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interface IRagfairConfig.Dynamic
import { type IRagfairConfig } from "";
const { Dynamic } = IRagfairConfig;


purchasesAreFoundInRaid: boolean
useTraderPriceForOffersIfHigher: boolean

Use the highest trader price for an offer if its greater than the price in templates/prices.json

Barter offer specific settings

offerAdjustment: OfferAdjustment

Dynamic offer price below handbook adjustment values

expiredOfferThreshold: number

How many offers should expire before an offer regeneration occurs

offerItemCount: MinMax

How many offers should be listed

priceRanges: IPriceRanges

How much should the price of an offer vary by (percent 0.8 = 80%, 1.2 = 120%)

showDefaultPresetsOnly: boolean

Should default presets to listed only or should non-standard presets found in globals.json be listed too

endTimeSeconds: MinMax
condition: Condition

Settings to control the durability range of item items listed on flea

stackablePercent: MinMax

Size stackable items should be listed for in percent of max stack size

nonStackableCount: MinMax

Items that cannot be stacked can have multiples sold in one offer, what range of values can be listed

rating: MinMax

Range of rating offers for items being listed

Armor specific flea settings

itemPriceMultiplier: Record<string, number>

A multipler to apply to individual tpls price just prior to item quality adjustment

currencies: Record<string, number>

Percentages to sell offers in each currency

showAsSingleStack: string[]

Item tpls that should be forced to sell as a single item

removeSeasonalItemsWhenNotInEvent: boolean

Should christmas/halloween items be removed from flea when not within the seasonal bounds

blacklist: Blacklist

Flea blacklist settings

unreasonableModPrices: Record<string, IUnreasonableModPrices>

Dict of price limits keyed by item type