import { type IRagfairConfig } from "";
const { IRagfairConfig } = IRagfairConfig;
Use the highest trader price for an offer if its greater than the price in templates/prices.json
Barter offer specific settings
Dynamic offer price below handbook adjustment values
How many offers should be listed
How much should the price of an offer vary by (percent 0.8 = 80%, 1.2 = 120%)
Should default presets to listed only or should non-standard presets found in globals.json be listed too
Settings to control the durability range of item items listed on flea
Size stackable items should be listed for in percent of max stack size
Items that cannot be stacked can have multiples sold in one offer, what range of values can be listed
Range of rating offers for items being listed
Armor specific flea settings
A multipler to apply to individual tpls price just prior to item quality adjustment
Should christmas/halloween items be removed from flea when not within the seasonal bounds
Flea blacklist settings
Dict of price limits keyed by item type
How much can the total price of requested items vary from the item offered
Min rouble price for an offer to be considered for turning into a barter
How big a percentage difference does price need to vary from handbook to be considered for adjustment
Maximum level an armor plate can be found in a flea-listed armor item
Should specific categories be blacklisted from the flea, true = use blacklist
Enable a system that adjusts very high ragfair prices to be below a max multiple of items the handbook values
Multipler to start adjusting item values from, e.g. a value of 10 means any value over 10x the handbook price gets adjusted