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Deno SQLite module
import { instantiate, StatementPtr, Wasm } from "../build/sqlite.js";import { setStr } from "./wasm.ts";import { DeserializeFlags, FunctionFlags, OpenFlags, Status, Values,} from "./constants.ts";import { SqliteError } from "./error.ts";import { PreparedQuery, QueryParameterSet, Row, RowObject } from "./query.ts";import { SqlFunction, SqlFunctionArgument, SqlFunctionResult, wrapSqlFunction,} from "./function.ts";
/** * Options for opening a database. */export interface SqliteOptions { /** * Mode in which to open the database. * * - `read`: read-only, throws an error if * the database file does not exists * * - `write`: read-write, throws an error * if the database file does not exists * * - `create`: read-write, create the database * if the file does not exist (for an in-memory * database this is the same as `write`) * * `create` is the default if no mode is * specified. */ mode?: "read" | "write" | "create"; /** * Force the database to be in-memory. When * this option is set, the database is opened * in memory, regardless of the specified * filename. */ memory?: boolean; /** * Interpret the file name as a URI. * See * for more information. */ uri?: boolean;}
/** * Options for opening a database from an in-memory * buffer. */export interface SqliteDeserializeOptions { /** * Name of the schema to deserialize into. * * The default schema name is `main`, which * refers to the database opened originally. * * If a database schema with the given name * does not exist, this fails. */ schema?: "main" | string; /** * Mode in which to open the deserialized * database. * * - `read`: opens a read-only database * * - `write`: opens a read-write database * in memory * * `write` is the default if no mode is * specified. */ mode?: "read" | "write";}
/** * Options for defining a custom SQL function. */export interface SqliteFunctionOptions { /** * Name of the custom function to be used on * the SQL side. * * If this argument is omitted, the function's * name is used. E.g. * * ```typescript * function foo(...) { ... } * const foo = (...) => ...; * const bar = function foo(...) { ... }; * ``` * * would all be called `foo` on the SQL side. */ name?: string; /** * Enables additional query optimizations if * a function is pure (i.e. if it always returns * the same output given the same input). * * By default this is assumed `false`. */ deterministic?: boolean; /** * If `directOnly` is `true`, the `SQLITE_DIRECTONLY` * flag is set when creating the user-defined function. * * Setting this flag means the function can only be * invoked from top-level SQL (e.g. it can't be used * inside VIEWs or TRIGGERs). * * This is a security feature that prevents functions * to be invoked by malicious inputs to the database / * malicious values set in bound parameters. * * By default this is assumed `true`. * * See * for more information. */ directOnly?: boolean;}
/** * A database handle that can be used to run * queries. */export class DB { #wasm: Wasm; #functions: Array<(argc: number) => void>; #open: boolean;
#statements: Set<StatementPtr>; #functionNames: Map<string, number>; #transactionDepth: number;
/** * Create a new database. The file at the * given path will be opened with the * mode specified in options. The default * mode is `create`. * * If no path is given, or if the `memory` * option is set, the database is opened in * memory. * * # Examples * * Create an in-memory database. * ```typescript * const db = new DB(); * ``` * * Open a database backed by a file on disk. * ```typescript * const db = new DB("path/to/database.sqlite"); * ``` * * Pass options to open a read-only database. * ```typescript * const db = new DB("path/to/database.sqlite", { mode: "read" }); * ``` */ constructor(path: string = ":memory:", options: SqliteOptions = {}) { const instance = instantiate(); this.#wasm = instance.exports; this.#functions = instance.functions; this.#open = false;
this.#statements = new Set(); this.#functionNames = new Map(); this.#transactionDepth = 0;
// Configure flags let flags = 0; switch (options.mode) { case "read": flags = OpenFlags.ReadOnly; break; case "write": flags = OpenFlags.ReadWrite; break; case "create": // fall through default: flags = OpenFlags.ReadWrite | OpenFlags.Create; break; } if (options.memory === true) { flags |= OpenFlags.Memory; } if (options.uri === true) { flags |= OpenFlags.Uri; }
