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Usage: source_vendor_import_map_fix_up


  Temporary solution to fix up the generated vendor import map with a source import map.


  -h, --help                                - Show this help.
  --source-import-map  [path-to-json-file]  - import map file name of what was passed into 'deno vendor --import-map=[HERE]').  (required, Default: "import_map.json")
  --vendor-import-map  [path-to-json-file]  - import map file name of what 'deno vendor' generated.                             (required, Default: "vendor/import_map.json")
  -w, --write                               - write output to --vendor-import-map


> deno install --allow-read --allow-write

Then you can use like this:

> source_vendor_import_map_fix_up --source-import-map=import_map.json --vendor-import-map=vendor/import_map.json --write

If you do not want to install and run on-demand, then in the following example, anywhere you see source_vendor_import_map_fix_up, replace it with:

> deno run --allow-read --allow-write


First, lets clone this repo, go into the example, and make sure the server can run in “dev mode”:

> git clone
> cd source_vendor_import_map_fix_up/example
> deno task dev

Expected output is:

This server is up and running on http://localhost:8080/

Then, still in the example directory, execute the following, and generate files under ./vendor, including the ./vendor/import_map.json file:

> deno vendor --import-map=src/import_map.json main.ts

Now take a moment to look at the diff

The following is the source import map that we passed to deno vendor --import-map={HERE}:

    "imports": {
        "oak": "",
        "react": "",
        "react-dom/server": ""

The following is the vendor import map that should have been generated ./vendor/import_map.json:

    "imports": {
        "": "./",
        "": "./",
        "": "./",
        "": "./"
    "scopes": {
        "./": {
            "/v78/react@17.0.2/deno/react.js": "./"
        "./": {
            "oak": "./"
        "./": {
            "react": "./",
            "react-dom/server": "./"

Then finally execute deno task source_vendor_import_map_fix_up for the following output, which is the fixed up import map. See what it did?

    "imports": {
        "": "./",
        "": "./",
        "": "./",
        "": "./",
        "oak": "./",
        "react": "./",
        "react-dom/server": "./"
    "scopes": {
        "./": {
            "/v78/react@17.0.2/deno/react.js": "./"


So then, fix up ./vendor/import_map.json in place with --write:

> deno task source_vendor_import_map_fix_up --write

So then we can make sure the server can still run in prod mode (notice the --no-remote in the task config):

> deno task prod

Expected output is still:

This server is up and running on http://localhost:8080/