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SQL query builder for Deno
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import { assert, replaceParams } from "./deps.ts";import { Order } from "./order.ts";import { Where } from "./where.ts";import { Join } from "./join.ts";
export class Query { private _type?: "select" | "insert" | "update" | "delete"; private _table?: string; private _where: string[] = []; private _joins: string[] = []; private _orders: Order[] = []; private _fields: string[] = []; private _groupBy: string[] = []; private _having: string[] = []; private _insertValues: any[] = []; private _updateValue?: any; private _limit?: { start: number; size: number };
private get orderSQL() { if (this._orders && this._orders.length) { return `ORDER BY ` + => order.value).join(", "); } }
private get whereSQL() { if (this._where && this._where.length) { return `WHERE ` + this._where.join(" AND "); } }
private get havingSQL() { if (this._having && this._having.length) { return `HAVING ` + this._having.join(" AND "); } }
private get joinSQL() { if (this._joins && this._joins.length) { return this._joins.join(" "); } }
private get groupSQL() { if (this._groupBy && this._groupBy.length) { return ( "GROUP BY " + => replaceParams("??", [f])).join(", ") ); } } private get limitSQL() { if (this._limit) { return `LIMIT ${this._limit.start}, ${this._limit.size}`; } }
private get selectSQL() { return [ "SELECT", this._fields.join(", "), "FROM", replaceParams("??", [this._table]), this.joinSQL, this.whereSQL, this.groupSQL, this.havingSQL, this.orderSQL, this.limitSQL, ] .filter((str) => str) .join(" "); }
private get insertSQL() { const len = this._insertValues.length; const fields = Object.keys(this._insertValues[0]); const values = => { return => row[key]!); }); return replaceParams(`INSERT INTO ?? ?? VALUES ${"? ".repeat(len)}`, [ this._table, fields, ...values, ]); }
private get updateSQL() { assert(!!this._updateValue); const set = Object.keys(this._updateValue) .map((key) => { return replaceParams(`?? = ?`, [key, this._updateValue[key]]); }) .join(", "); return [ replaceParams(`UPDATE ?? SET ${set}`, [this._table]), this.whereSQL, ].join(" "); }
private get deleteSQL() { return [replaceParams(`DELETE FROM ??`, [this._table]), this.whereSQL].join( " ", ); }
table(name: string) { this._table = name; return this; }
order(...orders: Order[]) { this._orders = this._orders.concat(orders); return this; }
groupBy(...fields: string[]) { this._groupBy = fields; return this; }
where(where: Where | string) { if (typeof where === "string") { this._where.push(where); } else { this._where.push(where.value); } return this; }
having(where: Where | string) { if (typeof where === "string") { this._having.push(where); } else { this._having.push(where.value); } return this; }
limit(start: number, size: number) { this._limit = { start, size }; return this; }
join(join: Join | string) { if (typeof join === "string") { this._joins.push(join); } else { this._joins.push(join.value); } return this; }
select(...fields: string[]) { this._type = "select"; assert(fields.length > 0); this._fields = this._fields.concat( => { if (field.toLocaleLowerCase().indexOf(" as ") > -1) { return field; } else if (field.split(".").length > 1) { return replaceParams("??.??", field.split(".")); } else { return replaceParams("??", [field]); } }), ); return this; }
insert(data: Object[] | Object) { this._type = "insert"; if (!(data instanceof Array)) { data = [data]; } this._insertValues = data as []; return this; }
update(data: Object) { this._type = "update"; this._updateValue = data; return this; }
delete(table?: string) { if (table) this._table = table; this._type = "delete"; return this; }
clone() { const newQuery = new Query(); newQuery._type = this._type; newQuery._table = this._table; newQuery._where = this._where; newQuery._joins = this._joins; newQuery._orders = this._orders; newQuery._fields = this._fields; newQuery._groupBy = this._groupBy; newQuery._having = this._having; newQuery._insertValues = this._insertValues; newQuery._updateValue = this._updateValue; newQuery._limit = this._limit; return newQuery; }
build(): string { assert(!!this._table); switch (this._type) { case "select": return this.selectSQL; case "insert": return this.insertSQL; case "update": return this.updateSQL; case "delete": return this.deleteSQL; default: return ""; } }}