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Deno SQLite module
import { StatementPtr, Wasm } from "../build/sqlite.js";import { getStr, setArr, setStr } from "./wasm.ts";import { Status, Types, Values } from "./constants.ts";import { SqliteError } from "./error.ts";
/** * The default type for returned rows. */export type Row = Array<unknown>;
/** * The default type for row returned * as objects. */export type RowObject = Record<string, unknown>;
/** * Possible parameter values to be bound to a query. * * When values are bound to a query, they are * converted between JavaScript and SQLite types * in the following way: * * | JS type in | SQL type | JS type out | * |------------|-----------------|------------------| * | number | INTEGER or REAL | number | * | bigint | INTEGER | number or bigint | * | boolean | INTEGER | number | * | string | TEXT | string | * | Date | TEXT | string | * | Uint8Array | BLOB | Uint8Array | * | null | NULL | null | * | undefined | NULL | null | * * If no value is provided for a given parameter, * SQLite will default to NULL. * * If a `bigint` is bound, it is converted to a * signed 64 bit integer, which may overflow. * * If an integer value is read from the database, which * is too big to safely be contained in a `number`, it * is automatically returned as a `bigint`. * * If a `Date` is bound, it will be converted to * an ISO 8601 string: `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ`. * This format is understood by built-in SQLite * date-time functions. Also see */export type QueryParameter = | boolean | number | bigint | string | null | undefined | Date | Uint8Array;
/** * A set of query parameters. * * When a query is constructed, it can contain * either positional or named parameters. For * more information see * * A set of parameters can be passed to * a query method either as an array of * parameters (in positional order), or * as an object which maps parameter names * to their values: * * | SQL Parameter | QueryParameterSet | * |---------------|-------------------------| * | `?NNN` or `?` | NNN-th value in array | * | `:AAAA` | value `AAAA` or `:AAAA` | * | `@AAAA` | value `@AAAA` | * | `$AAAA` | value `$AAAA` | * * See `QueryParameter` for documentation on * how values are converted between SQL * and JavaScript types. */export type QueryParameterSet = | Record<string, QueryParameter> | Array<QueryParameter>;
/** * Name of a column returned from a database query. */export interface ColumnName { /** * Name of the returned column. * * Corresponds to the `sqlite3_column_name` * function. */ name: string; /** * Name of the database column that stores * the data returned from this query. * * This might be different from `name` if a * columns was renamed using e.g. as in * `SELECT foo AS bar FROM table`. * * Corresponds to the `sqlite3_column_origin_name` * function. */ originName: string; /** * Name of the table that stores the data * returned from this query. * * Corresponds to the `sqlite3_column_table_name` * function. */ tableName: string;}
interface RowsIterator<R> { next: () => IteratorResult<R>; [Symbol.iterator]: () => RowsIterator<R>;}
/** * A prepared query which can be executed many * times. */export class PreparedQuery< R extends Row = Row, O extends RowObject = RowObject, P extends QueryParameterSet = QueryParameterSet,> { #wasm: Wasm; #stmt: StatementPtr; #openStatements: Set<StatementPtr>;
#status: number; #iterKv: boolean; #rowKeys?: Array<string>; #finalized: boolean;
/** * This constructor should never be used directly. * Instead a prepared query can be obtained by * calling `DB.prepareQuery`. */ constructor( wasm: Wasm, stmt: StatementPtr, openStatements: Set<StatementPtr>, ) { this.#wasm = wasm; this.#stmt = stmt; this.#openStatements = openStatements;
this.#status = Status.Unknown; this.#iterKv = false; this.#finalized = false; }
#startQuery(params?: P) { if (this.#finalized) { throw new SqliteError("Query is finalized."); }
// Reset query this.#wasm.reset(this.#stmt); this.#wasm.clear_bindings(this.#stmt);
// Prepare parameter array let parameters = []; if (Array.isArray(params)) { parameters = params; } else if (typeof params === "object") { // Resolve parameter index for named parameter for (const key of Object.keys(params)) { let name = key; // blank names default to ':' if (name[0] !== ":" && name[0] !== "@" && name[0] !== "$") { name = `:${name}`; } const idx = setStr( this.#wasm, name, (ptr) => this.#wasm.bind_parameter_index(this.#stmt, ptr), ); if (idx === Values.Error) { throw new SqliteError(`No parameter named '${name}'.`); } parameters[idx - 1] = params[key]; } }
