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interface IInventoryConfig.IInventoryConfig
implements IBaseConfig
import { type IInventoryConfig } from "";
const { IInventoryConfig } = IInventoryConfig;


kind: "aki-inventory"
newItemsMarkedFound: boolean

Should new items purchased by flagged as found in raid

randomLootContainers: Record<string, RewardDetails>
sealedAirdropContainer: ISealedAirdropContainerSettings
customMoneyTpls: string[]

Contains item tpls that the server should consider money and treat the same as roubles/euros/dollars

skillGainMultiplers: Record<string, number>

Multipliers for skill gain when inside menus, NOT in-game


kind: "aki-inventory"
newItemsMarkedFound: boolean

Should new items purchased by flagged as found in raid

randomLootContainers: Record<string, RewardDetails>
sealedAirdropContainer: ISealedAirdropContainerSettings
customMoneyTpls: string[]

Contains item tpls that the server should consider money and treat the same as roubles/euros/dollars

skillGainMultiplers: Record<string, number>

Multipliers for skill gain when inside menus, NOT in-game


rewardCount: number
foundInRaid: boolean
rewardTplPool: Record<string, number>
rewardTypePool: Record<string, number>


weaponRewardWeight: Record<string, number>
defaultPresetsOnly: boolean
foundInRaid: boolean

Should contents be flagged as found in raid when opened

weaponModRewardLimits: Record<string, MinMax>
rewardTypeLimits: Record<string, MinMax>
ammoBoxWhitelist: string[]
allowBossItems: boolean