRemovedEvent | SubteamUpdatedEvent | TeamDomainChangedEvent | TeamJoinEvent | TeamRenameEvent | TokensRevokedEvent | UserChangeEvent | WorkflowDeletedEvent | WorkflowPublishedEvent | WorkflowUnpublishedEvent | WorkflowStepDeletedEvent | WorkflowStepExecuteEvent
export type EventTypePattern = string | RegExp
/** * Any event in Slack's Events API * * This type is used to represent events that aren't known ahead of time. Each of the known event types also implement * this interface. That condition isn't enforced, since we're not interested in factoring out common properties from the * known event types. */export interface BasicSlackEvent<Type extends string = string> { type: Type}
/* ------- TODO: Generate these interfaces ------- */
export interface AppRequestedEvent { type: "app_requested" app_request: { id: string app: { id: string name: string description: string help_url: string privacy_policy_url: string app_homepage_url: string app_directory_url: string is_app_directory_approved: boolean is_internal: boolean additional_info: string } } previous_resolution: { status: "approved" | "restricted" scopes: { name: string description: string is_dangerous: boolean token_type: "bot" | "user" | "app" | null } } | null user: { id: string name: string email: string } team: { id: string name: string domain: string } scopes: { name: string description: string is_dangerous: boolean token_type: "bot" | "user" | "app" | null } message: string date_created: number}
export interface AppHomeOpenedEvent { type: "app_home_opened" user: string channel: string tab?: "home" | "messages" view?: View event_ts: string}
// NOTE: this is essentially the same as the `message` event, except for the type and that this uses `event_ts` instead// of `ts`export interface AppMentionEvent { type: "app_mention" subtype?: string bot_id?: string username: string user?: string text: string ts: string channel: string event_ts: string thread_ts: string}
// TODO: this event doesn't use the envelope. write test cases to make sure its works without breaking, and figure out// what exceptions need to be made to the related types to make this work// export interface AppRateLimitedEvent {// }
export interface AppUninstalledEvent { type: "app_uninstalled"}
export interface CallRejectedEvent { type: "call_rejected" call_id: string user_id: string channel_id: string external_unique_id: string}
export interface ChannelArchiveEvent { type: "channel_archive" channel: string user: string}
export interface ChannelCreatedEvent { type: "channel_created" channel: { id: string name: string created: number creator: string // user ID }}
export interface ChannelDeletedEvent { type: "channel_deleted" channel: string}
export interface ChannelHistoryChangedEvent { type: "channel_history_changed" latest: string ts: string event_ts: string}
export interface ChannelIDChangedEvent { type: "channel_id_changed" old_channel_id: string new_channel_id: string event_ts: string}
export interface ChannelLeftEvent { type: "channel_left" channel: string}
export interface ChannelRenameEvent { type: "channel_rename" channel: { id: string name: string created: number }}
export interface ChannelSharedEvent { type: "channel_shared" connected_team_id: string channel: string event_ts: string}
export interface ChannelUnarchiveEvent { type: "channel_unarchive" channel: string user: string}
export interface ChannelUnsharedEvent { type: "channel_unshared" previously_connected_team_id: string channel: string is_ext_shared: boolean event_ts: string}
export interface DNDUpdatedEvent { type: "dnd_updated" user: string dnd_status: { dnd_enabled: boolean next_dnd_start_ts: number next_dnd_end_ts: number snooze_enabled: boolean snooze_endtime: number snooze_remaining: number }}
export interface DNDUpdatedUserEvent { type: "dnd_updated_user" user: string dnd_status: { dnd_enabled: boolean next_dnd_start_ts: number next_dnd_end_ts: number }}
export interface EmailDomainChangedEvent { type: "email_domain_changed" email_domain: string event_ts: string}
// NOTE: this should probably be broken into its two subtypesexport interface EmojiChangedEvent { type: "emoji_changed" subtype: "add" | "remove" names?: string[] // only for remove name?: string // only for add value?: string // only for add event_ts: string}