// Bind parameters for (let i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) { let value = parameters[i]; let status; switch (typeof value) { case "boolean": value = value ? 1 : 0; // fall through case "number": if (Number.isSafeInteger(value)) { status = this.#wasm.bind_int(this.#stmt, i + 1, value); } else { status = this.#wasm.bind_double(this.#stmt, i + 1, value); } break; case "bigint": // bigint is bound as two 32bit integers and reassembled on the C side if (value > 9223372036854775807n || value < -9223372036854775808n) { throw new SqliteError( `BigInt value ${value} overflows 64 bit integer.`, ); } else { const posVal = value >= 0n ? value : -value; const sign = value >= 0n ? 1 : -1; const upper = Number(BigInt.asUintN(32, posVal >> 32n)); const lower = Number(BigInt.asUintN(32, posVal)); status = this.#wasm.bind_big_int( this.#stmt, i + 1, sign, upper, lower, ); } break; case "string": status = setStr( this.#wasm, value, (ptr) => this.#wasm.bind_text(this.#stmt, i + 1, ptr), ); break; default: if (value instanceof Date) { // Dates are allowed and bound to TEXT, formatted `YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSZ` status = setStr( this.#wasm, value.toISOString(), (ptr) => this.#wasm.bind_text(this.#stmt, i + 1, ptr), ); } else if (value instanceof Uint8Array) { // Uint8Arrays are allowed and bound to BLOB const size = value.length; status = setArr( this.#wasm, value, (ptr) => this.#wasm.bind_blob(this.#stmt, i + 1, ptr, size), ); } else if (value === null || value === undefined) { // Both null and undefined result in a NULL entry status = this.#wasm.bind_null(this.#stmt, i + 1); } else { throw new SqliteError(`Can not bind ${typeof value}.`); } break; } if (status !== Status.SqliteOk) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, status); } } }
#getQueryRow(): R { if (this.#finalized) { throw new SqliteError("Query is finalized."); }
const columnCount = this.#wasm.column_count(this.#stmt); const row: Row = new Array(columnCount); for (let columnIdx = 0; columnIdx < columnCount; columnIdx++) { switch (this.#wasm.column_type(this.#stmt, columnIdx)) { case Types.Integer: row[columnIdx] = this.#wasm.column_int(this.#stmt, columnIdx); break; case Types.Float: row[columnIdx] = this.#wasm.column_double(this.#stmt, columnIdx); break; case Types.Text: row[columnIdx] = getStr( this.#wasm, this.#wasm.column_text(this.#stmt, columnIdx), ); break; case Types.Blob: { const ptr = this.#wasm.column_blob(this.#stmt, columnIdx); if (ptr === 0) { // Zero pointer results in null row[columnIdx] = null; } else { const length = this.#wasm.column_bytes(this.#stmt, columnIdx); // Slice should copy the bytes, as it makes a shallow copy row[columnIdx] = new Uint8Array( this.#wasm.memory.buffer, ptr, length, ).slice(); } break; } case Types.BigInteger: { const ptr = this.#wasm.column_text(this.#stmt, columnIdx); row[columnIdx] = BigInt(getStr(this.#wasm, ptr)); break; } default: // TODO(dyedgreen): Differentiate between NULL and not-recognized? row[columnIdx] = null; break; } } return row as R; }
#makeRowObject(row: Row): O { if (this.#rowKeys == null) { const rowCount = this.#wasm.column_count(this.#stmt); this.#rowKeys = []; for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { this.#rowKeys.push( getStr(this.#wasm, this.#wasm.column_name(this.#stmt, i)), ); } }
const obj = row.reduce<RowObject>((obj, val, idx) => { obj[this.#rowKeys![idx]] = val; return obj; }, {}); return obj as O; }