// Try to open the database const status = setStr( this.#wasm, path, (ptr) =>, flags), ); if (status !== Status.SqliteOk) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, status); } this.#open = true; }
/** * Query the database and return all matching * rows. * * This is equivalent to calling `all` on * a prepared query which is then immediately * finalized. * * The type parameter `R` may be supplied by * the user to indicated the type for the rows returned * by the query. Notice that the user is responsible * for ensuring the correctness of the supplied type. * * To avoid SQL injection, user-provided values * should always be passed to the database through * a query parameter. * * See `QueryParameterSet` for documentation on * how values can be bound to SQL statements. * * See `QueryParameter` for documentation on how * values are returned from the database. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const rows = db.query<[string, number]>("SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE city = ?", [city]); * // rows = [["Peter Parker", 21], ...] * ``` * * ```typescript * const rows = db.query<[string, number]>( * "SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE city = :city", * { city }, * ); * // rows = [["Peter Parker", 21], ...] * ``` */ query<R extends Row = Row>( sql: string, params?: QueryParameterSet, ): Array<R> { const query = this.prepareQuery<R>(sql); try { const rows = query.all(params); query.finalize(); return rows; } catch (err) { query.finalize(); throw err; } }
/** * Like `query` except each row is returned * as an object containing key-value pairs. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const rows = db.queryEntries<{ name: string, age: number }>("SELECT name, age FROM people"); * // rows = [{ name: "Peter Parker", age: 21 }, ...] * ``` * * ```typescript * const rows = db.queryEntries<{ name: string, age: number }>( * "SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE age >= :minAge", * { minAge }, * ); * // rows = [{ name: "Peter Parker", age: 21 }, ...] * ``` */ queryEntries<O extends RowObject = RowObject>( sql: string, params?: QueryParameterSet, ): Array<O> { const query = this.prepareQuery<Row, O>(sql); try { const rows = query.allEntries(params); query.finalize(); return rows; } catch (err) { query.finalize(); throw err; } }
/** * Prepares the given SQL query, so that it * can be run multiple times and potentially * with different parameters. * * If a query will be issued a lot, this is more * efficient than using `query`. A prepared * query also provides more control over how * the query is run, as well as access to meta-data * about the issued query. * * The returned `PreparedQuery` object must be * finalized by calling its `finalize` method * once it is no longer needed. * * # Typing Queries * * Prepared query objects accept three type parameters * to specify precise types for returned data and * query parameters. * * - The first type parameter `R` indicates the tuple type * for rows returned by the query. * * - The second type parameter `O` indicates the record type * for rows returned as entries (mappings from column names * to values). * * - The third type parameter `P` indicates the type this query * accepts as parameters. * * Note, that the correctness of those types must * be guaranteed by the caller of this function. * * # Example * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery< * [string, number], * { name: string, age: number }, * { city: string }, * >("SELECT name, age FROM people WHERE city = :city"); * // use query ... * query.finalize(); * ``` */ prepareQuery< R extends Row = Row, O extends RowObject = RowObject, P extends QueryParameterSet = QueryParameterSet, >( sql: string, ): PreparedQuery<R, O, P> { if (!this.#open) { throw new SqliteError("Database was closed."); }
const stmt = setStr( this.#wasm, sql, (ptr) => this.#wasm.prepare(ptr), ); if (stmt === Values.Null) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm); }
this.#statements.add(stmt); return new PreparedQuery<R, O, P>(this.#wasm, stmt, this.#statements); }
