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interface IAirdropConfig.AirdropLoot
import { type IAirdropConfig } from "";
const { AirdropLoot } = IAirdropConfig;

Loot inside crate


weaponPresetCount: MinMax

Min/max of weapons inside crate

armorPresetCount: MinMax

Min/max of armors (head/chest/rig) inside crate

itemCount: MinMax

Min/max of items inside crate

weaponCrateCount: MinMax

Min/max of sealed weapon boxes inside crate

itemBlacklist: string[]

Items to never allow - tpls

itemTypeWhitelist: string[]

Item type (parentId) to allow inside crate

itemLimits: Record<string, number>

Item type/ item tpls to limit count of inside crate - key: item base type: value: max count

itemStackLimits: Record<string, MinMax>

Items to limit stack size of key: item tpl value: min/max stack size

armorLevelWhitelist: number[]

Armor levels to allow inside crate e.g. [4,5,6]

allowBossItems: boolean

Should boss items be added to airdrop crate