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Types for slack-deno packages. Deno port of @slack/types
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/* * Reusable shapes for argument values */export interface Dialog { title: string callback_id: string elements: { type: 'text' | 'textarea' | 'select' name: string // shown to user label: string // shown to user optional?: boolean placeholder?: string value?: string // sent to app // types `text` & `textarea`: max_length?: number min_length?: number hint?: string subtype?: 'email' | 'number' | 'tel' | 'url' // type `select`: data_source?: 'users' | 'channels' | 'conversations' | 'external' selected_options?: SelectOption[] options?: SelectOption[] option_groups?: { label: string options: SelectOption[] }[] min_query_length?: number }[] submit_label?: string notify_on_cancel?: boolean state?: string}
export interface View { title?: PlainTextElement type: 'home' | 'modal' | 'workflow_step' blocks: (KnownBlock | Block)[] callback_id?: string close?: PlainTextElement submit?: PlainTextElement private_metadata?: string clear_on_close?: boolean // defaults to false notify_on_close?: boolean // defaults to false submit_disabled?: boolean // defaults to false external_id?: string}
/* * Block Elements */
export interface ImageElement { type: 'image' image_url: string alt_text: string}
export interface PlainTextElement { type: 'plain_text' text: string emoji?: boolean}
export interface MrkdwnElement { type: 'mrkdwn' text: string verbatim?: boolean}
export interface Option { text: PlainTextElement | MrkdwnElement value?: string url?: string description?: PlainTextElement}
export interface Confirm { title?: PlainTextElement text: PlainTextElement | MrkdwnElement confirm?: PlainTextElement deny?: PlainTextElement style?: 'primary' | 'danger'}
/* * Action Types */
// Selects and Multiselects are available in different surface areas so I've seperated them hereexport type Select = UsersSelect | StaticSelect | ConversationsSelect | ChannelsSelect | ExternalSelect
export type MultiSelect = MultiUsersSelect | MultiStaticSelect | MultiConversationsSelect | MultiChannelsSelect | MultiExternalSelect
export interface Action { type: string action_id?: string}
export interface UsersSelect extends Action { type: 'users_select' initial_user?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirm}
export interface MultiUsersSelect extends Action { type: 'multi_users_select' initial_users?: string[] placeholder?: PlainTextElement max_selected_items?: number confirm?: Confirm}
export interface StaticSelect extends Action { type: 'static_select' placeholder?: PlainTextElement initial_option?: Option options?: Option[] option_groups?: { label: PlainTextElement options: Option[] }[] confirm?: Confirm}
export interface MultiStaticSelect extends Action { type: 'multi_static_select' placeholder?: PlainTextElement initial_options?: Option[] options?: Option[] option_groups?: { label: PlainTextElement options: Option[] }[] max_selected_items?: number confirm?: Confirm}
export interface ConversationsSelect extends Action { type: 'conversations_select' initial_conversation?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirm response_url_enabled?: boolean default_to_current_conversation?: boolean filter?: { include?: ('im' | 'mpim' | 'private' | 'public')[] exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean exclude_bot_users?: boolean }}
export interface MultiConversationsSelect extends Action { type: 'multi_conversations_select' initial_conversations?: string[] placeholder?: PlainTextElement max_selected_items?: number confirm?: Confirm default_to_current_conversation?: boolean filter?: { include?: ('im' | 'mpim' | 'private' | 'public')[] exclude_external_shared_channels?: boolean exclude_bot_users?: boolean }}
export interface ChannelsSelect extends Action { type: 'channels_select' initial_channel?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirm}
export interface MultiChannelsSelect extends Action { type: 'multi_channels_select' initial_channels?: string[] placeholder?: PlainTextElement max_selected_items?: number confirm?: Confirm}
export interface ExternalSelect extends Action { type: 'external_select' initial_option?: Option placeholder?: PlainTextElement min_query_length?: number confirm?: Confirm}