/** * Run multiple semicolon-separated statements from a single * string. * * This method cannot bind any query parameters, and any * result rows are discarded. It is only for running a chunk * of raw SQL; for example, to initialize a database. * * # Example * * ```typescript * db.execute(` * CREATE TABLE people ( * id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, * name TEXT, * age REAL, * city TEXT * ); * INSERT INTO people (name, age, city) VALUES ("Peter Parker", 21, "nyc"); * `); * ``` */ execute(sql: string) { const status = setStr( this.#wasm, sql, (ptr) => this.#wasm.exec(ptr), );
if (status !== Status.SqliteOk) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, status); } }
/** * Run a function within the context of a database * transaction. If the function throws an error, * the transaction is rolled back. Otherwise, the * transaction is committed when the function returns. * * Calls to `transaction` may be nested. Nested transactions * behave like SQLite save points. * * # Example * * ```typescript * db.transaction(() => { * // call db.query ... * db.transaction(() => { * // nested transaction * }); * // throw to roll back everything * }); * ``` */ transaction<V>(closure: () => V): V { this.#transactionDepth += 1; this.execute(`SAVEPOINT _deno_sqlite_sp_${this.#transactionDepth}`); try { return closure(); } catch (err) { this.execute(`ROLLBACK TO _deno_sqlite_sp_${this.#transactionDepth}`); throw err; } finally { this.execute(`RELEASE _deno_sqlite_sp_${this.#transactionDepth}`); this.#transactionDepth -= 1; } }
/** * Serialize a database. * * The format is the same as would be written to disk * when modifying a database opened from a file. So for * an on-disk database file, this is just a copy of the * file contents on disk. * * If no `schema` name is specified the default * (`main`) schema is serialized. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const data = db.serialize(); * ``` * * Serialize the in-memory temporary database * * ```typescript * const temp = db.serialize("temp"); * ``` */ serialize(schema: "main" | "temp" | string = "main"): Uint8Array { const ptr = setStr(this.#wasm, schema, (ptr) => this.#wasm.serialize(ptr)); if (ptr === Values.Null) { throw new SqliteError(`Failed to serialize database '${schema}'`); } const length = this.#wasm.serialize_bytes(); // Make a copy of the returned data const data = new Uint8Array(this.#wasm.memory.buffer, ptr, length).slice(); this.#wasm.sqlite_free(ptr); return data; }
/** * Deserialize a database. * * The format is the same as would be read from disk * when opening a database from a file. * * When the database is deserialized, the contents of * the passed `data` buffer are copied. * * # Examples * * Replace the default (`main`) database schema * with the contents from `data`. * * ```typescript * db.deserialize(data); * ``` * * Create an in-memory database from a buffer. * * ```typescript * const db = new DB(); * db.deserialize(data); * ``` * * Deserialize `data` as a read-only database. * * ```typescript * db.deserialize(data, { mode: "read" }); * ``` * * Specify a schema name different from `main`. * Note that it is not possible to deserialize into * the `temp` database. * * ```typescript * db.execute("ATTACH DATABASE ':memory:' AS other"); // create schema 'other' * db.deserialize(data, { schema: "other" }); * ``` * * For more details see * and */ deserialize(data: Uint8Array, options?: SqliteDeserializeOptions) { const dataPtr = this.#wasm.sqlite_malloc(data.length); if (dataPtr === Values.Null) { throw new SqliteError("Out of memory.", Status.SqliteNoMem); } else { const mem = new Uint8Array( this.#wasm.memory.buffer, dataPtr, data.length, ); mem.set(data); }
let flags = DeserializeFlags.FreeOnClose; switch (options?.mode) { case "read": flags |= DeserializeFlags.ReadOnly; break; case "write": default: flags |= DeserializeFlags.Resizeable; break; }
const schema = options?.schema ?? "main"; const status = setStr( this.#wasm, schema, (schemaPtr) => this.#wasm.deserialize(schemaPtr, dataPtr, data.length, flags), ); if (status !== Status.SqliteOk) { throw new SqliteError( `Failed to deserialize into database '${schema}'`, status, ); } }
