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Fast, native bindings to SQLite3 C API, using Deno FFI.
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import { SQLITE3_DONE, SQLITE3_MISUSE, SQLITE3_OK, SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE, SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE, SQLITE3_ROW,} from "./constants.ts";import { cstr } from "./util.ts";
const symbols = <Record<string, Deno.ForeignFunction>> { sqlite3_open_v2: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* const char *path */ "pointer", /* sqlite3 **db */ "i32", /* int flags */ "pointer", /* const char *zVfs */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_close_v2: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3 *db */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_errmsg: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3 *db */], result: "pointer", /* const char * */ },
sqlite3_changes: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3 *db */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_total_changes: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3 *db */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_prepare_v3: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3 *db */ "pointer", /* const char *sql */ "i32", /* int nByte */ "u32", /* prepFlags */ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt **ppStmt */ "pointer", /* const char **pzTail */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_libversion: { parameters: [], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_step: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_reset: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_finalize: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_parameter_count: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_parameter_index: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "pointer", /* const char *zName */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_parameter_name: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ ], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_bind_blob: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "pointer", /* const void *zData */ "i32", /* int nData */ "pointer", /* void (*xDel)(void*) */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_blob64: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "pointer", /* const void *zData */ "u64", /* sqlite3_uint64 nData */ "pointer", /* void (*xDel)(void*) */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_double: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "f64", /* double rValue */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_int: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "i32", /* int iValue */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_int64: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "pointer", /* sqlite3_int64 iValue */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_null: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_text: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "pointer", /* const char *zData */ "i32", /* int nData */ "pointer", /* void (*xDel)(void*) */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_value: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "pointer", /* sqlite3_value *pValue */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_zeroblob: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "i32", /* int n */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_bind_zeroblob64: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int i */ "i64", /* sqlite3_uint64 n */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_exec: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3 *db */ "pointer", /* const char *sql */ "pointer", /* sqlite3_callback callback */ "pointer", /* void *pArg */ "pointer", /* char **errmsg */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_column_blob: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_column_double: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "f64", },
sqlite3_column_int: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_column_int64: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_column_text: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_column_text16: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_column_type: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_column_value: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_column_bytes: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_column_bytes16: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_column_count: { parameters: ["pointer" /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */], result: "i32", },
sqlite3_column_name: { parameters: [ "pointer", /* sqlite3_stmt *pStmt */ "i32", /* int iCol */ ], result: "pointer", },
sqlite3_free: { parameters: ["pointer" /** void* ptr */], result: "void", },
sqlite3_errstr: { parameters: ["i32" /** int errcode */], result: "pointer", },};
let lib: Deno.DynamicLibrary<typeof symbols>;
const envSqlitePath = Deno.env.get("DENO_SQLITE_PATH");if (envSqlitePath !== undefined) { lib = Deno.dlopen(envSqlitePath, symbols);} else { try { lib = Deno.dlopen( === "windows" ? "sqlite3" : === "darwin" ? "libsqlite3.dylib" : "", symbols, ); } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Deno.errors.PermissionDenied) { throw e; }
const error = new Error( "Native SQLite3 library not found, try installing SQLite3. If you have an existing installation, either add it to path or set the `DENO_SQLITE_PATH` environment variable.", ); error.cause = e; throw error; }}
export type sqlite3 = Deno.UnsafePointer;export type sqlite3_stmt = Deno.UnsafePointer;export type sqlite3_value = Deno.UnsafePointer;export type sqlite3_blob = Deno.UnsafePointer;
export function sqlite3_libversion() { const ptr = lib.symbols.sqlite3_libversion() as Deno.UnsafePointer; return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(ptr).getCString();}
export function sqlite3_errmsg(handle: sqlite3) { const ptr = lib.symbols.sqlite3_errmsg(handle) as Deno.UnsafePointer; return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(ptr).getCString();}
export function sqlite3_errstr(result: number) { const ptr = lib.symbols.sqlite3_errstr(result) as Deno.UnsafePointer; return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(ptr).getCString();}
export function unwrap_error( db: sqlite3, result: number, valid: number[] = [SQLITE3_OK],) { if (!valid.includes(result)) { let msg; try { if (result === SQLITE3_MISUSE) { msg = sqlite3_errstr(result); } else msg = sqlite3_errmsg(db); } catch (e) { msg = new Error(`Failed to get error message.`); msg.cause = e; } throw new Error(`(${result}) ${sqlite3_errstr(result)}: ${msg}`); }}
