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Snelm: improved security middleware for deno web frameworks, derived from helmet for Node.
import { RequestResponseInterface } from "../../frameworks/interface.ts";import * as colors from './colors.ts';
const DEFAULT_MAX_AGE = 180 * 24 * 60 * 60;
interface HstsOptions { includeSubDomains?: boolean; maxAge?: number | null; preload?: boolean; setIf?: (requestResponse: RequestResponseInterface) => boolean;}
function alwaysTrue () { return true;}
export default function hsts (requestResponse: RequestResponseInterface, options: HstsOptions = {}) { if ('includeSubdomains' in options) { console.log('The "includeSubdomains" parameter is deprecated. Use "includeSubDomains" (with a capital D) instead.')); }
if ('setIf' in options) { console.log('The "setIf" parameter is deprecated. Refer to the documentation to see how to set the header conditionally.')); }
if (, 'maxage')) { throw new Error('maxage is not a supported property. Did you mean to pass "maxAge" instead of "maxage"?'); }
const maxAge = options.maxAge !== null && options.maxAge !== undefined ? options.maxAge : DEFAULT_MAX_AGE; if (typeof maxAge !== 'number') { throw new TypeError('HSTS must be passed a numeric maxAge parameter.'); } if (maxAge < 0) { throw new RangeError('HSTS maxAge must be nonnegative.'); }
const { setIf = alwaysTrue } = options; if (typeof setIf !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('setIf must be a function.'); }
if (, 'includeSubDomains') &&, 'includeSubdomains') ) { throw new Error('includeSubDomains and includeSubdomains cannot both be specified.'); }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const includeSubDomains = options.includeSubDomains !== false && (options as any).includeSubdomains !== false;
let header = `max-age=${Math.round(maxAge)}`; if (includeSubDomains) { header += '; includeSubDomains'; } if (options.preload) { header += '; preload'; }
if (setIf(requestResponse)) { requestResponse.setResponseHeader('Strict-Transport-Security', header); }}