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The sponsors toolbox gives you Deno super powers in web browsers.
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno --allow-all --unstable
import { serve } from "";import { serveFile } from "";import { browse } from "./web/browser.ts";import { parse } from "";import { relative, resolve, toFileUrl,} from "";
// The web inspector is used in generated code, so we include it here to have// it cached ahead of time.import "./web/inspector.js";
function createRequestHandler({ check, inputs = [] }) { const normalizeFilePath = (url) => { if (url.startsWith("/C:/")) { return url.slice(1); }
if (url.startsWith("/D:/")) { return url.slice(1); }
return url; };
const isTestInput = (url) => { for (const input of inputs) { if (input.startsWith("http:") || input.startsWith("https:")) { continue; }
if (toFileUrl(resolve(input)).href == toFileUrl(url).href) { return true; } }
return false; };
const isTestSpecifier = (url) => { const basename = url.split("/").at(-1);
return ( basename.endsWith("_test.ts") || basename.endsWith("_test.tsx") || basename.endsWith("_test.js") || basename.endsWith("_test.mjs") || basename.endsWith("_test.jsx") || basename.endsWith(".test.ts") || basename.endsWith(".test.tsx") || basename.endsWith(".test.js") || basename.endsWith(".test.mjs") || basename.endsWith(".test.jsx") || basename == "test.ts" || basename == "test.tsx" || basename == "test.js" || basename == "test.mjs" || basename == "test.jsx" ); };
const isEmitSpecifier = (url) => { return ( url.endsWith("js") || url.endsWith("jsx") || url.endsWith("ts") || url.endsWith("tsx") ); };
const handleIndex = (request) => { const body = ` <html> <head> <script type="module"> const registry = []; const test = Object.assign(function(t, fn) { let test = null;
const defaults = { ignore: false, only: false, };
if (typeof t === "string") { if (!fn || typeof fn != "function") { throw new TypeError("Missing test function"); } if (!t) { throw new TypeError("The test name can't be empty"); } test = { fn: fn, name: t, ...defaults }; } else { if (!t.fn) { throw new TypeError("Missing test function"); } if (! { throw new TypeError("The test name can't be empty"); } test = { ...defaults, ...t }; } registry.push(test); }, { registry });
globalThis.Deno = { noColor: ${Deno.noColor}, test, }; </script> </head> <body></body> </html> `;
return request.respond({ body, }); };
const handleFavicon = (request) => { return request.respond({ body: "", }); };
const handleProxy = (request) => { Deno.writeAllSync( Deno.stderr, new TextEncoder().encode(`Proxy ${request.url}\n`), );
const inspector = new URL("./web/inspector.js", import.meta.url); const body = ` import { open, close, inspect } from "${inspector}";
function error(exceptionDetails) { // TODO(caspervonb): make this an error return new Error(JSON.stringify(exceptionDetails)); }
function retry(fn, ms, attempts) { return new Promise(resolve => { fn() .then(resolve) .catch((error) => { setTimeout(() => { retry(fn, ms,).then(resolve); }, ms); }); }); }
const target = await retry(() => { return open("http://localhost:8080"); }, 1000, 10);
const inspector = inspect(target.webSocketDebuggerUrl); await inspector.send("Runtime.enable");
{ const evaluateReturnObject = await inspector.send("Runtime.evaluate", { expression: \` new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (document.readyState == "complete") { resolve(); } else { window.addEventListener('load', resolve); window.addEventListener('error', reject); } }) \`, awaitPromise: true, });
if (evaluateReturnObject.exceptionDetails) { throw error(evaluateReturnObject.exceptionDetails); } }
{ const evaluateReturnObject = await inspector.send( "Runtime.evaluate", { expression: "import('http://localhost:8080/${request.url.slice(1)}')", awaitPromise: true, }, );
if (evaluateReturnObject.exceptionDetails) { throw error(evaluateReturnObject.exceptionDetails); } }
const evaluateReturnObject = await inspector.send("Runtime.evaluate", { expression: "Deno.test.registry", });
if (evaluateReturnObject.exceptionDetails) { throw error(evaluateReturnObject.exceptionDetails); }
const getPropertiesReturnObject = await inspector.send("Runtime.getProperties", { objectId: evaluateReturnObject.result.objectId, ownProperties: true, });
if (getPropertiesReturnObject.exceptionDetails) { throw error(getPropertiesReturnObject.exceptionDetails); }
for (const propertyDescriptor of getPropertiesReturnObject.result) { if (!propertyDescriptor.enumerable) { continue; }
const getPropertiesReturnObject = await inspector.send("Runtime.getProperties", { objectId: propertyDescriptor.value.objectId, ownProperties: true, });
if (getPropertiesReturnObject.exceptionDetails) { throw error(getPropertiesReturnObject.exceptionDetails); }
const definition = { name: "unknown", ignore: false, once: false, fn: function() { throw new Error("test function is not defined"); }, };