export function sqlite3_open_v2( path: string, flags: number = SQLITE3_OPEN_CREATE | SQLITE3_OPEN_READWRITE,): sqlite3 { const pathPtr = cstr(path); const outDB = new BigUint64Array(1);
const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_open_v2( pathPtr, outDB, flags, new Deno.UnsafePointer(0n), ) as number;
const handle = new Deno.UnsafePointer(outDB[0]); unwrap_error(handle, result);
return handle;}
export function sqlite3_close_v2(handle: sqlite3) { lib.symbols.sqlite3_close_v2(handle);}
export function sqlite3_prepare_v3( db: sqlite3, sql: string, flags = 0,): sqlite3_stmt { const sqlPtr = cstr(sql); const outStmt = new BigUint64Array(1); const outTail = new Uint8Array(8);
const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_prepare_v3( db, sqlPtr, sql.length, flags, outStmt, outTail, ) as number;
const stmt = new Deno.UnsafePointer(outStmt[0]); if (stmt.value === 0n && result === SQLITE3_OK) { throw new Error(`failed to prepare`); } unwrap_error(db, result);
return stmt;}
export function sqlite3_step(db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_step(stmt) as number; unwrap_error(db, result, [SQLITE3_ROW, SQLITE3_DONE]); return result;}
export function sqlite3_finalize(db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_finalize(stmt) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_text( db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number, value: Uint8Array,) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, index, value, value.length, new Deno.UnsafePointer(0n), ) as number;
unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_null( db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number,) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, index) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_int( db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number, value: number,) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, index, value) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_int64( db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number, value: bigint,) { const uint = new BigUint64Array(1); const int = new BigInt64Array(uint.buffer); int[0] = value;
const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_int64( stmt, index, // workaround for passing bigint new Deno.UnsafePointer(uint[0]), ) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_double( db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number, value: number,) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_double( stmt, index, value, ) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_blob( db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number, value: Uint8Array,) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_blob( stmt, index, value, value.length, new Deno.UnsafePointer(0n), ) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_value( db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number, value: sqlite3_value,) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_value(stmt, index, value) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_column_value( stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number,): sqlite3_value { const ptr = lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_value(stmt, col) as Deno.UnsafePointer; return ptr;}
export function sqlite3_column_blob( stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number,): sqlite3_blob { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, col) as sqlite3_blob;}
export function sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, col) as number;}
export function sqlite3_column_bytes16(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_bytes16( stmt, col, ) as number;}
export function sqlite3_column_count(stmt: sqlite3_stmt) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_count(stmt) as number;}
export function sqlite3_column_type(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col) as number;}
export function sqlite3_column_text(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { const ptr = lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col) as Deno.UnsafePointer; if (ptr.value === 0n) return null; return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(ptr).getCString();}
export function sqlite3_column_text16(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { const ptr = lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_text16( stmt, col, ) as Deno.UnsafePointer; if (ptr.value === 0n) return null; return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(ptr).getCString();}
export function sqlite3_column_int(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_int(stmt, col) as number;}
export function sqlite3_column_int64(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { // workaround for returning bigint const int = new BigInt64Array(1); const uint = new BigUint64Array(int.buffer); uint[0] = (lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col) as Deno.UnsafePointer).value; return int[0];}
export function sqlite3_column_double(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_double(stmt, col) as number;}
export function sqlite3_free(ptr: Deno.UnsafePointer) { lib.symbols.sqlite3_free(ptr);}
export function sqlite3_exec( db: sqlite3, sql: string,) { const sqlPtr = cstr(sql); const outPtr = new BigUint64Array(8);
const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_exec( db, sqlPtr, new Deno.UnsafePointer(0n), new Deno.UnsafePointer(0n), outPtr, );
const ptr = new Deno.UnsafePointer(outPtr[0]);
if (result !== SQLITE3_OK) { const msg = new Deno.UnsafePointerView(ptr).getCString(); sqlite3_free(ptr); throw new Error(`(${result}) ${msg}`); }}
export function sqlite3_reset(db: sqlite3, stmt: sqlite3_stmt) { const result = lib.symbols.sqlite3_reset(stmt) as number; unwrap_error(db, result);}
export function sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(stmt: sqlite3_stmt) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(stmt) as number;}
export function sqlite3_bind_parameter_index( stmt: sqlite3_stmt, name: string,) { const namePtr = cstr(name); const index = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_parameter_index( stmt, namePtr, ) as number; return index;}
export function sqlite3_bind_parameter_name( stmt: sqlite3_stmt, index: number,) { const name = lib.symbols.sqlite3_bind_parameter_name( stmt, index, ) as Deno.UnsafePointer; return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(name).getCString();}
export function sqlite3_column_name(stmt: sqlite3_stmt, col: number) { const name = lib.symbols.sqlite3_column_name(stmt, col) as Deno.UnsafePointer; return new Deno.UnsafePointerView(name).getCString();}
export function sqlite3_changes(db: sqlite3) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_changes(db) as number;}
export function sqlite3_total_changes(db: sqlite3) { return lib.symbols.sqlite3_total_changes(db) as number;}