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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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JSX is terrible for frontend. But it’s an acceptable way to create HTML code in server side, specially if it’s supported by default by TypeScript and Deno.

Most of the current JSX libraries are designed to work in server and client sides. They do complicated things like a virtual DOM, reactivity, hooks, hydration, events, etc, in order to create interactive user interfaces.

SSX is a minimal JSX library designed to be used ONLY in server side and output plain HTML code.

  • Created in TypeScript, for Deno.
  • Very fast. It uses the precompile option available in Deno.

    7-20x faster rendering times and a 50% reduction in Garbage Collection times.

  • Designed to output HTML. It uses real HTML attributes (no more className).
  • Great HTML documentation. Every element and property has a description and even links to MDN documentation. Types are generated using the data from VSCode Custom Data.
  • It supports async components (components returning a Promise).
  • Allows to insert raw HTML code easily (without patronizing you).


In your deno.json file:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "precompile",
    "jsxImportSource": "ssx"
  "imports": {
    "ssx/jsx-runtime": ""


function Main () {
  return (
        <custom-element />
        <Header name="World">
          Welcome to SSX
          {{ __html: "Raw <b>HTML</b> code" }}

// Async component
async function Header({ name, children }: { name: string; children: JSX.Children }) {
  const res = await fetch("");
  const json = await res.json();

  return (
      <h1>Hello {name}</h1>
      <p>Today is { json.status }</p>
      { children }

// String with the HTML code
console.log(await main());