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Deno SQLite module
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import { DB } from "./src/db.js";import { Empty } from "./src/rows.js";import { Status } from "./src/constants.ts";import SqliteError from "./src/error.ts";
/** * open * * Open a new SQLite3 database. The file at * the path is read and preloaded into the database. * * ?> Unlike the SQLite3 C library, this will not * automatically write any changes to disk. Use * `` or `save(db)` to persist any changes * you make. */async function open(path: string, ignoreNotFound = true): Promise<DB> { let bytes = undefined; try { bytes = await Deno.readFile(path); } catch (err) { if (!ignoreNotFound || !(err instanceof Deno.errors.NotFound)) { throw err; } } const db: any = new DB(bytes); db._save_path = path; return db;}
/** * save * * Save database to file. If the database was opened * from a file using `open()`, the second parameter * is optional. */async function save(db: DB, path?: string): Promise<void> { path = path || (db as any)._save_path as string; if (!db._open) { throw new SqliteError("Database was closed."); } // We obtain the data array ourselves to avoid // .data() making a copy const ptr = db._wasm.get_db_file(db._id); const len = db._wasm.get_db_file_size(db._id); const data = new Uint8Array(db._wasm.memory.buffer, ptr, len); return Deno.writeFile(path, data);}
export { open, save, DB, Empty, Status };