/** * Binds the given parameters to the query * and returns an iterator over rows. * * Using an iterator avoids loading all returned * rows into memory and hence allows to process a large * number of rows. * * Calling `iter`, `all`, or `first` invalidates any iterators * previously returned from this prepared query. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<[number, string]>("SELECT id, name FROM people"); * for (const [id, name] of query.iter()) { * // ... * } * ``` * * To avoid SQL injection, user-provided values * should always be passed to the database through * a query parameter. * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM people WHERE name = ?"); * query.iter([name]); * ``` * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM people WHERE name = :name"); * query.iter({ name }); * ``` * * See `QueryParameterSet` for documentation on * how values can be bound to SQL statements. * * See `QueryParameter` for documentation on how * values are returned from the database. */ iter(params?: P): RowsIterator<R> { this.#startQuery(params); this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); if ( this.#status !== Status.SqliteRow && this.#status !== Status.SqliteDone ) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, this.#status); } this.#iterKv = false; return this as RowsIterator<R>; }
/** * Like `iter` except each row is returned * as an object containing key-value pairs. * * # Example * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<[number, string], { id: number, name: string }>("SELECT id, name FROM people"); * for (const { id, name } of query.iterEntries()) { * // ... * } * ``` */ iterEntries(params?: P): RowsIterator<O> { this.iter(params); this.#iterKv = true; return this as RowsIterator<O>; }
/** * @ignore * * Implements the iterable protocol. It is * a bug to call this method directly. */ [Symbol.iterator](): RowsIterator<R | O> { return this; }
/** * @ignore * * Implements the iterator protocol. It is * a bug to call this method directly. */ next(): IteratorResult<R | O> { if (this.#status === Status.SqliteRow) { const value = this.#getQueryRow(); this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); if (this.#iterKv) { return { value: this.#makeRowObject(value), done: false }; } else { return { value, done: false }; } } else if (this.#status === Status.SqliteDone) { return { value: null, done: true }; } else { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, this.#status); } }
/** * Binds the given parameters to the query * and returns an array containing all resulting * rows. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<[number, string]>("SELECT id, name FROM people"); * const rows = query.all(); * // rows = [[1, "Peter"], ...] * ``` * * To avoid SQL injection, user-provided values * should always be passed to the database through * a query parameter. * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM people WHERE name = ?"); * query.all([name]); * ``` * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM people WHERE name = :name"); * query.all({ name }); * ``` * * See `QueryParameterSet` for documentation on * how values can be bound to SQL statements. * * See `QueryParameter` for documentation on how * values are returned from the database. */ all(params?: P): Array<R> { this.#startQuery(params); const rows: Array<R> = []; this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); while (this.#status === Status.SqliteRow) { rows.push(this.#getQueryRow()); this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); } if (this.#status !== Status.SqliteDone) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, this.#status); } return rows; }
/** * Like `all` except each row is returned * as an object containing key-value pairs. * * # Example * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<[number, string], { id: number, name: string }>("SELECT id, name FROM people"); * const rows = query.allEntries(); * // rows = [{ id: 1, name: "Peter" }, ...] * ``` */ allEntries(params?: P): Array<O> { return this.all(params).map((row) => this.#makeRowObject(row)); }
/** * Binds the given parameters to the query * and returns the first resulting row or * `undefined` when there are no rows returned * by the query. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<[number, string]>("SELECT id, name FROM people"); * const person = query.first(); * // person = [1, "Peter"] * ``` * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id, name FROM people WHERE name = ?"); * const person = query.first(["not a name"]); * // person = undefined * ``` * * To avoid SQL injection, user-provided values * should always be passed to the database through * a query parameter. * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM people WHERE name = ?"); * query.first([name]); * ``` * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery("SELECT id FROM people WHERE name = :name"); * query.first({ name }); * ``` * * See `QueryParameterSet` for documentation on * how values can be bound to SQL statements. * * See `QueryParameter` for documentation on how * values are returned from the database. */ first(params?: P): R | undefined { this.#startQuery(params);
