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interface IBotConfig
implements IBaseConfig
import { type IBotConfig } from "";


kind: "aki-bot"
presetBatch: PresetBatch

How many variants of each bot should be generated on raid start

botsToNotAddPMCsAsEnemiesTo: string[]

Bot roles that should not have PMC types (sptBear/sptUsec) added as enemies to

bosses: string[]

What bot types should be classified as bosses

durability: IBotDurability

Control weapon/armor durability min/max values for each bot type

lootItemResourceRandomization: Record<string, IRandomisedResourceDetails>

Controls the percentage values of randomization item resources

revenge: Record<string, string[]>

Control what bots are added to a bots revenge list key: bottype, value: bottypes to revenge on seeing their death

itemSpawnLimits: Record<string, Record<string, number>>

Control how many items are allowed to spawn on a bot key: bottype, value: <key: itemTpl: value: max item count>

equipment: Record<string, EquipmentFilters>

Blacklist/whitelist items on a bot

showTypeInNickname: boolean

Show a bots botType value after their name

assaultBrainType: Record<string, Record<string, number>>

What ai brain should a normal scav use per map

playerScavBrainType: Record<string, Record<string, number>>

What ai brain should a player scav use per map

maxBotCap: Record<string, number>

Max number of bots that can be spawned in a raid at any one time

chanceAssaultScavHasPlayerScavName: number

Chance scav has fake pscav name e.g. Scav name (player name)

secureContainerAmmoStackCount: number

How many stacks of secret ammo should a bot have in its bot secure container

botRolesWithDogTags: string[]

Bot roles in this array will be given a dog tag on generation

Settings to control the items that get added into wallets on bots

currencyStackSize: Record<string, Record<string, Record<string, number>>>

Currency weights, Keyed by botrole / currency