export interface FileChangeEvent { type: "file_change" file_id: string // TODO: incomplete, this should be a reference to a File shape from @slack/types // file: { id: string }}
// NOTE: `file_comment_added` and `file_comment_edited` are left out because they are discontinued
export interface FileCommentDeletedEvent { type: "file_comment_deleted" comment: string // this is an ID file_id: string // TODO: incomplete, this should be a reference to a File shape from @slack/types // file: { id: string }}
export interface FileCreatedEvent { type: "file_created" file_id: string // TODO: incomplete, this should be a reference to a File shape from @slack/types // file: { id: string }}
export interface FileDeletedEvent { type: "file_deleted" file_id: string event_ts: string}
export interface FilePublicEvent { type: "file_public" file_id: string // TODO: incomplete, this should be a reference to a File shape from @slack/types // file: { id: string }}
export interface FileSharedEvent { type: "file_shared" file_id: string // TODO: incomplete, this should be a reference to a File shape from @slack/types // file: { id: string }}
export interface FileUnsharedEvent { type: "file_unshared" file_id: string // TODO: incomplete, this should be a reference to a File shape from @slack/types // file: { id: string }}
export interface GridMigrationFinishedEvent { type: "grid_migration_finished" enterprise_id: string}
export interface GridMigrationStartedEvent { type: "grid_migration_started" enterprise_id: string}
export interface GroupArchiveEvent { type: "group_archive" channel: string}
export interface GroupCloseEvent { type: "group_close" user: string channel: string}
export interface GroupDeletedEvent { type: "group_deleted" channel: string}
export interface GroupHistoryChangedEvent { type: "group_history_changed" latest: string ts: string event_ts: string}
export interface GroupLeftEvent { type: "group_left" channel: string}
export interface GroupOpenEvent { type: "group_open" user: string channel: string}
export interface GroupRenameEvent { type: "group_rename" channel: { id: string name: string created: number }}
export interface GroupUnarchiveEvent { type: "group_unarchive" channel: string}
export interface IMCloseEvent { type: "im_close" user: string channel: string}
export interface IMCreatedEvent { type: "im_created" user: string // TODO: incomplete, this should probably be a reference to a IM shape from @slack/types. can it just be a // Conversation shape? or should it be a Channel shape? // channel: { id: string }}
export interface IMHistoryChangedEvent { type: "im_history_changed" latest: string ts: string event_ts: string}
export interface IMOpenEvent { type: "im_open" user: string channel: string}
export interface InviteRequestedEvent { type: "invite_requested" invite_request: { id: string email: string date_created: number requester_ids: string[] channel_ids: string[] invite_type: "restricted" | "ultra_restricted" | "full_member" real_name: string date_expire: number request_reason: string team: { id: string name: string domain: string } }}
export interface LinkSharedEvent { type: "link_shared" channel: string user: string message_ts: string thread_ts?: string links: { domain: string url: string }[]}
export interface MemberJoinedChannelEvent { type: "member_joined_channel" user: string channel: string channel_type: string team: string inviter?: string}
export interface MemberLeftChannelEvent { type: "member_left_channel" user: string channel: string channel_type: string team: string}
export type MessageEvent = AllMessageEvents
export interface PinAddedEvent { type: "pin_added" user: string channel_id: string // TODO: incomplete, should be message | file | file comment (deprecated) item: Record<string, any>}
export interface PinRemovedEvent { type: "pin_removed" user: string channel_id: string // TODO: incomplete, should be message | file | file comment (deprecated) item: Record<string, any> has_pins: boolean event_ts: string}
export interface ReactionMessageItem { type: "message" channel: string ts: string}
export interface ReactionFileItem { type: "file" file: string}
// This type is deprecated.// See interface ReactionFileCommentItem { type: "file_comment" file_comment: string file: string}
