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stable-diffusion-webui Client writen in Deno
import { decodeBase64, sharp } from "../deps.ts";import { ApiRawResponse } from "../../mod.ts";
/** * @class StableDiffusionResult * @classdesc Result of a Stable Diffusion image processing API call * @param {StableDiffusionApiRawResponse} Raw axios response * @property {sharp.Sharp} image - First sharp image from the result list * @property {sharp.Sharp[]} images - List of sharp images * @property {any} info - Info object * @property {any} parameters - Parameters object * @property {AxiosApiRawResponse} response - Raw response from the API * @example * const api = new StableDiffusionApi() * const result = await api.txt2img({ * prompt: "The brain of a computer", * }) * * // Save the first image * result.image.toFile("result.png") * * // Save all images *, i) => { * image.toFile(`result_${i}.png`) * }) */export default class StableDiffusionResult<PARAMETER, INFO> { images: string[] = [];
// images: sharp.Sharp[] = []; info: INFO | {html_info: string}; parameters: PARAMETER;
constructor(public data: ApiRawResponse) { if (data.image && typeof data.image === "string") { this.images.push(data.image); } if (data.images && Array.isArray(data.images)) { for (const image of data.images) { this.images.push(image); } } const { info, html_info } = data as { info?: string; html_info?: string; }; if (info && info.startsWith("{")) { = JSON.parse(info); } else if (html_info) { if (html_info.startsWith("{")) { = JSON.parse(html_info); } else { = { html_info }; } } else { = { html_info: "" }; } this.parameters = data.parameters || {}; }
public static base64toSharp(base64: string): sharp.Sharp { const imageBuffer: Uint8Array = decodeBase64(base64); return sharp(imageBuffer); }
public getSharpImage(id: number) { if (!this.images[id]) throw Error(`OutOfBound Error no image id: ${id}, Total images: ${this.images.length}`) return StableDiffusionResult.base64toSharp(this.images[id]); };
/** * First sharp image from the result list, or undefined if no images * @returns {sharp.Sharp} First sharp image from the result list */ // public get image(): sharp.Sharp { // return this.images[0]; // }}