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Fastest & correct JavaScript bindings to SQLite3 C API, using Deno FFI.
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method Database.prototype.exec
import { Database } from "";

Simply executes the SQL statement (supports multiple statements separated by semicolon). Returns the number of changes made by last statement.


// Create table
db.exec("create table users (id integer not null, username varchar(20) not null)");

// Inserts
db.exec("insert into users (id, username) values(?, ?)", id, username);

// Insert with named parameters
db.exec("insert into users (id, username) values(:id, :username)", { id, username });

// Pragma statements
db.exec("pragma journal_mode = WAL");
db.exec("pragma synchronous = normal");
db.exec("pragma temp_store = memory");

Under the hood, it uses sqlite3_exec if no parameters are given to bind with the SQL statement, a prepared statement otherwise.


sql: string