for (const propertyDescriptor of getPropertiesReturnObject.result) { if (propertyDescriptor.value.type == "function") { definition[] = async function() { const callFunctionOnResultObject = await inspector.send("Runtime.callFunctionOn", { functionDeclaration: "function() { return, arguments); }", objectId: propertyDescriptor.value.objectId, arguments: Array.from(arguments), awaitPromise: true, });
const { exceptionDetails } = callFunctionOnResultObject; if (exceptionDetails) { const callFunctionOnResultObject = await inspector.send("Runtime.callFunctionOn", { functionDeclaration: "function() { return this.message.toString() + this.stack.toString() }", objectId: exceptionDetails.exception.objectId, returnByValue: true, });
throw callFunctionOnResultObject.result.value; } }; } else if (typeof propertyDescriptor.value.value != "undefined") { definition[] = propertyDescriptor.value.value; } }
Deno.test(definition); }
const internal = Deno[Deno.internal]; const { runTests } = internal; internal.runTests = function() { return runTests.apply(internal, arguments).finally(() => { inspector.close(); }); }; `;
return request.respond({ headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "text/javascript", }), body, }); };
const emitCache = {}; const handleEmit = async (request) => { Deno.writeAllSync( Deno.stderr, new TextEncoder().encode(`Emit ${request.url}\n`), );
const url = toFileUrl(normalizeFilePath(request.url)); const key = url + ".js"; if (!emitCache[key]) { const { diagnostics, files } = await Deno.emit(url, { check, compilerOptions: { sourceMap: false, inlineSources: true, inlineSourceMap: true, }, });
// TODO(caspervonb) main diagnostics should come from Deno. for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) { if (diagnostic.category == Deno.DiagnosticCategory.Error) { throw new SyntaxError(diagnostic.messageText); } }
Object.assign(emitCache, files); }
const body = emitCache[key]; if (!body) { return request.respond({ status: 404, body: "Not found", }); }
return request.respond({ headers: new Headers({ "Content-Type": "text/javascript", }), body, }); };
const handleFile = (request) => { Deno.writeAllSync( Deno.stderr, new TextEncoder().encode(`Serve ${request.url}\n`), );
const path = normalizeFilePath(request.url); return serveFile(request, path).then((response) => { return request.respond(response); }).catch((error) => { return request.respond({ body: error.message }); }); };
return function handleRequest(request) { if (request.url == "/") { return handleIndex(request); }
if (request.url == "/favicon.ico") { return handleFavicon(request); }
const isDeno = request .headers .get("user-agent") .toLowerCase() .includes("deno");
const isTest = isTestSpecifier(request.url) || isTestInput(request.url); if (isDeno && isTest) { return handleProxy(request); }
if (!isDeno && isEmitSpecifier(request.url)) { return handleEmit(request); }
return handleFile(request); };}
export async function run(options) { const args = []; if (!options.check) { args.push("--no-check"); }
if (options.inputs) { args.push(...options.inputs); }
// When no browser is provided, we just pass-through to deno. if (!options.browser) { const process ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "test", ...args, ], stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", });
const status = await process.status(); if (status.code != 0) { throw new Error("Process exited with non-zero status code"); }
return; }
// TODO(caspervonb): use port 0. // TODO(caspervonb): support https, or preferably make sure that the browsers // treat this as https (allowing WebAssembly et cetera, etc). const port = 8080; const server = await serve({ port }); const handleRequest = createRequestHandler(options); (async () => { for await (const request of server) { handleRequest(request); } })();
const browser = await browse({ ...options, });
const importMap = await Deno.makeTempFile({ prefix: "import_map-", suffix: ".json", });
if ( == "windows") { await Deno.writeTextFile( importMap, JSON.stringify({ imports: { "file:///C:/": `http://localhost:${port}/C:/`, "file:///D:/": `http://localhost:${port}/D:/`, }, }), ); } else { await Deno.writeTextFile( importMap, JSON.stringify({ imports: { "file:///": `http://localhost:${port}/`, }, }), ); }
const tester ={ cmd: [ Deno.execPath(), "test", "--reload", "--allow-all", "--unstable", "--import-map=" + importMap, ...args, ], stdout: "inherit", stderr: "inherit", });
const status = await tester.status();
server.close(); browser.close();
if (status.code != 0) { throw new Error("Process exited with non-zero status code"); }}
export default async function main(argv) { if (argv.length == 0) { return 0; }
const { browser, headless, filter, check, _: inputs, } = parse(argv, { boolean: [ "headless", "check", ], string: [ "filter", ], default: { "check": true, }, });
await run({ browser, headless, filter, check, inputs, });}
if (import.meta.main) { await main(Deno.args);}