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stable-diffusion-webui Client writen in Deno
import { type SDClient } from './interface.ts';import type * as SDModels from './SDModels.ts';import { decode } from "";import { ApiRequestable } from "./common.ts";import { SimpleDiffusionCaller } from "./SimpleDiffusionCaller.ts";import { buildProxy } from "./engine.ts";
export type ChangeModelResp = [ { /** * model name formated as "name [hash]" */ value: string, __type__: "update" }, /** * default config as json string, type: SDModels.Options */ string //'{"samples_save": true, "samples_format": "png", "samples_filename_pattern": "", "save_images_add_num...'];
export interface PredictResponse<T> { data: T; is_generating: boolean; duration: number; average_duration: number;}
/** * main entry point. */function SDClientProxy(apiEngine: ApiRequestable | string = ''): SDClient { if (typeof apiEngine === 'string') { apiEngine = new SimpleDiffusionCaller(apiEngine); } return buildProxy<SDClient>(apiEngine);}
export class SDHelper { public readonly client: SDClient; public readonly session_hash: string; constructor(client?: SDClient | string, session_hash?: string) { if (!client) { this.client = SDClientProxy(); } else if (typeof client === 'string') { this.client = SDClientProxy(client); } else { this.client = client; } this.session_hash = session_hash || Math.random().toString(36).split('.')[1]; }
/** * MTD 115 */ async getHtml115(): Promise<PredictResponse<string>> { const { session_hash } = this; const resp =$('predict').$post({ fn_index: 115, session_hash, data: [] }); const data2 = await resp as PredictResponse<[string]>; const html =[0] as string;
const result: PredictResponse<string> = { average_duration: data2.average_duration, duration: data2.duration, is_generating: data2.is_generating, data: html, } return result; }
/** * MTD 116 * @param data Options object as return by the API, do not handcrarf it, the Object is filed order sensitif. * @returns */ async setOptions(data: SDModels.Options): Promise<PredictResponse<{ opts: SDModels.Options, changes: number }>> { const { session_hash } = this; const resp =$('predict').$post({ fn_index: 116, session_hash, data: Object.values(data) }); const data2 = await resp as PredictResponse<[string, string]>; const [optsStr, changesStr] =[1]; const opts: SDModels.Options = JSON.parse(optsStr); const changes = Number(changesStr.replaceAll(/[^\d+]/g, ''));
const result: PredictResponse<{ opts: SDModels.Options, changes: number }> = { average_duration: data2.average_duration, duration: data2.duration, is_generating: data2.is_generating, data: { opts, changes }, } return result; }
/** * MTD 117 * @param client * @param model * @returns */ async changeModels(model: SDModels.SDModelItem): Promise<PredictResponse<{ value: string, options: SDModels.Options }>> { const { session_hash } = this; const resp = await$('predict').$post({ fn_index: 117, session_hash, data: [`${model.model_name} [${model.hash}]`] }) as PredictResponse<ChangeModelResp>; const { is_generating, duration, average_duration } = resp; const out = { is_generating, duration, average_duration, data: { value:[0].value, options: JSON.parse([1]) as SDModels.Options, } } return out; }
/** * MTD 118 */ getSetting(): Promise<Array<boolean | number | string>> { const { session_hash } = this; const resp =$('predict').$post({ fn_index: 118, session_hash, data: [] }); return resp as Promise<Array<boolean | number | string>>; }
/** * MTD 120 Extensions */ async getHtml120(): Promise<PredictResponse<string>> { const { session_hash } = this; const resp =$('predict').$post({ fn_index: 120, session_hash, data: [] }); const data2 = await resp as PredictResponse<[string]>; const html =[0] as string;
const result: PredictResponse<string> = { average_duration: data2.average_duration, duration: data2.duration, is_generating: data2.is_generating, data: html, } return result; }
getCurrentOptions(): Promise<SDModels.Options> { return this.client.sdapi.v1.options.$get() }
async getModels(): Promise<{ selected: SDModels.SDModelItem | null, list: SDModels.SDModelItem[] }> { let selectHash = ''; const options = await this.client.sdapi.v1.options.$get(); const sd_model_checkpoint = options.sd_model_checkpoint || ''; const m = sd_model_checkpoint?.match(/(.+) \[([a-f0-9]+)\]/); if (m) { selectHash = m[2]; } const list = await this.client.sdapi.v1["sd-models"].$get(); let selected: SDModels.SDModelItem | null = null; for (const model of list) { if (selectHash === model.hash) { selected = model; } } return { selected, list }; }
/** * call txt2image and return image as buffer */ async txt2img(request: SDModels.StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img): Promise<{ images?: Uint8Array[], parameters: SDModels.StableDiffusionProcessingTxt2Img, info: string }> { const img = await this.client.sdapi.v1.txt2img.$post(request); return { images: (img.images || []).map(b64 => decode(b64)), parameters: img.parameters, info:, }; }}