export interface MultiExternalSelect extends Action { type: 'multi_external_select' initial_options?: Option[] placeholder?: PlainTextElement min_query_length?: number max_selected_items?: number confirm?: Confirm}
export interface Button extends Action { type: 'button' text: PlainTextElement value?: string url?: string style?: 'danger' | 'primary' confirm?: Confirm}
export interface Overflow extends Action { type: 'overflow' options: Option[] confirm?: Confirm}
export interface Datepicker extends Action { type: 'datepicker' initial_date?: string placeholder?: PlainTextElement confirm?: Confirm}
export interface RadioButtons extends Action { type: 'radio_buttons' initial_option?: Option options: Option[] confirm?: Confirm}
export interface Checkboxes extends Action { type: 'checkboxes' initial_options?: Option[] options: Option[] confirm?: Confirm}
export interface PlainTextInput extends Action { type: 'plain_text_input' placeholder?: PlainTextElement initial_value?: string multiline?: boolean min_length?: number max_length?: number dispatch_action_config?: DispatchActionConfig}
export interface DispatchActionConfig { trigger_actions_on?: ('on_enter_pressed' | 'on_character_entered')[]}
/* * Block Types */
export type KnownBlock = ImageBlock | ContextBlock | ActionsBlock | DividerBlock | SectionBlock | InputBlock | FileBlock | HeaderBlock
export interface Block { type: string block_id?: string}
export interface ImageBlock extends Block { type: 'image' image_url: string alt_text: string title?: PlainTextElement}
export interface ContextBlock extends Block { type: 'context' elements: (ImageElement | PlainTextElement | MrkdwnElement)[]}
export interface ActionsBlock extends Block { type: 'actions' elements: (Button | Overflow | Datepicker | Select | RadioButtons | Checkboxes | Action)[]}
export interface DividerBlock extends Block { type: 'divider'}
export interface SectionBlock extends Block { type: 'section' text?: PlainTextElement | MrkdwnElement // either this or fields must be defined fields?: (PlainTextElement | MrkdwnElement)[] // either this or text must be defined accessory?: Button | Overflow | Datepicker | Select | MultiSelect | Action | ImageElement | RadioButtons | Checkboxes}
export interface FileBlock extends Block { type: 'file' source: string // 'remote' external_id: string}
export interface HeaderBlock extends Block { type: 'header' text: PlainTextElement}
export interface InputBlock extends Block { type: 'input' label: PlainTextElement hint?: PlainTextElement optional?: boolean element: Select | MultiSelect | Datepicker | PlainTextInput | RadioButtons | Checkboxes dispatch_action?: boolean}
export interface MessageAttachment { blocks?: (KnownBlock | Block)[] fallback?: string // either this or text must be defined color?: 'good' | 'warning' | 'danger' | string pretext?: string author_name?: string author_link?: string // author_name must be present author_icon?: string // author_name must be present title?: string title_link?: string // title must be present text?: string // either this or fallback must be defined fields?: { title: string value: string short?: boolean }[] image_url?: string thumb_url?: string footer?: string footer_icon?: string // footer must be present ts?: string actions?: AttachmentAction[] callback_id?: string mrkdwn_in?: ('pretext' | 'text' | 'fields')[]}
export interface AttachmentAction { id?: string confirm?: Confirmation data_source?: 'static' | 'channels' | 'conversations' | 'users' | 'external' min_query_length?: number name?: string options?: OptionField[] option_groups?: { text: string options: OptionField[] }[] selected_options?: OptionField[] style?: 'default' | 'primary' | 'danger' text: string type: 'button' | 'select' value?: string url?: string}
export interface OptionField { description?: string text: string value: string}
export interface Confirmation { dismiss_text?: string ok_text?: string text: string title?: string}
export interface LinkUnfurls { [linkUrl: string]: MessageAttachment}
export interface SelectOption { label: string // shown to user value: string // sent to app}
export type CallUser = CallUserSlack | CallUserExternal
export interface CallUserSlack { slack_id: string}
export interface CallUserExternal { external_id: string display_name: string avatar_url: string}