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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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A WebSocket library for Deno.

Contributing to Sockets

Bug Reports

A bug is a demonstrable problem that is caused by the code in the repository. Good bug reports are extremely helpful, so thanks! If you want to report a bug, click here.

Feature Requests

Feature requests are welcome. But take a moment to find out whether your idea fits with the scope and aims of the project. It’s up to you to make a strong case to convince the project developer of the merits of this feature. Please provide as much detail and context as possible. If you want to request a feature, click here.

Pull Requests

Please ask first before embarking on any significant pull request (e.g. implementing features, refactoring code), otherwise you risk spending a lot of time working on something that the project’s developers might not want to merge into the project.

  1. Fork the project, clone your fork, and configure the remotes:
    # Clone your fork of the repo into the current directory
    git clone<your-username>/sockets.git
    # Navigate to the newly cloned directory
    cd sockets
    # Assign the original repo to a remote called "upstream"
    git remote add upstream
  2. If you cloned a while ago, get the latest changes from upstream:
    git checkout master
    git pull upstream master
  3. Create a new topic branch (off the main project development branch) to contain your feature, change, or fix:
    git checkout -b <topic-branch-name>
  4. Push your topic branch up to your fork:
    git push origin <topic-branch-name>
  5. Open a Pull Request with a clear title and description against the master branch.

Note: It is recommended that you “clean up” your commits before opening a pull request. Maybe take a look at git rebase --interactive to do this.

Code Guidelines

  • Code should follow Deno Style Guide.

  • As a rule of thumb, always format your code using deno fmt before opening your pull request. Run this as your last single commit. If you forgot to correctly format it, just add a commit with the message deno fmt (git commit -m "deno fmt").


By submitting a patch, you agree to allow the project owners to license your work under the terms of the MIT License.