/** * Creates a custom (scalar) SQL function that can be * used in queries. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const log = (value: unknown) => { * console.log(value); * return value; * }; * db.createFunction(log); * db.query("SELECT name, log(updated_at) FROM users"); * ``` * * If a function is pure (i.e. always returns the same result * given the same input), it can be marked as `deterministic` to * enable additional optimizations. * * ```typescript * const discount = (price: number, salePercent: number) => num * (1 - salePercent / 100); * db.createFunction(discount, { deterministic: true }); * db.query("SELECT name, discount(price, :sale) FROM products", { sale: 15 }); * ``` * * The function name can be set explicitly. * * ```typescript * db.createFunction(() => Math.random(), { name: "jsRandom" }); * db.query("SELECT jsRandom()"); * ``` * * Functions can also take a variable number of arguments. * * ```typescript * const sum = (...nums: number[]) => nums.reduce((sum, num) => sum + num, 0); * db.createFunction(sum, { deterministic: true }); * db.query("SELECT sum(1, 2), sum(1,2,3,4)"); * ``` */ createFunction< A extends Array<SqlFunctionArgument> = Array<SqlFunctionArgument>, R extends SqlFunctionResult = SqlFunctionResult, >(func: (...args: A) => R, options?: SqliteFunctionOptions) { const name = options?.name ??; if (name === "") { throw new SqliteError("Function name can not be empty"); } else if (this.#functionNames.has(name)) { throw new SqliteError(`A function named '${name}' already exists`); }
const argc = func.length === 0 ? -1 : func.length; let flags = 0; if (options?.deterministic ?? false) flags |= FunctionFlags.Deterministic; if (options?.directOnly ?? true) flags |= FunctionFlags.DirectOnly; let funcIdx = 0; while (this.#functions[funcIdx] != undefined) funcIdx++; const status = setStr( this.#wasm, name, (name) => this.#wasm.create_function(name, argc, flags, funcIdx), );
if (status !== Status.SqliteOk) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, status); } else { this.#functions[funcIdx] = wrapSqlFunction( this.#wasm, name, /* This cast is not fully correct (because function arguments * are contra-variant), but makes defining custom functions * slightly nicer. */ func as unknown as SqlFunction, ); this.#functionNames.set(name, funcIdx); } }
/** * Delete a user-defined SQL function previously * created with `createFunction`. * * After the function is deleted, it can no longer be * used in queries, and is free to be re-defined. * * # Example * * ```typescript * const double = (num: number) => num * 2; * db.createFunction(double); * // use the function ... * db.deleteFunction("double"); * ``` */ deleteFunction(name: string) { if (this.#functionNames.has(name)) { const status = setStr( this.#wasm, name, (pts) => this.#wasm.delete_function(pts), ); if (status === Status.SqliteOk) { const funcIdx = this.#functionNames.get(name)!; this.#functionNames.delete(name); delete this.#functions[funcIdx]; } else { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, status); } } else { throw new SqliteError(`User defined function '${name}' does not exist`); } }
/** * Close the database. This must be called if * the database is no longer used to avoid leaking * open file descriptors. * * If called with `force = true`, any non-finalized * `PreparedQuery` objects will be finalized. Otherwise, * this throws if there are active queries. * * `close` may safely be called multiple * times. */ close(force = false) { if (!this.#open) { return; } if (force) { for (const stmt of this.#statements) { if (this.#wasm.finalize(stmt) !== Status.SqliteOk) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm); } } } if (this.#wasm.close() !== Status.SqliteOk) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm); } this.#open = false; }
/** * Get last inserted row id. This corresponds to * the SQLite function `sqlite3_last_insert_rowid`. * * Before a row is inserted for the first time (since * the database was opened), this returns `0`. */ get lastInsertRowId(): number { return this.#wasm.last_insert_rowid(); }
/** * Return the number of rows modified, inserted or * deleted by the most recently completed query. * This corresponds to the SQLite function * `sqlite3_changes`. */ get changes(): number { return this.#wasm.changes(); }
/** * Return the number of rows modified, inserted or * deleted since the database was opened. * This corresponds to the SQLite function * `sqlite3_total_changes`. */ get totalChanges(): number { return this.#wasm.total_changes(); }
/** * Returns `true` when in auto commit mode and `false` otherwise. * This corresponds to the SQLite function * `sqlite3_get_autocommit`. */ get autoCommit(): boolean { return this.#wasm.autocommit() !== 0; }
/** * Returns `true` when the database handle is closed * and can no longer be used. */ get isClosed(): boolean { return !this.#open; }}