export interface ReactionAddedEvent { type: "reaction_added" user: string reaction: string item_user: string item: ReactionMessageItem | ReactionFileItem | ReactionFileCommentItem event_ts: string}
export interface ReactionRemovedEvent { type: "reaction_removed" user: string reaction: string item_user: string // TODO: incomplete, should be message | file | file comment (deprecated) // item: Record<string, any> event_ts: string}
// NOTE: `resources_added`, `resources_removed`, `scope_denied`, `scope_granted`, are left out because they are// deprecated as part of the Workspace Apps Developer Preview
export interface StarAddedEvent { type: "star_added" user: string // TODO: incomplete, items are of type message | file | file comment (deprecated) | channel | im | group //, item: Record<string, any> event_ts: string}
export interface StarRemovedEvent { type: "star_removed" user: string // TODO: incomplete, items are of type message | file | file comment (deprecated) | channel | im | group //, item: Record<string, any> event_ts: string}
export interface SubteamCreated { type: "subteam_created" // TODO: incomplete, this should probably be a reference to a Usergroup shape from @slack/types. // subteam: { id: string created_by: string }}
export interface SubteamMembersChanged { type: "subteam_members_changed" subteam_id: string team_id: string date_previous_update: number date_update: number added_users: string[] added_users_count: number removed_users: string[] removed_users_count: number}
export interface SubteamSelfAddedEvent { type: "subteam_self_added" subteam_id: string}
export interface SubteamSelfRemovedEvent { type: "subteam_self_removed" subteam_id: string}
export interface SubteamUpdatedEvent { type: "subteam_updated" // TODO: incomplete, this should probably be a reference to a Usergroup shape from @slack/types. // subteam: { id: string created_by: string }}
export interface TeamDomainChangedEvent { type: "team_domain_changed" url: string domain: string}
export interface TeamJoinEvent { type: "team_join" // TODO: incomplete, this should probably be a reference to a User shape from @slack/types. // user: { id: string }}
export interface TeamRenameEvent { type: "team_rename" name: string}
export interface TokensRevokedEvent { type: "tokens_revoked" tokens: { // TODO: are either or both of these optional? oauth: string[] bot: string[] }}
// NOTE: url_verification does not use the envelope, but its also not interesting for an app developer. its omitted.
export interface UserChangeEvent { type: "user_change" // TODO: incomplete, this should probably be a reference to a User shape from @slack/types. // user: { id: string }}
export interface WorkflowDeletedEvent { type: "workflow_deleted" workflow_id: string workflow_draft_configuration: { version_id: string app_steps: { app_id: string workflow_step_id: string callback_id: string }[] } event_ts: string}
export interface WorkflowPublishedEvent { type: "workflow_published" workflow_id: string workflow_published_configuration: { version_id: string app_steps: { app_id: string workflow_step_id: string callback_id: string }[] } event_ts: string}
export interface WorkflowUnpublishedEvent { type: "workflow_unpublished" workflow_id: string workflow_draft_configuration: { version_id: string app_steps: { app_id: string workflow_step_id: string callback_id: string }[] } event_ts: string}
export interface WorkflowStepDeletedEvent { type: "workflow_step_deleted" workflow_id: string workflow_draft_configuration: { version_id: string app_steps: { app_id: string workflow_step_id: string callback_id: string }[] } workflow_published_configuration?: { version_id: string app_steps: { app_id: string workflow_step_id: string callback_id: string }[] } event_ts: string}
export interface WorkflowStepExecuteEvent { type: "workflow_step_execute" callback_id: string workflow_step: { workflow_step_execute_id: string workflow_id: string workflow_instance_id: string step_id: string inputs: { [key: string]: { value: any } } outputs: { name: string type: string label: string }[] } event_ts: string}
// NOTE: `user_resourced_denied`, `user_resource_granted`, `user_resourced_removed` are left out because they are// deprecated as part of the Workspace Apps Developer Preview