this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); let row = undefined; if (this.#status === Status.SqliteRow) { row = this.#getQueryRow(); }
while (this.#status === Status.SqliteRow) { this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); } if (this.#status !== Status.SqliteDone) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, this.#status); }
return row; }
/** * Like `first` except the row is returned * as an object containing key-value pairs. * * # Example * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<[number, string], { id: number, name: string }>("SELECT id, name FROM people"); * const person = query.firstEntry(); * // person = { id: 1, name: "Peter" } * ``` */ firstEntry(params?: P): O | undefined { const row = this.first(params); return row === undefined ? undefined : this.#makeRowObject(row); }
/** * **Deprecated:** prefer `first`. */ one(params?: P): R { const rows = this.all(params);
if (rows.length === 0) { throw new SqliteError("The query did not return any rows."); } else if (rows.length > 1) { throw new SqliteError("The query returned more than one row."); } else { return rows[0]; } }
/** * **Deprecated:** prefer `firstEntry`. */ oneEntry(params?: P): O { return this.#makeRowObject(; }
/** * Binds the given parameters to the query and * executes the query, ignoring any rows which * might be returned. * * Using this method is more efficient when the * rows returned by a query are not needed or * the query does not return any rows. * * # Examples * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<never, never, [string]>("INSERT INTO people (name) VALUES (?)"); * query.execute(["Peter"]); * ``` * * ```typescript * const query = db.prepareQuery<never, never, { name: string }>("INSERT INTO people (name) VALUES (:name)"); * query.execute({ name: "Peter" }); * ``` * * See `QueryParameterSet` for documentation on * how values can be bound to SQL statements. * * See `QueryParameter` for documentation on how * values are returned from the database. */ execute(params?: P) { this.#startQuery(params); this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); while (this.#status === Status.SqliteRow) { this.#status = this.#wasm.step(this.#stmt); } if (this.#status !== Status.SqliteDone) { throw new SqliteError(this.#wasm, this.#status); } }
/** * Closes the prepared query. This must be * called once the query is no longer needed * to avoid leaking resources. * * After a prepared query has been finalized, * calls to `iter`, `all`, `first`, `execute`, * or `columns` will fail. * * Using iterators which were previously returned * from the finalized query will fail. * * `finalize` may safely be called multiple * times. */ finalize() { if (!this.#finalized) { this.#wasm.finalize(this.#stmt); this.#openStatements.delete(this.#stmt); this.#finalized = true; } }
/** * Returns the column names for this query. */ columns(): Array<ColumnName> { if (this.#finalized) { throw new SqliteError( "Unable to retrieve column names from finalized transaction.", ); }
const columnCount = this.#wasm.column_count(this.#stmt); const columns: Array<ColumnName> = []; for (let i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { const name = getStr( this.#wasm, this.#wasm.column_name(this.#stmt, i), ); const originName = getStr( this.#wasm, this.#wasm.column_origin_name(this.#stmt, i), ); const tableName = getStr( this.#wasm, this.#wasm.column_table_name(this.#stmt, i), ); columns.push({ name, originName, tableName }); } return columns; }
/** * Returns the SQL string used to construct this * query, substituting placeholders (e.g. `?`) with * their values supplied in `params`. * * Calling this function invalidates any iterators * previously returned by calls to `iter`. * * See `QueryParameterSet` for documentation on * how values can be bound to SQL statements. */ expandSql(params?: P): string { this.#startQuery(params); const ptr = this.#wasm.expanded_sql(this.#stmt); const sql = getStr(this.#wasm, ptr); if (ptr != Values.Null) this.#wasm.sqlite_free(ptr); return sql; }}